Rise.eco (RiseSTO) a scam or not?

Rise.eco (RiseSTO) a scam or not?

Laurents father

How to avoid being fooled

First: I strongly believe, Rice ICO is a big SCAM. Why? I will tell you…


We all want to believe. And we all want to get rich. Like the billionaires. We want to be like Soros, Buffet, Bezos, Gates and Elon Musk. Yes, we need such dreams. They set us free. And my guess is that you are already dreaming the day when you will receive your first payouts from your Rise investment.

But wait...

Have you ever thought that it might be a SCAM? Of course you have. But all your concerns have been washed away by their posts and convincing answers. No time to raise concerns. But I show you, why you should be more than concerned.

are you new to blockchain?

If you are a beginner, you should read this: Most cryptocurrency experts recommend that you should NOT invest in an ICO at the beginning. Stay with Bitcoin or any other preferred Top20 Altcoin (Etherium, etc.)! The complex nature of an ICO will make it impossible for you to keep track. You need to understand so much more about blockchain, this could easily lead to mistakes and the loss of all your investments.

Blockchain technology will not go away, but it take some years of adaption

legal concerns

  1. Rise will present you with a contract (the prospectus) in the very last moment. This is your legally binding document. You should read (and understand) it BEFORE you invest!
  2. the smart contract defines the rules of any token transaction. It controls the payouts or the selling of (your or team) tokens. These rules cannot be changed. Read the AUDIT of the smart contract BEFORE you invest!
  3. in the whitepaper you should find the answer, how Rise will aim to be successful and aims to be successful and the measures they take to achieve these goals. They failed to explain. Or can you work out those answers for yourself?
always consult your legal advisor or lawyer before signing a contract


  1. Did you asked yourself, where will the additional tokens come from, namely those offered to you as the payout method? No? Well, Rise has no answer to it. They argue, they will buy them on the exchanges. Yes, this is their explanation. Buying RSE tokens (fees apply) and sending them to your wallet. They probably will give you their own cheap tokens (founder tokens) and cash out the money for themselves.
  2. And what about the huge gains you see prominently on their website? Over 150% per year? You surely would not share such huge profits with anyone in the world, would you? No, of course not, you will keep the money for yourself. Why would you give it away. Where is the logic?
  3. You know, that even before you buy one single token, they will already have sold (given away) tokens dirty cheap: Team, Advisors, Company, Private Pre-sale Investors, Pre-sale Investors. That makes a total of 5 groups already fully charged up with tokens. They bought at $ 0.01–0.50 per token and are happy to sell them to you the moment the token hits exchanges. I take a bet: From the moment that the token price is be listed, it will steadily fall. Every day the will sell. Even at $ 0.50 they can sell them to you and they will. No vesting period for all of these tokens is defined. It‘s a Rip-Off, a fregatura we call it.
  4. Exchanges like HitBTC and Bitfinex are just perfect to dump tokens. Both exchanges are known for their fraud practices. Google it!


Do any of you understand the tech behind? They will make simple day trading on crypto exchanges. A high risk gamble. Risk scoring is 6/6.


And you understand, they will take only 69% from the funds for that? The remaining 31% will go into …. black hole. For ex. cruise ship tours and paying seed investors. You hear correctly: the will pay the seed investors from your money. Another part will be taken for salaries (whatever they want to pay themselves). Even this stack is not a minor stack. But with only 69% for investing, they have to make even more profits. The bar is even higher than the promised 675% (as per default setting of the calculator). How they want to make 100% or even 200% on a yearly base? Unlikely to do.

By the way, I haven’t seen any proof as to whether the algos and strategies really work under market conditions in the crypto sphere. Have you? They only tell you about, how good they have performed in the past, selling assets on traditional markets. But traditional markets have nothing to do with crypto markets. Crypto is not value based, is traded 24/7 and the volatility is part of the game. It’s really a gamble and losing all is a possible outcome.

Lifetime ppain, no lifetime payouts


I have strong doubts about such a business model. And if you watch closely, you must admit, you have to believe them. You have to believe all the fabricated numbers, press releases and promises.

Speaking about reviews. I noticed, that Trustpilot review website (a major website to leave a review on services and goods) was bombarded lately by 5***** reviews from many people. This happened after many reviewers started warning the public about Rise. Before Trustpilot was full of 1* reviews and the reputation was poor. But then, suddenly Rise stepped in and the rating changed dramatically. After only one week, almost 50 reviews gave 5*****. But they got busted by making mistakes. 

fabricated reviews on Trustpilot

update: Trustpilot removed the fake reviews meanwhile

Even worst: Rise is also censoring Telegram chat and Facebook and all the other social media. If you have a concerned question or you try to ask about the real numbers and charts or about the history of some of the Rise team members: You are out and banned.

Blockchain was invented for more transparency and not more censorship

PS: Some of the team members are from Envion (the scam ICO from Switzerland) and they do now the same with Rise. Source: www.medium.com/p/6d12a594af41


If this is all true, these practices are highly criminal. I will stay away and you should stay away too

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