Rinkan Club

Rinkan Club


Rinkan Club
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The new history teacher and yoga instructor at Rinin High School. Suzuko was born as a result of one of the Rinkan Club's "ceremonies" and was raised exclusively by her mother. She moved away from Rinin to study abroad at Tokyo. Suzuko eventually moved back to her hometown in order to take care of her sick mother and to try to put an end to Rinkan Club that caused her mother so much suffering.

A 3rd year high school student at Rinin High School who is the Student Council President and the leader of the Rinkan Club. Motoko, like Suzuko, was born as a result of one of the Rinkan Club's "ceremonies" and is thus treated like a treasure by her hometown. She has cold, yet charismatic demeanor, resulting in her having very few friends, but allow her to have a commanding presence with both the Student Council and Rinkan Club. She enjoys watching the maidens suffer, especially when it's her greatest enemy; Suzuko. She's cool and keeps her calm in most situations but sometimes reveals a little too much information, leading to her downfall. She became the student council president in charge of the Rinkan Club in order to prevent becoming a maiden herself. In the OVA, she is in love with her best friend, Maki.

The matriarch of the Katsuragi family and the only doctor in Rinin. Aiko comes from a long line of doctors and married her husband Toshio at rather young age. She had her first daughter, Shiori, while she was still a medical student, before having two more children. Overtime, she and Toshio have grown apart, and as a result, hadn't had sex with him in over 5 years, leaving her sexually frustrated. In the visual novel, she has a sisterly bond with her nurse, Natsuko Hayasaka. She is aware of the Rinkan Club and tries to prevent her family from getting involved with the cult, which ultimately proves unsuccessful.

The second child of the Katsuragi family and a third year student at Rinin High School. Maki is a member of the swim team, and is considered an idol among her peers due to cute appearance and kind personality. She is best friends with Motoko Tamura and is the only person that Motoko cares about more than herself. Maki starts the story unaware of the Rinkan Club despite being best friends with the cult's leader.

The eldest child of the Katsuragi family and the English teacher at Rinin High School, where she is the most popular teacher. Shiori recently married the physical education teacher of Rinin High School, Tomonobu Nakamura. She lives in an apartment just a few minutes away from the rest of her family. Shiori is a long time friend with Suzuko since high school, and is one of the few people that can see past her cold appearance. Like her mother, Shiori is aware of the Rinkan Club.

A third year student at Rinin High School. Her father was Toshi Katsuragi's brother, making her the niece of Toshio and Aiko, and the cousin to Shiori, Maki, and Mamoru. Chiaki lost her parents in an accident 2 years prior to the story, and since moved in with her 2 older sisters. After the death of her parents, Chiaki find herself living without financial issues thanks to her parent's life insurance and her wealthy sisters. Although Chiaki has become very distant with her relatives, especially with her younger brother that lusts for her. Chiaki only appears in the visual novel and her character arc was removed in the OVA.

A freshmen at Rinin High School. Tomomi is something of a local celebrity in Rinin, being the upcoming representative of the prefecture at the next rhythmic gymnastics competition, and a model for idol magazines. She is also dating Kenji Tanami, the star player of Rinin High School's baseball club, who she managed to have a distant, yet loving relationship due their extra actives in sports.

A third year student at Rinin High School and the president of the yoga club. An active girl that is very popular with the guy at her school. She is childhood friends with Motoko and is a part of her cliche along with Maki and Chiaki. Izumi only appears in the visual novel and her character arc was removed in the OVA.

A nurse at Aiko's clinic and a widowed woman. Natsuko met her husband in nursing school and the 2 had a son together. However, 4 years latter her husband died of illness, leaving Natsuko to raise her son on her own. She is well known around Rinin for her good looks and her refusal to remarry. She loves her son dearly, but finds his recent behavior a little troubling. She spends for free time and holidays attending Suzuko's yoga circles. She also has a sisterly bond with Aiko. Natsuko only appears in the visual novel and her character arc was removed in the OVA.

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