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[RPG] [男爵領] オーレクタ砂漠の魔術師 / [barony sengia] Magician of the Olecta Desert Ver.1.030

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・すっごくたくさんの進行不能バグ、不具合、バランス等を修正しました。 ・原因のよくわからないバグを付け焼き刃みたいな感じで誤魔化しました。 *** 注意 *** このゲームは「ルゴーム砦の脱出」の続編にあたりますが、 ストーリー上の直接の繋がりはありません。 前作未プレイの方でもご安心してプレイできるとおもいます。 この作品はフィクションです。 実際の個人・団体・事件等とは一切関係ありません。 一部犯罪行為となる描写、過激なシーン、グロテスクなシーンが 含まれますが、それらの行為を容認する意図は全くありません。 当サークルは、如何なる犯罪行為も容認しておりません。 決して真似をしないでください。 このゲームが及ぼす影響について、当サークルは 一切の責任を負いません。 ※現在の体験版は製作途中です。内容に関しては変更になる場合があります。 体験版セーブデータを製品版に移し替えた場合の不具合に関しては、 一切保証・対応いたしかねます。 *** ストーリー *** 冒険者ギルドに所属する、盗賊の少女アイシャ。 彼女がギルドから受けた仕事は……かの【大いなるレクタ砂漠】に住むという 大魔術師ローウェンに、ギルドの書簡を届けるというものだった。 彼の元にたどり着くには、砂漠の中にあるレクタ遺跡を突破しなければならない。 そして、その遺跡には危険な砂賊や邪教徒が潜んでいるとも言われている…… 果たして彼女は、前人未到の「レクタ遺跡」を突破する事ができるのか───? *** 概要 *** 戦闘面で貧弱な主人公を操り、限られた装備で遺跡を突破する短編探索型RPGです。 遺跡内を探索し、様々な危機を乗り越えて魔術師の元に辿り着くのが目的です! ステルスで砂賊たちの警備をかいくぐり、色仕掛けで籠絡し、いざとなれば暗殺で突破。 捕まって陵辱されたり、自分から誘ったり、何かダメで奴隷にされたりしながら進めていきます。 純愛イベントはないですが、ガチ陵辱かと聞かれたらちょっと困る感じです。察してください。 着替え・コスプレ要素はお茶を濁す程度くらいしかないと思います。 *** 本編 *** ジャンル:18禁ダンジョン探索RPG 1プレイ大体1~3時間程度。 CG大体24枚前後、差分はそこそこ。 グロリョナ絵はないとおもいます。 戦闘中の脱衣はないとおもいます。 和姦はわかんないです。 *** その他 *** こちらは「RPGツクールVXAce」を利用して製作されております。 ゲームプレイの際には「RPGツクールVXAce RTP」が必要となりますので、 下記URLからダウンロードをし、インストールを行ってください。 http://tkool.jp/support/download/index


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First monthly topic of the decade feat. dungeons, caves, and tactical stealth

Anime and Manga - Other Titles

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Boards Anime and Manga - Other Titles First monthly topic of the decade feat. dungeons, caves, and tactical stealth
Unusually early, yes, but there's been a slew of games that came out this past week. I figure we can keep this topic around until the end of the month. First up, Metal Gear--I mean, Ado--Adosta? howthef***doyouromanizethisname Sea Island. If you've seen this game... https://store.steampowered.com/app/1015750/Escape_from_Fortress_Lugohm/ Then you might know that this is only the first game in the series, though there doesn't appear to be any continuity between them, which is probably for the best since each game stars the same heroine and she's a virgin at the beginning each time. The game stars Aisha, a thief guild member who has to infiltrate/escape a castle (first game), desert bandit hideout (second game), or now, a pirate cove. She's acrobatic and stealthy, but her preferred weapon is a crossbow and she doesn't do well in straight fights. As such, she needs to sneak her way past guards if she wants to get anywhere. Of course, she could use her body to seduce guards instead. If she falls in battle, she'll end up in a prison and the sex gets a lot less consensual. Only the first game is translated, which is a shame, as the sequels do add more QoL stuff. The first game had stock moans that the second game oddly removes, for some reason, but the second game adds a playable bad end where, if Aisha gets caught too many times, the bandit leader enforces a magical slave contract on her, and she's forced to do "chores" for the bandits for the rest of the game. This third game that just got released, however, adds both full voice AND animations. With all that said, the game is notoriously tricky with its puzzles. Even without the language barrier in the first game, there are some noticeably stingy solutions to some puzzles that had me running all around the base for a few hours before I found where I needed to look (though the last point I got stuck was partially my fault, I activated a scene that I *thought* I saw, then went to the place I figured I was supposed to go and couldn't activate a flag because apparently I loaded a save that didn't see that first scene yet). Next up is Dungeon Party, which got translated by the same person who did the predecessor, Panic Party. I mentioned Panic Party in November's topic. Since I can't use the title screen for Dungeon Party, I'll just repost Panic Party. https://i.imgur.com/ngJpLQI.png Panic Party featured two girls and an "escape from the eroge that reuses ero-trap mechanics from the previous game", whereas Dungeon Party is a more traditional "skimpy-dressed mage girl gets stuck with a talking curse that saps her magic and can freely stimulate her body whenever she wants who decides to go to a dungeon in order to find a way to remove it". Since it's the predecessor, it has the same animated portraits, similar ero traps and situations, and annoyingly, the same issue with the abrupt ending. Quite a few scenes are also much more out of the way to get, so I used a 100% save after finishing it normally to see what I missed (and ended up deleting half of my old saves at the same time, yay). Last (for now) is Sorcery Kingdom. From the same circle that did Little Braver (which is translated) and Primal Sphere (which is not) comes the third game. Looks like this time features a scythe-wielding loli named Leticia. The setting looks to have some futuristic elements (the scythe looks like this), and you get a computer in your inn room. I'm not sure what the plot is this time either, but there's a slime loli I saved who's boarded up in the room next to mine, and the next boss is against these two ghosts (?). Dunno how to even progress the plot otherwise, since I did a quick look-around and there wasn't a guild in the first city that you were required to go to, like in Little Braver. https://i.imgur.com/tJALaKo.png
Eab1990 (Topic Creator) 2 years ago #2
Next game(s) I want to discuss is the Lulu Farea series. I believe all the games are translated, but only the first game is on Steam. https://store.steampowered.com/app/998220/The_Dungeon_of_Lulu_Farea/ The first game was released on Steam last year, and the translation has been out for years prior. I played it about half a year ago myself. It's not so much an RPG as it is a puzzle/resource management game disguised as an RPG, with said resources being HP, health pickups, and attack/armor pickups. Once I got over my initial bout of OCD (I repeated the first ten floors MULTIPLE times before hitting a wall on floor 11, then decided to give up and play the game casually from then on), the game gets surprisingly deep, and I don't just mean the mechanics. The characters that seemed one-dimensional get fleshed out more, and the humor gets more and more over the top. Early on, you meet a slime loli named Myuu. She doesn't even talk at first, and only after you defeat (and sex) her does she talk. Her reason? "Mom told me not to talk to strangers." She then becomes part of your armor and travels with you for the rest of the dungeon, with the intent to observe the MC's desire to "become friends with monsters without killing them, and marry monstergirls". It sounds silly and trashy, but half the waifus you meet later on have such amusing personalities that the true ending gets a lot more emotional than you'd expect. Of note is the zombie loli on floor 23, Rami. She acts tough (and hits f***ing hard for a zombie) at first, but when MC admits that she's cute despite the whole "being dead" thing, it surprises her so much that she ends up seriously falling in love at first sight with him, and wanting to start a happy family, having thought that dream was all but impossible since "no one else thinks zombies are cute". There's also a cute demon loli at the exact halfway point, floor 29. Luluu, the youngest sister of Farea, who plays the imouto role once she's beaten. After that, floors 31-40 are the residential area, where all the floor guardians (read: waifu bosses) live and their routes can be furthered (read: more sex) from there. As for completing Myuu's route (which can only be done by completing everyone else's routes) and getting the true ending... well, that's obviously a little harder to do without some help (read: cheating by getting infinite currency in-game). Someday I'll try playing the game legit. Today's probably not that day. Anyway, related to Lulu Farea 1 (but not part of the series) is Elf Girl Mimia. The setting seems different entirely, but the game is instead a raising sim where the MC finds an elf loli to become his pet. I actually haven't even 100%'d this, despite playing it before Lulu Farea 1. Still, there's a surprising lot of lewds to be had with this elf loli. Anyway, that brings us to Lulu Farea 2, also called Demonic Nation Florehades. This I haven't played, but only just recently downloaded. I've heard it wasn't as good as the first, but again, seeing as how much I enjoyed the first game's story and characters, I'm curious to see how the sequel handled the first game's true ending.
Eab1990 (Topic Creator) 2 years ago #3
Right, I keep forgetting. Magic & Slash is also out translated, on MangaGamer. And I keep forgetting to go to the bank to get my card unlocked for international purchases. Blah.
Whats the japanese title for that fortress of lughom thing or the sequel? I'd like to check it out.
"Corn-cob-man? There's a lot of sick people in this town."- Red Guy
Eab1990 (Topic Creator) 2 years ago #5
ルゴーム砦の脱出 (RJ127061) The other two are オーレクタ砂漠の魔術師 (RJ183797) and アドゥスタ海の孤島 (RJ272052).
"Corn-cob-man? There's a lot of sick people in this town."- Red Guy
Eab1990 (Topic Creator) 2 years ago #7
Haven't had the chance to continue with Adusta or whatever, but I was getting stuck anyway. Someone posted a guide on ULMF, but I'll wander around on my own for a bit longer. That said, apparently there's a playable bad end in this game too, though it's activated differently than the previous game. Rather than lose to generic pirates a bunch, you need to lose to a certain mob underneath the cave?
Eab1990 (Topic Creator) 2 years ago #8
A few h-anime are out. Looks like they're both HRPG adaptations. First is Branded Azel. The episode isn't subbed yet, but the game is. I remember the innkeeper being lewd (and subject to some censorship on Steam because she had a loli face or some stupid reason). Second is Fukai ni Nemuru Oujo no Abaddon, which is already subbed. I saw the PV a while back, and it does look pretty good. The original RPG is fairly old though, and it's also a topdown pixel style game, so I'm not sure if it's worth checking out.
Eab1990 posted... Second is Fukai ni Nemuru Oujo no Abaddon, which is already subbed. I saw the PV a while back, and it does look pretty good. The original RPG is fairly old though, and it's also a topdown pixel style game, so I'm not sure if it's worth checking out. If you're not really fluent in japanese its very difficult to understand. All the text is in hiragana and possibly katakana and its a pain to read.
"Corn-cob-man? There's a lot of sick people in this town."- Red Guy
Eab1990 (Topic Creator) 2 years ago #10
Fair enough. Though if it's not kanji heavy, that already sounds easier than, say, Aisha's games. Though this last Aisha game has both the benefit of 1) voice acting if I can't read what Aisha's saying, and 2) item icons that tell you what you need to open X area. On that note, Aisha's VA did a really good job. She's suitably lewd enough in h-scenes, yes, but she goes super over-the-top when it comes to reacting to more humorous moments (like digging through trash or touching slimy aquatic creatures). Also, late warning, but there's (surprise?) gore in Abaddon. The tentacles are apparently the crushing type.
Boards Anime and Manga - Other Titles First monthly topic of the decade feat. dungeons, caves, and tactical stealth
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