Rio De Janeiro Tumblr

Rio De Janeiro Tumblr


Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, photo by Catharine Caliman
Популярные блоги на тему "rio-de-janeiro"
Como formular um planejamento estratégico de alta eficiência em sua empresa
Whatsapp Pay - Como Funciona o Envio Dinheiro diretamente pelo aplicativo
Como criar link do WhatsApp [GUIA RÁPIDO]
Precisa criar um link para whatsapp? Veja como fazer rapidamente!
Apesar de tudo, o Rio de Janeiro continua - e continuará - lindo.
learning: Spanish (B1), French (A2), Brazilian Portuguese (A2) I speak: German & English I post about: languages, study abroad & sometimes random stuff (sorry)
third day of italian quarantine: everything is closed, everyone is at home and so... WILD BOARS ARE IN MY TOWN WITH THEIR BABIES!!!! i’m laughing so hard
O choro pode durar uma noite, mas a alegria vem pela manhã .
quem é que junta os cacos dos corações que foram partidos pelas pessoas que partiram?
Sinto a sua falta e conto as horas numa pressa desesperada que só se aquieta quando te vê.
Sobre nós dois, o que sobrou foi uma caneca velha do Harry Potter, meio lascada e tão fraca quanto o nosso amor. Quebrou-se.
Giovanna, 23, Rio de Janeiro - she/her - ask box is open
Tenho um problema de memória. Eu lembro demais.
Site de acompanhantes de luxo e Garotas de Programa na cidade do Rio de Janeiro
Seja a mudança que você quer ver no mundo
If you don't like MARVEL we can't be friends .
FRIENDSHIP:   Aquarius is outgoing and eccentric so they need friends who accept them for who they are and who are also a little eccentric. Aquarians like the underdogs and prefer not to hang out with people who are brown nosers or who are popular. Aquarians are nice people and prefer not to be argumentive with other people. Aquarians are against discrimination which also means they will be friends with any gender, race or sexuality.
LOOKS:        Aquarians are usually healthy however can tend to put some weight on because they do enjoy their food. Aquarians are eccentric and different looking and that’s the way they prefer it. Aquarians like to dress nice and wear different colours. They always look neat and tidy and they also like to wear makeup.
CAREER:       Aquarians would be ideal working as doctors or vets as blood and guts don’t worry them and they are also compassionate. Aquarians are also creative and come up with fantastic ideas so they could work in any creative work place and excel within their job. Aquarians are also helpers so you will often find them working for charity groups and doing volunteer work. They also love protesting for what they care about. Aquarians are also good at working in administration.
GOOD POINTS: Aquarians are individuals and won’t want to copy anybody else. They have a number of interests and hobbies so they never get bored. Aquarians love learning new things so they enjoy reading nonfiction books as well as watching documentaries. They are respectful of others and like to be fair in their judgement. Sometimes Aquarians do get jealous however this isn’t very often. Aquarians are compassion and have a whole load of empathy so they will be the ones fighting for human rights, animals and the environment. Aquarians are also extremely funny and they are great company for those who can take a joke. Aquarians are good company to keep.
BAD POINTS:   Aquarians are quite promiscuous and have high sex drives – they may end up getting pregnant (or getting someone else pregnant) or ending up with a STD. Aquarians are also unpredictable and rebellious, this sign is certainly not a conformist. Aquarians also tend to daydream about a better future which may prevent them from living their own life. Aquarians are so loving and trusting of people this can go wrong for them and others may take advantage of them or they might be too trusting of the wrong people. Even though Aquarians are against discrimination, particularly to themselves and people like them – it doesn’t mean they are against all discrimination. Aquarians can still be prejudiced against a particular group of people which means they will end up losing loved ones as a result, which is such a shame. Even though some Aquarians who enjoy having a drink and having fun, you will find Aquarians who are stuck in the mud and don’t like to drink or have fun and are more conservative.
Sex is Cool But.. through the SIGNS
Personal Photography of
E se eu pudesse entrar na sua vida...
Personal photos:
Olimpista, creador de GIF de Olimpia, Divaguero y Romantico de Naturaleza..
"Il piacere dei ricordi mi era stato portato via perché non c'era più nessuno con cui ricordare. A quel che pareva, perdere il proprio compagno di memorie era come perdere i ricordi stessi, come se le cose che avevamo fatto fossero meno vere e importanti, adesso, di quanto non fossero state solo poche ore prima."
Tu sei quel posto che considero quando cerco un posto sicuro
its still al long time to the olympic games of 2016. we present the pictures taken with Instagram of events and moments at the Barra Olympic Park, Rio de Janeiro
Olympics are over, medals won and medals lost. We'll end here!
Ela disse: “Estou com tanto medo…” E eu perguntei: “Por quê?” Aí, ela respondeu: “Porque estou me sentindo profundamente feliz. E uma felicidade assim é assustadora.” Voltei a perguntar por quê, e ela prosseguiu: “Só permitem que alguém seja assim tão feliz se estão se preparando para lhe tirar algo”.
O Caçador de Pipas.   (via repouse)
Você só ganha o meu humilde respeito se fizer ela gozar duas vezes _|_
Flashmob global, dia 30 de julho as 15hrs no Aterro do Flamengo! Avenida Dom Infante Henrique, sem numero. Próximo ao Porcão Rio's!
[ATENÇÃO] Envie uma mensagem diretamente para seu K-Idol!
Nós aqui do Koban juntamos nossas moedinhas, assaltamos nossos porquinhos e trabalhamos feito loucos para ir em Paris, no Festival Music Bank.
Dream Stage - Rio de Janeiro - Brazil!: [ATENÇÃO] Envie uma mensagem diretamente para seu K-Idol!
i just love one direction and taylor swift
" ... Cidade maravilhosa, coração do meu Brasil ... "
O Museu Nacional reúne os maiores acervos científicos da América Latina, laboratórios de pesquisa e cursos de pós-graduação. As peças que compõem as exposições abertas ao público, (cerca de três mil atualmente) são parte dos 20 milhões de itens das coleções científicas conservadas e estudadas pelos Departamentos de Antropologia, Botânica, Entomologia, Invertebrados, Vertebrados, Geologia e Paleontologia.
A Baía de Guanabara, onde fica o Rio, foi descoberta pelo explorador português Gaspar de Lemos em 1 de janeiro de 1502.
"I'd rather laugh with the sinners than cry with the saints, the sinners are much more fun" I live in Brazil, surf everyday and I sleep with my dog. I ALWAYS FOLLOW BACK!
Um apaixonado pelo Rio de Janeiro, apresentando novos ângulos lindos e maravilhosos da Maravilhosa...
021 // ig: samaraleikou // real ganja girl
a ideia de que somos tão capazes de amar mas escolhemos ser tóxicos 
a cor que eu mais gosto é o tom que teus olhos têm.
"Poor those who are what they always wanted to be. They are dead."
This quote is from a book titled Conversa com leões (Conversation with Lions) by Leonardo Marona. Written in Portuguese, I translated these two sentences from the preface which are particularly indicative of how I feel about yoga, queerness, and postmodernity in general. Leonardo Marona is a writer, an acquaintance of mine, and he lives in Rio de Janeiro. I have been trying to get him to attend one of my yoga classes and I hope this post encourages him to make the turning decision.
As a yoga instructor, my job basically consists of teaching people how to bend, how to submit to expansion and compression, how to breathe, and ultimately, how to give in to the flow of things. Instead of revealing "true" selves, my aim is to teach how yoga gets us closer to the self as unfinished, not "true", but changing. 
In the yoga room, a common problem is people trying too hard to compete against themselves and others. These people seem to be more concerned with the apparently fixed results of the posture rather than the steady process of transformation. This type of end-product attitude is not uncommon in our quick fix culture and it unfortunately intersects with how people think about bodies and yoga. Those who hold too tightly and too strictly on results risk losing the very thing they scurry towards by over stepping vital points of access. Those people suffer from a lack of doubt. Already knowing who they are and what they are capable of, their practice is effectively unyielding and dead. This is why Morona's quote is so telling. If being exactly who you always wanted to be is to be dead then the very essence of living is to be unresolved, unfinished, unstable, queer.
The Queer Yoga Collective of Rio de Janeiro presents Hike + Meditation Vol 2.
This happening is going down on Saturday March 29th, 2014 at 14:00 hours. We will meet at the base of Vidigal and then hike up to the peak of Dois Irmãos.
Click here for a Google Maps address and picture of the exact meeting place. We will gather right in front of the blue concrete steps. E-mail us at to RSVP and I will respond with a contact phone number in case you get lost. The location is easily accessible by bus. Click here for detailed mass transit directions from your location.
Queer Yoga Collective aims to provide a meeting space for LGBTQ persons interested in yoga and meditation in Rio de Janeiro. Despite the specificity, everyone is welcome to join (even those who identify as heterosexual). All you need is an open heart and a sense of adventure. You can expect a basic yoga session, a short meditation, and a discussion on queerness and LGBT identity. Volume 1 had some groovy folks attend I am sure Volume 2 will be just as funky. 
Archdiocese of Saint Sebastian of Rio de Janeiro Rua Benjamin Constant, 23 - Glória 20241-150 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil Tel.: +55 (21) 2292-3132 Redes Sociais [Social Networks]:
DNJ 2013 | Dia Nacional da Juventude | Rio
Símbolos da JMJ em Santa Cruz | Jul-06
Os símbolos chegavam ao Rio por Santa Cruz, na Zona Oeste, em 6 de julho, provenientes da Diocese de Itaguaí.
How can I open my third eye/gain astral sight? Just through meditation and the sensing exercises you mentioned? Do you have any tips? Thank you so so much for the advice.
There are many ways to hone your astral sight, and is best to do as many as possible whenever you can. Overall, you need to be pretty much constantly aware of the energies around you and that you are a spirit within a body. 
Some photos, thoughts, music, stuff...
Even at your worst, you are fucking incredible.
I just want to be at a beach sipping on a margarita 🍸
uma canceriana com ascendente em aquário
Tô com saudade, vô vê se me olha dentre as nuvens e manda um sonho bom pra eu te ver sorrindo.
GAY m4m MASSAGE IN RIO - melhor lugar para reservar sua massagem gay no Rio De Janeiro
Personal masseur: new trend or necessity?
Tu és eternamente responsável por aquilo que cativas
É, realmente é difícil se estruturar depois que a tempestade leva aquilo que te mantia com os pés no chão, mas chega uma hora que você entende que nasceu para voar.
A dor purifica mais rápido que o amor.
𝑨𝑹𝑶𝑼𝑵𝑫 𝑻𝑯𝑬 𝑾𝑶𝑹𝑳𝑫  ⤷ Brazil (as requested by @noorasaertre & @darthvxdwr)
The Cure on Copacabana Beach in Rio De Janiero, 1987.
‘Don't confuse the reaction of the oppressed with the violence of the oppressor’ 
Rio de Janeiro - Brazil | NICO BHLR

New Year celebration in Rio de Janeiro
Flames engulf the 200-year-old National Museum of Brazil, in Rio de Janeiro, Sunday, 2 Sept. 2018.
Популярные блоги на тему "rio de janeiro"
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Check out this video: and join me on Stream!
\ Arte do Brasil. O Brasil na arte\ Brazilian art. Art about Brazil\ Искусство Бразилии. Бразилия в искусстве\
Art/Music teacher who likes to take photos
Apesar de tudo, o Rio de Janeiro continua - e continuará - lindo.
oops!... I stepped on your coffin . com. militancy, memes, music, bitching, drinks and loneliness. 💋
𝐄𝐚𝐜𝐡 𝐌𝐢𝐧𝐝 𝐈𝐬 𝐀 𝐃𝐢𝐟𝐟𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐔𝐧𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐞
Registros analógicos da minha vida, dos meus, de tudo e todos que me cercam. Como não poderia faltar, alguns trabalhos também / Only film 🎞️  / Rio de Janeiro - BR / Instagram: @thaclicando
𝐀𝐥𝐥 𝐄𝐦𝐩𝐢𝐫𝐞𝐬 𝐀𝐫𝐞 𝐂𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐎𝐟 𝐁𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐝 𝐀𝐧𝐝 𝐅𝐢𝐫𝐞.
eu nao sei viver, só estou improvisando . 011 sp
O choro pode durar uma noite, mas a alegria vem pela manhã .
quem é que junta os cacos dos corações que foram partidos pelas pessoas que partiram?
Sinto a sua falta e conto as horas numa pressa desesperada que só se aquieta quando te vê.
Sobre nós dois, o que sobrou foi uma caneca velha do Harry Potter, meio lascada e tão fraca quanto o nosso amor. Quebrou-se.
Tenho um problema de memória. Eu lembro demais.
Site de acompanhantes de luxo e Garotas de Programa na cidade do Rio de Janeiro
Como formular um planejamento estratégico de alta eficiência em sua empresa
Whatsapp Pay - Como Funciona o Envio Dinheiro diretamente pelo aplicativo
Como criar link do WhatsApp [GUIA RÁPIDO]
Precisa criar um link para whatsapp? Veja como fazer rapidamente!
learning: Spanish (B1), French (A2), Brazilian Portuguese (A2) I speak: German & English I post about: languages, study abroad & sometimes random stuff (sorry)
third day of italian quarantine: everything is closed, everyone is at home and so... WILD BOARS ARE IN MY TOWN WITH THEIR BABIES!!!! i’m laughing so hard
Giovanna, 23, Rio de Janeiro - she/her - ask box is open
Seja a mudança que você quer ver no mundo
If you don't like MARVEL we can't be friends .
FRIENDSHIP:   Aquarius is outgoing and eccentric so they need friends who accept them for who they are and who are
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#rio-de-janeiro on Tumblr
#rio de janeiro on Tumblr
# Rio-de-Janeiro on Tumblr
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Rio de janeiro gay tumblr - Men for men site
Hoteis no Rio de Janeiro - veja os melhores Hoteis
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