Right wing in a 21st century :propaganda

Right wing in a 21st century :propaganda


Hello, dear ladies and gentlemen!

My name is Jan Novac.

I was born approximately 20 years ago in a small and depressive post soviet town in a mixed polish-Lithuanian family of soviet intellectuals that started their business affairs trading with Poland.

I have a bachelor's degree in political science and have practiced this art while working for a few right-wing media outlets.

While shaping the art of political science and agitation I stumbled upon a few ideas and techniques that I would like to share with my Polish and international brothers.


First and foremost we need to know some general rules of propaganda.

The Pareto principle states that for many outcomes, roughly 80% of consequences come from 20% of causes.

That means that roughly 20% of all effort creates 80% of result.

This also means that 80% of content that you produce should be entertaining content and 20% political.

Believe me, you don’t want to bore your audience with only political stuff.

The rule of simplification: reducing all data to a simple confrontation between ‘Good and Bad’, ‘Friend and Foe’.

The rule of disfiguration: discrediting the opposition by crude smears and parodies.

The rule of transfusion: manipulating the consensus values of the target audience for one’s own ends.

The rule of unanimity: presenting one’s viewpoint as if it were the unanimous opinion of all right-thinking people: draining the doubting individual into agreement by the appeal of star-performers, by social pressure, and by ‘psychological contagion’.

The rule of orchestration: endlessly repeating the same messages in different variations and combinations.


First and foremost, 80% of propaganda must be simple. People are irrational and ad hoc rationalize their natural desires. Propaganda should be divided into basically 3 tiers.

1st tier propaganda should consist of low effort and simple emotional based propaganda that will cover 80% of audience. 

It should focus on stimulation of desires of not particularly intellectual public.

2nd tier propaganda should be focused on 15% of so called “midwits” people that have IQ a bit under 116. This propaganda should appeal to the semi clever audience which is partially capable of having independent thoughts.

This tier of propaganda should appeal to the reason and to the sense of elitism that this group of people have.

3rd tier of propaganda should be focused on highly intellectual people and academic circles and should serve as scientific explanation and proof of the 1st and 2nd tier propaganda. 

Nowadays people need a sense of belonging to something greater than themselves. The right wing organization needs to closely resemble/emulate patriarchal family structure with strict rules and system of gratification for participation and actions in the group.

Big legal organizations should have centralized leadership and leadership should be based on meritocracy.

We should test people psychologically and use them in organizations according to their skills.

Smaller and more radical organizations should be highly decentralized/ anonymous and ideologically based.

Female divisions in organizations should be, of course, surveilled and controlled by male leaders.

Organizations should hire/have as much clever IT people as it possible. 

Also, we should focus our efforts to make as many young teenagers join our movements as it’s humanly possible.

Teens are creative and they are highly energetic and passionate. Teens also often can’t go to jail for their actions.

In Ukraine, right-wing youth are fighting drug industry, LGBT and pedophiles both offline and online.

Also, online activism can be extremely beneficial if we weaponize gaming services like GTA online, where censorship literally cannot be implemented.

Propaganda should not always be explicit.

Implicit propaganda AKA inserting certain messages for the normie audience can be extremely effective.


Like, for example, look at Hollywood which since its beginning always was a mechanism of left-wing propaganda that via Overton window gradually transformed the American society to the worst.

Our goals could be archived via inserting into mainstream our ideas about beauty, art and economy welfare within the political content.

The great example for this would be memes like “nordic gamer” popularization of suburban/village aesthetics or self segregation of minorities that they themselves commit due to the influence of white liberals.

Propaganda should penetrate the normal audience.

Buy instagram advertisements that would lead to you sites/Telegram.

 Keep it not radical on censored platforms but use them as a pipeline to your main resources.

Use targeted advertisements on Instagram/Facebook.Use analytic instruments to see what your public really want

We can use the overton window ourselves via not catering to the demand of left or liberals, by inserting our own far right messages that we should present as basically normal and extremely acceptable views. Because most people, and especially females, need a sense of belonging to the majority.

Regular people tend to strife for things they consider “normal” so we should be the kind of people that define the “norm” and pathologize the behavior of our political foes.

We should shatter people's trust in the government, democracy and institutions.

Democracy is already dead, we just need to make the masses understand this. 

After their faith in democracy is gone they will become much more eager to hear our anti-egalitarian propaganda.

Like, for example, liberal and left-wing people tend to be uglier than right-wing Christian people and nobody wants to be or feel ugly, right?

Ugly people tend to be sexually unpopular and nobody wants that either.

So we have to create the image that left-wing views lead to a personal drama and despair, which it definitely does lead to. 

Use Tik-Tok and have Tik-Tok account where you can promote your views using short clips with music. It’s crazy how effective propaganda there can be.

Examples of Tik-Tok propaganda:


Learn optics rule.

Always dress and look in a good non-marginal way. Dress and shave neat. Learn you biological upsides and understand how you can use clothes/hairstyles to make yourself look better.

Always put attractive people (especially women) in front of you columns.

Males consider tall people with deep, manly voices and facial features as natural leaders. 

In propaganda we should use humor and as many pop culture references as possible? 

How tesak did this:


We should create a lot of media sites that would be partly neutral but actually promote our views and sew discord among left-wing audiences.

Always play offensive use every opportunity to attack the left. Attack their looks and their way of life, which is always bad and unhealthy.

Use police and state apparatus to strike them. 

Due to the left-wing views lefties tend to often use drugs and engage in other kind of illegal activities, we need to find out people who do this and then use police apparatus to send them to jail for non-political reasons.

We can also provoke them by sending them anonymous hints that should allow us to understand if they indulge in illegal stuff like drugs. Use kids or pretend to be a kid to bait them into hinting and when they inevitably ask them for something sexual, because lefties are extremely perverted. Report this to the police. 

We could theoretically use this to smear the workers of different Soros backed NGOs because approximately 50% of them use something illegal and indulge in illegal activities like fucking underage kids). Police would be very interested in a lot of them. 

Learn about you enemies, almost all of them have public emails. Don’t send them death threats but make them fell extremely uncomfortable about what they are doing. MK-Ultra their mental health, basically.

Antifa tactics like trying to fire someone from their work definitely should be implemented on a larger scale. Learn to create public pressure.

Create a problem and then implement your solution to the problem. This is called historical dialectics.

We could use differences in countries' situations to attack the collective left internationally. Use every opportunity and chance to strike the international enemy informationally, financially or otherwise.

Infiltrating police/security/education apparatus is extremely important.

Don’t forget that security guys have background checks and you can infiltrate them only while not having any public remarks on social media describing your political views.

Be neutral or pretend you are politically slightly left-wing to infiltrate institutions.

We should also try to infiltrate left-wing organizations. Learn how left-wing people in your city dress and behave, learn their lingo and try to infiltrate their organizations, learn where they gather.

In best case scenario it’s possible to even get Soros grants that you could use to popularize right-wing ideology.

Try to create media that will publish 70% of information for enemies to consume and insert our messages in the rest.

Also you could theoretically use sexual factor to infiltrate left wing circles (not recommended) because right-wing males tend to be more attractive then left-wing and left wing females cannot really have secrets from their lovers. Just use a bit of alcohol on them. ((((((Editor's note. I would discard this last paragraph ;) )))))))

In propaganda, use human rights language for example "white rights are the human rights."


Ideologically we should strife towards Christian Nationalism ,Race Realism and Pan European Nationalism because Nationalism is in my opinion inseparable from Christian faith.

Don’t forget that Christianity probably forbids miscegenation and globalism (The Tower of Babel story” and is the main reason for our cultural and civilization achievements. 


We should promote the ideas of serving community and religious martyrdom instead of serving themmselves.

We must cultivate Christian virtues of asceticism and self-denial among our ranks.

Don’t ever be afraid of going to jail because of your views.

Emotional propaganda should be more focused on female audience and reason-based more on male audience.

Our ideology must be anti-Zionistic, we should make contacts with Arabs other anti-Zionists and make them understand that only right-wing anti-Zionism is a legit opposition to Zionism. 

We should finally bury conservativism and adopt a full blown reaction to phenomenas of the modern world. 

We need to fight the cancer of white individualism by any means necessary. We can achive this by creating our own persecution narrative that should be basically “white holocaust,” every white man and female should understand this.

Don’t punch to the right. No infighting in the dissident right movements.Attack useless conservatives instead


We should strive towards a united European confederation without the dictatorship of Brussels. Our movement should be international and pan-European.


Culture is defined as a materialized national spirit that is derived from biological, geographical and religious roots. 

Culturally we should strive towards objective defining of beauty that is based on symmetry, golden ratio, health and the capability of art and culture to uplift the human spirit. 

Culture should be used to maximize coefficient of efficiency of a white society. 

Degenerative art - sick, atonal and asymmetric products of mental illness should not be considered art.

We should surgically remove any kind of unhealthy ideological subversion from our society.


Our movement should use Monero cash and barter to create parallel economical structures.

We need to distance ourselves as much as possible from contemporary economical system. Monero, cash and gold is almost impossible to trace. 

Official non Kyc Monero wallets 


Our guys should also focus on supporting small business because the middle class are our main supporters. 

We should support and organize independent unions and through them seize manufacturing part of economy, we should recapture socialism from the left.

Work with the church and create food banks for the poor whites in you area.

Fight intellectual rights and patents by spreading free book pdf's and research materials. Teach people how to avoid academic paywall using science hub.

We must fight anti-white and genocidal green agenda and all agendas that would put us in a cyber gulag.

We must decentralize everything.

Take a look at Cultured Thug's videos on Corporatism Economy, you can find his archive on TG, they're really good

Thanks again for your attention, consideration, and time.


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