Rhythm Heaven Rule 34

Rhythm Heaven Rule 34


Rhythm Heaven Rule 34

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Karate Man

Rhythm Tweezers

Marching Orders


The Clappy Trio

Remix 1

Sneaky Spirits

Iai Giri


Built to Scale

Glee Club


Fan Club

Remix 1

Rhythm Rally


Blue Birds


Hole in One

Screwbot Factory


Double Date

Remix 1

Fork Lifter


Board Meeting


Karate Man


Air Rally

Catchy Tune

Rhythm Tweezers

Glee Club

Figure Fighter

Fruit Basket


Karate Joe

The Clappy Trio

Chorus Kids



Koi no Honey Sweet Angel

That's Paradise

Dreams of Our Generation

I'm a lady now




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Interactive Maps

Karate Man

Rhythm Tweezers

Marching Orders


The Clappy Trio

Remix 1

Sneaky Spirits

Iai Giri


Built to Scale

Glee Club


Fan Club

Remix 1

Rhythm Rally


Blue Birds


Hole in One

Screwbot Factory


Double Date

Remix 1

Fork Lifter


Board Meeting


Karate Man


Air Rally

Catchy Tune

Rhythm Tweezers

Glee Club

Figure Fighter

Fruit Basket


Karate Joe

The Clappy Trio

Chorus Kids



Koi no Honey Sweet Angel

That's Paradise

Dreams of Our Generation

I'm a lady now




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Reading Material (Rhythm Heaven Fever)

I discovered something interesting!

↑ 1.0 1.1 "You'll also be happy to hear I've opened up all of the books and songs in the reading and music corners." ~ Barista , Rhythm Heaven Fever

↑ "そうそう、お祝いに、音楽コーナーと読みモノコーナーを充実させておきました。" (Oh yeah, to celebrate, we have enriched the music corner and the reading corner.) ~ Barista , Minna no Rhythm Tengoku

↑ "Well, you'll also be happy to hear that I've opened up all of the books and songs in the reading and music corners." ~ Barista , Beat the Beat: Rhythm Paradise (English)

↑ "Pour fêter ça, j'ai rempli la salle de lecture et celle de musique avec de quoi vous occuper." (To celebrate, I filled the reading room and the music room with something to keep you busy.) ~ Barista , Beat the Beat: Rhythm Paradise (French)

↑ "Ach ja, und zur Feier des Tages habe ich auch meine Lektüre- und Musikkollektion komplett aufgefüllt." (Oh, and to celebrate, I've also completely filled the reading and music collections.) ~ Barista , Beat the Beat: Rhythm Paradise (German)

↑ "Per celebrare la tua vittoria ho finito di allestire gli spazi dedicati alla musica e alla lettura, dove troverai tutti i brani e i pezzi musicali disponibili." (To celebrate your victory, I have finished setting up the spaces dedicated to music and reading, where you will find all the songs and musical pieces available.) ~ Barista , Beat the Beat: Rhythm Paradise (Italian)

↑ "Para celebrarlo, la sección de Música y la sección de Lecturas están hasta arriba de cosas para entretenerte." (To celebrate, the Music section and the Reading section are packed with things to keep you entertained.) ~ Barista , Beat the Beat: Rhythm Paradise (Spanish)

↑ "그래요, 올클리어를 축하하는 뜻에서 음악 코너와 읽을거리 코너에 이것저것 준비해 두었습니다." (Yes, to congratulate All Clear, we have prepared things in the music section and reading section.) ~ Barista , Rhythm Sesang Wii

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The Reading Material ( よみもの ? , Yomi Mono ), also known as the Reading Corner ( 読みモノコーナー ? , Yomi Mono Kōnā ) [1] and Something to Read in Beat the Beat: Rhythm Paradise , is a section accessed through the Café in Rhythm Heaven Fever which has several letters, obtainable by achieving a Perfect on certain Rhythm Games . This feature is the successor to the Rhythm Shiryo Shitsu in Rhythm Tengoku and the Reading Material in Rhythm Heaven , and is succeeded by the Rhythm Items in Rhythm Heaven Megamix .

In Beat the Beat: Rhythm Paradise , almost all of the text has been rewritten, and most letters were renamed.

Available from the start of the game.

Obtained as the Gift on Hole in One .

Obtained as the Gift on Screwbot Factory 2 .

Obtained as the Gift on Double Date .

Obtained as the Gift on Board Meeting .

Obtained as the Gift on Monkey Watch .

Obtained as the Gift on Working Dough .

Obtained as the Gift on Built to Scale 2 .

Obtained as the Gift on Air Rally .

"I exercised so much I could eat a horse!" Baxter: "..."

Obtained as the Gift on Figure Fighter 2 .

Obtained as the Gift on Micro-Row 2 .

Obtained as the Gift on Samurai Slice 2 .

Obtained as the Gift on Catch of the Day .

Obtained as the Gift on Flipper-Flop .

Obtained as the Gift on Flock Step .

Obtained as the Gift on Launch Party .

Obtained as the Gift on Love Rap 2 .

Obtained as the Gift on Tap Troupe .

Obtained as the Gift on Cheer Readers 2 .

Obtained as the Gift on Karate Man 2 .

Obtained as the Gift on Karate Man .

Thanks for buying Rhythm Heaven Fever!

Thank you for buying Beat the Beat: Rhythm Paradise!

We've created a bunch of fun rhythm games for you.

We created a range of fun rhythm games just for you!

Everyone has rhythm--even those who don't think they do!

Everybody has a sense of rhythm, even if they are not aware of it.

We hope you'll enjoy finding your own rhythm.

We hope you get to feel the joy of finding your rhythm through these games.

So have fun and enjoy all the game has to offer.

So have fun and enjoy all that the beat has to offer.

I was practicing all the time, but my golf game just wasn't improving.

No matter how long I practised, I struggled to improve my golf score and couldn't even dream of getting a hole in one.

A friend recommended that I see a golf coach he knew, and I figured it couldn't hurt.

I heard about a pair of professionals through a friend who could guarantee results fast.

I went to our meeting place, expecting a middle-aged guy in ugly pants. That...wasn't what I got.

I went to the place I had arranged to meet my new caddies to find a curious duo.

Monkey: "Hi! You can call me Monkey. I'm going to show you some tricks to improve your score."

"Ook! I'm Monkey and I'm here to teach you how to improve your score."

Mandrill: "Hellooo! I'm a mandrill! I help Monkey out sometimes."

"And Mandrill show you how to get strong!"

I thought about asking for their qualifications, but before I knew it, I was showing them my swing.

It was unusual to say the least but I showed them a couple of my practice swings.

Monkey: "Great form! You just need to work on your timing."

"Nice form! You just need to work on your timing," said the monkey.

Mandrill: "And REAL golfers can hit a ball no matter what. Even if it's moving. Fast."

"Golfer think only hitting stopped ball is good training?" asked the large mandrill, "Mandrill teach better technique!"

Monkey: "See that whale that kinda looks like an island out there? When I give you the cue, swing toward that."

"Focus on that whale by the island over there," instructed the monkey, "follow my signal and concentrate on your timing."

Mandrill: "And remember that it's not about power. Listen for Monkey's cue, and time your swing on that."

"Power nothing without timing. Monkey say, golfer do!" the mandrill explained.

Monkey: "Oo kiii. ♪" Golf ball: *clunk*

I tried to take note of their informative if unconventional golfing instruction. "Ooky!" "Whoosh!" "Plop!"

Mandrill: "Not bad. But anyone can get one lucky shot. You're gonna have to practice, and practice hard!"

"Mandrill think that was lucky hit. Lucky golfer can not do every time. Less luck, more practice!"

And that was the day my REAL golf education began...

From that day, I got better and better at getting a hole in one.

At a secret hideout in an undisclosed location under a heavy veil of mystery and darkness...

Leader: "All right, tell me what you've discovered in your surveillance."

"OK, minion! Tell me what your spying revealed."

Spy: "Of course. The factory has begun production on a top-secret, extremely advanced new design.

"Yes, boss. The factory has a top secret robot development programme in operation.

I've confirmed at least two different models, the larger one approximately 200 feet tall and weighing about 60,000 tons.

The designs for two different robots are already being put into production.

The final phase of assembly is when they screw the head to the body. This is tricky, and if it's done wrong, the robot has to be scrapped.

The robots are 40 metres tall and weigh approximately 30,000 tonnes.

The workers on that part of the line are pretty tense, obviously, so they've been playing some soothing music to help with the work.

The production line terminates in a large arm which screws down the robots' heads fast and tight.

When each robot is completed, it says a code phrase and the heart symbol on its chest glows with appreciation."

This operation is extremely precise and the robots become inoperable if it is not completed correctly. The operators require nerves of steel in order to prevent a massive robot scrap pile.

Leader: "I see... So the music is how they've kept production so high. We'll need to stop that somehow if we're going to beat them.

I noticed that the factory constantly plays the same Arabian-style music. Operating the machines in time to the music appears to make the job easier than it seems at first glance.

All right. Go continue your surveillance. Alert me to any changes."

Upon completion, the robots signal that they are operational using code words and a heart-shaped glow comes from their chests.

Spy: "Understood. And if I'm discovered, you'll extract me from the enemy factory full of 200-foot robots, right? ...Right?"

The sight of the successfully completed robots seems to encourage the machine operators to maintain their work quality."

"I see... So, the key to their success is in the music. We must understand it if we are to have any chance of beating them.

We must analyse the data further and develop a counter plan against that factory.

You must go back to the factory and find out the secret to that rhythm."

See: "Hey, Saw." Saw: "What's up, See?"

"So, Mr Saw..." "What's up, Mr See?"

See: "How many years have we been working together?"

Saw: "Let's see... It was two years before I got married, so that's...10 years."

"Well, let's see... We met two years before you got married, so it must be 10 years."

See: "That long already! Time really does fly."

"Can it really be that long?! Time flies when you're having fun."

Saw: "Just think: 10 years of 'een-oon, ba-bom.'"

"Yeah, and to think we've been saying the same things every day for 10 years..."

See: "Woooow... I'm amazed that I'm still not sick of it."

"Every day for 10 years... Will we ever get bored?" "Dunno. I'm sorry for all the times you ended up on your behind."

Saw: "Seems like I've been falling on my rump more and more lately
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