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Nov. 17, 2017




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College Football Is Now NFL Lite
College Football Is Now NFL Lite

4 Big Takeaways From New York’s Weird Late-Summer Primaries
4 Big Takeaways From New York’s Weird Late-Summer Primaries

6 Hours and 42 Minutes of Insults and Minor Meltdowns
6 Hours and 42 Minutes of Insults and Minor Meltdowns

What Is Going On at Ukraine’s Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant?
As international inspectors work to gain access, shells keep falling at the facility, and a temporary power outage has prompted fears of a meltdown.
Alaska Will Send Either Sarah Palin or a Democrat to Congress
The state’s complex new voting system is producing a surprise result in the special election to complete the term of the late congressman Don Young.
Focus on Abortion Rights Can Help Blue-State Democrats Too
As polling on California’s abortion-rights ballot initiative shows, Democrats everywhere were mobilized by Dobbs . That could matter a lot in November.
Biden’s Job-Approval Numbers Are (Slowly) Climbing
A sport once defined by regional charm is awash in money and becoming more like the pros every week.
4 Big Takeaways From New York’s Weird Late-Summer Primaries
How backlash to overturning Roe v. Wade , incumbency, and the rejection of a few extremist candidates by New York Republicans may matter.
What If Democrats Actually Won the Midterms?
If Democrats control both houses of Congress in 2023, including enough senators to kill the filibuster, they better get as much done as possible.
Top-Secret Documents at Trump’s Mar-a-Lago: What We Know
The DOJ affidavit states that Trump took home classified docs on “clandestine human sources” working for U.S. intelligence.
Biden’s Job-Approval Numbers Are (Slowly) Climbing
The president is still too unpopular to help Democrats produce a midterm upset, but the trends are in the right direction.
Read the FBI’s Redacted Trump Search Affidavit
On Thursday, a federal judge in Florida ordered the release of a redacted version of the affidavit that prompted the FBI search on Mar-a-Lago.
Inflation Is Slowing, But More Pain Is Coming
The Federal Reserve is trying to show that it has the wherewithal to right the economy without blowing it up.
An Act of Mercy Ignites the Class War
Elites are outraged over Biden’s student-debt cancellation.
The Senate majority leader has a “different way of getting things done” that saved Biden’s agenda and maybe their party.
Blake Masters Executes Huge If Sneaky Flip-Flop on Abortion
Feeling heat on his extremist abortion position, Trump’s guy in Arizona’s Senate race changed his position and accused his opponent of lying about it.
Should I Follow Jared’s Plan to ‘Live Forever’ or Trump’s?
Jared Kushner is staying fit because we’re the “last generation that’s going to die.” Anti-exercise guru Donald Trump says he’s dead wrong.
Yuh-Line Niou Says She’s Thinking About Running Against Dan Goldman Again
The progressive Democrat may run on the Working Families Party line in November for the Brooklyn-Manhattan seat in Congress.
Elon Musk’s ‘Absurdly Broad’ Strategy Against Twitter Is Losing
Twitter doesn’t need to supply absolutely everything to Elon Musk in court.
The U.S. Government Has Forced Me to Side With Novak Djokovic
Did it really have to come to this?
Pair Who Gave Biden Daughter’s Diary to Project Veritas Pleads Guilty to Theft
A Florida man and woman are cooperating with investigators looking into how James O’Keefe’s group came into her property ahead of the 2020 election.
Trump Revives His Feud With McConnell (and His Wife, ‘Coco’)
The former president is raging at Mitch McConnell and Elaine Chao once again. But Trump and McConnell need each other too much to feud forever.
Why Is Crypto Giant Tether Risking It All Over North Korea?
Treasury sanctions against a company that helped launder money for Kim Jong-un’s hacking army trips up one of the world’s largest crypto companies.
Georgia Republicans Pretend Trump Didn’t Label Them Traitors
After surviving Trump’s attempt to purge them, candidates like Brian Kemp and Brad Raffensperger are trying to reunite their party for November.
Jamie Foxx Is Secretly a World-Class Trump Impersonator
Why has he been hiding one of the better Trump imitations of our time?
How Does Student-Debt Relief Affect Inflation?
A debate is raging about how much $20,000 in debt amnesty could stoke inflation while the White House tries to keep the economy from imploding.
Workers are reclaiming their time from the boss.
Mehmet Oz Is Trying to Fat-Shame His Way Into the Senate
Oz has been portraying Fetterman as fat and unhealthy for weeks. Now he says the Democrat wouldn’t have had a stroke if “he’d ever eaten a vegetable.”

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Even if you somehow aren’t familiar with @dril , if you’ve spent any amount of time reading words on the internet, you’ve read someone aping his style.
the wise man bowed his head solemnly and spoke: "theres actually zero difference between good & bad things. you imbecile. you fucking moron"
"This Whole Thing Smacks Of Gender," i holler as i overturn my uncle's barbeque grill and turn the 4th of July into the 4th of Shit
oh nothin, i was just buying some ear medication for my sick uncle... *LOWERS SHADES TO LOOK YOU DEAD IN THE EYE* who's a Model by the way,
"jail isnt real," i assure myself as i close my eyes and ram the hallmark gift shop with my shitty bronco
Dril has been around since the earliest days of Twitter, and his influence and audience have spread far beyond the limited confines of weird Twitter (or even Twitter itself). His tweets have been endlessly chewed on by other, lesser writers. Many Dril joke setups (e.g., “ Buddy they won’t even let me …” or “ twitter dot com i live for this ”) are now just internet shorthand. One classic Dril tweet about candles and the economy was popular enough to fool tech writer Clive Thompson into thinking that people mimicking it were part of a bot network. Pairing a Dril tweet with something dumb Donald Trump tweets is a popular pastime. A Dril tweet about corncobs spurred a minor squabble between center and left-wing media types.
He had also remained anonymous, which made him somewhat of an anomaly on the internet of 2017, as weird Twitter slowly morphed into Socialist rose Twitter. This anonymity allowed for a certain elasticity in the jokes — and enabled the creation of conspiracy theories and lore. Some speculated that Dril was actually a collective, perhaps connected to the same group that was behind the horse_ebooks Twitter account . There was a theory that at some point the original anonymous author had passed the login to another newer (and, the theory went, less funny) writer. Dril was probably male, aggrieved, poor at spelling, and had a horrific ass, but not much else was known.
Until recently. Parts of Twitter are writhing today after the unveiling of the person behind the Dril account. Who would dox Dril, Twitter’s beloved mascot? As it turns out, the knowledge was already out there, albeit tucked deep in the folds of internet fandom. There’s a subreddit dedicated to Hiveswap , a cult video game based on “Homestuck,” itself a long-running webcomic with a small but extremely passionate audience. In September, someone first figured out and posted Dril’s identity thanks to a stray writing credit for the video game under Dril’s real name and some informed guesswork. But the information failed to escape the gravity well of that insular community. (Put more bluntly: “Homestuck” fans are too weird for anyone else to spend time on their subreddit learning about what they’ve been doing.)
But the knowledge bubbled up on Tumblr yesterday , where someone else connected all the dots even more explicitly. From there, it broke on Twitter itself. The funniest part of Dril’s unmasking was that it already happened months ago, and nobody really noticed.
Being doxxed by an angry fan club is about the most dril thing that could have happened.
fucked up dril is a real person with career aspirations instead of a funny internet word bot
Dril, in the end, turned out to be much like what you’d expect him to be: Someone who had spent a lot of time on Something Awful’s forums (specifically, the FYAD forum that spawned much of what was later grouped into “weird Twitter” and essentially set the voice for a generation of writers and creators), into animation, and funny.
Any of the links above will clue you in on who the actual the writer behind the Dril account is. The truth is that the writer never seemed to be that concerned about his anonymity: He has a successful Patreon account , kept a website for years where he sells merch, and is part of a Kickstarter that will almost assuredly get funded. He never seemed concerned with staying behind the grinning Jack Nicholson avi — except that it was perhaps funnier when Dril was anonymous.
Besides, he’d already revealed his identity years ago:
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On Thursday night, he used newly ramped-up rhetoric in ways that the White House and Biden’s political advisers are signaling will be part of a no-holds-barred strategy for the midterms. The president accused the GOP of “semi-fascism” and said he doesn’t respect, and can’t work with, “MAGA Republicans” who he said “embrace political violence.” He hardened his assertion that democracy is under threat, and said the country could be facing the sort of test that comes every few generations, “one of the moments that changes everything.”
From a high school auditorium in Rockville, Md., Biden also mocked Rep. Andy Harris (R-Md.) for touting a local project he had voted against. White House aides spent the late afternoon using the official Twitter account — normally reserved for policy charts, press releases and fact sheets — to go on the attack. They went viral by naming Republicans, like Marjorie Taylor Greene and Matt Gaetz , who had criticized student loan forgiveness while benefiting from their own business loan forgiveness. The tweets had more engagements and retweets than almost any other from Biden’s White House, or previous ones.

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Not many results contain rhettal , face Search only for "rhettal" "face" ?
Edit II - Electric Boogaloo: transfer is currently underway by mode of WeTransfer. Could take a while though. . Grab it while it's hot (files automatically get deleted in 7 days according to the site) any chance you post them again on WeTransfer, i just missed it. I don't mind at all.
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A Dril tweet about corncobs spurred a minor squabble between center and left-wing media types. He had also remained anonymous, which made him somewhat of an anomaly on the internet of 2017, as ...
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Not many results contain rhettal , face Search only for "rhettal" "face" ?
Edit II - Electric Boogaloo: transfer is currently underway by mode of WeTransfer. Could take a while though. . Grab it while it's hot (files automatically get deleted in 7 days according to the site) any chance you post them again on WeTransfer, i just missed it. I don't mind at all.
Please remember that all comments must be helpful, relevant, and respectful. All replies must be a genuine effort to answer the question helpfully; joke answers are not allowed.
A Dril tweet about corncobs spurred a minor squabble between center and left-wing media types. He had also remained anonymous, which made him somewhat of an anomaly on the internet of 2017, as ...
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Not many results contain rhettal , face Search only for "rhettal" "face" ?
Edit II - Electric Boogaloo: transfer is currently underway by mode of WeTransfer. Could take a while though. . Grab it while it's hot (files automatically get deleted in 7 days according to the site) any chance you post them again on WeTransfer, i just missed it. I don't mind at all.
Please remember that all comments must be helpful, relevant, and respectful. All replies must be a genuine effort to answer the question helpfully; joke answers are not allowed.
A Dril tweet about corncobs spurred a minor squabble between center and left-wing media types. He had also remained anonymous, which made him somewhat of an anomaly on the internet of 2017, as ...
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