Rich Man S Wife

Rich Man S Wife


Asics MAN KNIT SUIT Костюм спортивный волейбольный Темно-синий/Белый
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Мужской спортивный костюм ASICS MAN KNIT SUIT
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Вс: с 11:00 до 21:00
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Original title: The Rich Man's Wife
A rich man's wife goes on a trip to a cabin with her husband. He's preoccupied with business and leaves early. A man she meets offers to kill her husband. He's crazy and she leaves. He later... Read all
Gray-Haired Waitress
(as Zoaunne Le Roy)
A rich man's wife finds she has a bad prenuptial agreement with an even worse husband. Over drinks with a stranger, she fantasizes about doing her husband in to void the prenupt. The stranger decides to turn her imagination into reality much to the wife's surprise.—Greg Mintz
Rated R for strong violence and language
In what would have been her big break, Gwenyth Paltrow originally auditioned for the lead role Josie, that eventually went to Halle. Paltrow didn't get the part, because the director felt she wasn't convincing enough.
When Josie and Cole are struggling in the tunnel at the park, Cole wrestles away Josie's revolver and fires it 3 times at some would-be rescuers. Josie gets away and runs to the end of the tunnel. Cole fires the gun at her another 7 times. A total of 10 shots from a revolver holding 6 bullets.
Detective Dan Fredricks: [removing woman's handcuffs] Have a seat. Now I want you to listen very carefully, Mrs. Potenza, alright? You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney, and to have the attorney present during questioning. If you so desire, and cannot afford one, an attorney will be provided for you without charge.
Written by John Lee Hooker, Carlos Santana, Chester Thompson
Performed by John Lee Hooker
Courtesy of Pointblank Records/Virgin Records America, Inc.
I watched this movie around 3 o'clock in the morning and I wasnt really impressed.

First of all, How can you trust a guy like Peter Greene(Cole Wilson)?

This film was predictable in many parts and the lighting was really bad.However,Halle Berry was very pretty in this movie and yes she actually does cry.

Just dont make the same mistake I did and stay up til' 3 o'clock in the morning.But what the heck I was bored.

To wrap this comment up I give it a 6/10 *
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The Rich Man's Wife (1996) - Full Cast & Crew - IMDb
Rich Man S Wife

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