Rhinoplasty In A Nutshell - Nose Reshaping Made Easy

Rhinoplasty In A Nutshell - Nose Reshaping Made Easy

Dr Siddharth Prakash, Cosmetic Surgeon.

Rhinoplasty is a cosmetic surgery procedure used to reshape the nose. This procedure, also known as a nose job in Mumbai, is commonly performed on men and women of all ages. The human nose is a multi-layered structure made up of bone, cartilage, ligaments, and skin. The lower portion of the nose is made of cartilage, while the upper portion is made of bone. Rhinoplasty surgery is used to improve the appearance of your nose by enhancing each component.

A nose reshaping surgery can significantly improve your appearance and facial proportions. Rhinoplasty is also important after a traumatic broken nose. To begin, make an appointment with the best cosmetic surgeon in Mumbai. Before the nose job surgery, we will devise a strategy and research your desired appearance. We will also examine your other facial expressions, such as your lips, cheekbones, and eyes. Following that, we will devise a strategy for reshaping your nose in order to improve your overall appearance. If the surgery is being performed as a result of a trauma or accident, you may be able to obtain insurance coverage.

Many people believe that plastic surgery is best performed in another country. But this is not the case. People of different ethnicities have different nose characteristics. A nose job on an Asian will be different from one on an African or American. Having trained in various locations around the world, I am able to understand the specific needs of people from various backgrounds and provide results that will best suit your face.

What makes you a good candidate?

Rhinoplasty can be performed for a variety of reasons. Most people have Rhinoplasty to improve their appearance and make them more attractive. This surgery is also used to straighten crooked nasal bones and solve breathing problems.

Some of the procedures that a cosmetic surgeon can perform on your nose include:

removing a nasal hump

make the tip more distinct

changes in size and shape

narrowing of the nostrils

reduce the tip bulge

When you meet with a plastic surgeon, be sure to mention which part of your nose bothers you. We will devise a surgical strategy to make your nose more proportional following nose reshaping surgery.

How is Rhinoplasty Surgery Performed

Rhinoplasty is a surgical procedure that alters one or more parts of your nose. We may use different anaesthesia depending on the complexity of the surgery. To numb your nose and relax your muscles, we can use either general or local anaesthesia. Once you are numb, we will make a cut in the lower part of your nose and make the necessary changes. This cosmetic surgery may take up to 2 – 3 hours to complete.

Recovery Following The Surgery

Following Rhinoplasty in Mumbai, After several hours of observation, you will be discharged. Meanwhile, the doctor will ensure that you are at ease with the procedure. To prevent infection, the cosmetic surgeon may also prescribe medications such as pain relievers and anti-inflammatory drugs. For 5 to 7 days, your nose will be protected by a splint. Mild post-operative swelling goes away quickly, and the results improve over time as the nose becomes more defined.

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