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Rich Young Mistress: Young Master Xie’s Dearest Beloved Wife

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Rich Young Mistress: Young Master Xie’s Dearest Beloved Wife

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Her fiancé has abandoned her for the country’s top socialite. Worst of all, her family has been declared bankrupt, and the media has forced her into desperation. In her desolation, she seeks help from the powerful Young Master Xie, and gains strength through her marriage with him during her lowest period. From that day onwards, she eggs herself to grow stronger to become the best wife for her husband.
This novel is a sweet, sugary book. There are no heart-wrenching scenes or misunderstandings.
Yun Bixue: “Limo, aren’t you going to ask who I met today?”
Xie Limo: “It doesn’t matter who you met. What matters is that you’re here by my side now.”
Yun Bixue “Limo, let’s make a pinky promise. In the future, I will trust you, and you will trust me too. We will not allow external factors to affect our home, and we’ll be just like the saying ‘if you do not abandon me, I will always be at your side until the end of my life’.”
Xie Limo met Yun Bixue’s determined gaze and without thinking, he reached out his finger and sealed the promise before intertwining their fingers together.
when male lead was reported to have car accident, thus the female lead goes there by herself to search, then found him but there's the male lead's main enemy on the scene, and she fought him for both of their life while saying things that are touching between spouses.

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I had noticed that majority of rich people, celebrities or tycoon, they tend to have a beautiful wife at home to manage his household affairs, but outside of their home, they tend to have one or more mistresses in shadow. So, is that a trend? Because they have too much money, sharing it with another woman is not a crime?
Recent accident about Tiger Wood, media dug out about his affair with his mistress, and his argument with his wife before the accident. It seems that it is ok for rich people to have more than one women at a time.
Nope, I think its the other way around. People in the middle class I think have a mistress than those rich people in the upper class. Why? its because I have many known friends belonging to the middle class which do have mistresses. I have little friends on the upper class, so I can really compare the numbers. I am talking only of personal experience and not from hearsay or on the newspaper's showbiz section.
I think it is not only an issue with rich people ,many men in general even those who are broke subscribe to the same philosophy.I think it just gets amplified by media when they get news of it .I guess though that what happens in many cases with these celebrities is that they start to feel like you are larger than life
hmmm.. well maybe because they can afford to pay or buy stuff that a mistress demands. and sad to say that even not a rich man can afford to have many mistress in their lives.. so bad very bad.
good luck to their wives. LOL
This is a dirty games of rich and famous people. They use money to fill their greed of flesh. In my opinion; This is vices of rich people is not trend but an instinct and greediness. Because there is no reason for them to have another women in their life. If those mistress have a hole. their wife also have it. It's the same taste with mistress and wife...right?
Well i have seen this too.That not only in rich houses but also every where, not
all but few of them do have this trend.I don't know much about why they do that, but i know that this trend seriously breaks relationships.I dont find any true love anywhere in this thing. Infat i also know one thing that older people in decades past had more than 100 wives at a time, i guess how they did manage these females at one life, at all.
Hey I dont think its only about the rich people.You get many middle class people have such incest feelings too.And yeah its true that the richer people have a greater tendency to have mistress.They have enough to shower on others.And if you dig into the lifes of the celebrity you'll find many more cases,tiger woods is just one of them.
It is not only the rich people that do this, it happens in all walks of life. it is just that it is not reported in the news if you are not rich. and no it is not ok for anyone to have a mistress. If people want to play around they should not get married. No sharing money with anyone is not a crime. but it is against the vows you take when you get married to share your body with another person. It also breaks one of the Ten Commandments put forth by GOD.
Mistresses is nothing new my dear. Almost 99% of married blokes have mistresses, whether rich or poor. Some are just good at hiding it than others. I know from experience as a former mistress my lover's wife still has no idea that I exist because we were good at keeping it a secret.. The sooner women realize that it is impossible for a bloke to just have one woman, the easier it will be on them.

Fortunately I grew tired of being a mistress and so I threw in the towel and wont be doing going down that road again.
No, it's never alright to cheat on your spouse ! When you start your life from below with the one you love, and work together to become successful, you will never forget "those moments", and appreciation and love would be planted deep within your heart, enough not to betray that person ever. But if you're super rich, you think everything can be bought by money, even women and love. So they choose the brightest star of them all and marry them without a second thought. So their wife is just something "to complete their image and ego". And they go to look for "real love" afterwards.

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