Richard Pankhurst

Richard Pankhurst

World Vista

Admired and beloved, British born historian Richard Pankhurst died peacefully at his home in Addis Ababa on Feb. 16th at the age of 89. 

He was notably an extraordinary and leading expert on Ethiopia, the country he loved both its history and its culture. His introduction to Ethiopia came through his suffragette mOther Sylvia Pankhurst who campaigned relentlessly against the Italian invasion in I935. 

He participated in demonstrations and assisted her with the newspaper entitled “Ethiopia News" for more than 20 years as a young man before moving to Ethiopia to settle in I956. His achievements are numerous: Co Founder and editor of the journal of Ethiopian Studies from I956-l974. professor at Addis Ababa University. founding director of the Institute of Ethiopian Studies. author of more than 20 books on Ethiopia and countless articles. 

He is particularly honoured for his efforts and campaign to gain the return of national treasures (stolen by invading British troops in l868) and an ancient (l700 years old) and historic obelisk/stelae (removed from Axum by the ltalians). He organised AFROMET the Association for the return of Magdala Ethhiopian Treasures and was able to secure the return of the Tabot of Medhane Alem. He was most victorious with the return of the obelisk and attended the ceremony in Axum in 2005 to celebrate this notable event. He received an award of recognition from President Teshome Mulatu for this great achievement. 

The Ethiopian Foreign Ministry referred to Pankhurst as a “doyen of historians and scholars of Ethiopia." it added that he “was one of Ethiopia’s greatest friends during his long and productive life, and his scholarship and understanding for Ethiopia will be sorely missed." Richard Pankhurst was also awarded the Order of the British Empire by the Queen for his dedicated services to Ethiopian studies. 

Some of Richard Pankhurst include:

•Under Ethiopian skies

•Ethiopia Photographed

•The Ethiopian Royal Chronicles

•Expedition from Abyssinia to Somaliland

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