Review about IX Swap

Review about IX Swap

What is IX Swap ?

IX Swap is the global liquidity solution for all STO/TSO exchanges, bridging the CeFi-DeFi gap. IX Swap is the final piece of infrastructure required to bring the STO/TSO industry to life.

The platform will be the first DeFi platform to enable the trading of security tokens via licensed custodians and security brokers, granting actual ownership and claim over these real-world assets.

The Mission of IX Swap

Using a decentralized protocol, IX Swap Mission will bring new liquidity to STO trading and solve a key industry problem.

IX Swaps leverage blockchain technology to create liquidity solutions and infrastructure for the security token ecosystem, allowing for trading and global access to this underutilized asset class.

Features of IX Swap:

  • First Security Token/TSO liquidity pools: For the first time, STO/TSO token holders will be able to legally mine liquidity.
  • Borrowing & Lending: Use your idle assets to generate passive income.
  • Unlock the value of your idle STO: Earn money by mining liquidity and staking your STO/TSO.
  • Platform: The first DeFi market-making solution designed specifically for STOs and Tokenized Stocks.
  • Licensed partner: To deal with the complexities of securities, IX Swap has formed alliances with licensed intermediaries.

The reason you should chosee IX Swap:

  • Liquidity pools for first security tokens and TSOs
  • For the first time, STO/TSO token holders will be able to legally mine liquidity through the Platform First DeFi market making solution designed specifically for STO and Tokenized Stocks.
  • Lending and Borrowing
  • Use your idle assets to generate passive income.
  • To deal with the complexities of securities, IX Swap has formed partnerships with licensed intermediaries.
  • Fees are low.
  • Fees are significantly lower when compared to the 1-2 percent that banks charge for private asset investments.
  • Unlock the Potential of Your Idle STOs
  • Earn money by mining liquidity and staking your STO/TSO.

Token Use Case:

  • IXS Token, the native token on IX Swap, will serve as an incentive reward for contributing to the ecosystem's growth.
  • Swap Fees: Holders of IXS Tokens will be able to stake their holdings in order to receive a share of the swap fees.
  • Paired Pools: IXS paired pools will outperform non-IXS paired pools in terms of returns.
  • Insurance: For IXS paired pools, IL insurance will be available.
  • IXS will also be the native payment token on the InvestaX licensed STO CEX platform.
  • IXS Token is the native token on IX Swap, and it will be used as an incentive reward for contributing to the ecosystem's growth.


With awesome features like I mentioned about, I believe that IX Swap will be the big hidden gems in 2021, and it has a lot of potential for future growth, DON'T MISS IT!!!!

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