Revenue Disruption. Game-Changing Sales and Marketing Strategies to Accelerate Growth — Phil Fernandez, г. Скачать книгу / читать онлайн

Revenue Disruption. Game-Changing Sales and Marketing Strategies to Accelerate Growth — Phil Fernandez, г. Скачать книгу / читать онлайн

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Описание книги:
Strategies for any company to transform its sales and marketing efforts in a way that truly accelerates revenue growth Revenue Disruption delivers bold new strategies to transform corporate revenue performance and ignite outsized revenue growth. Today's predominant sales and marketing model is at best obsolete and at worst totally dysfunctional. This book offers a completely new operating methodology based on a sales and marketing approach that recognizes the global technological, cultural, and media changes that have forever transformed the process of buying and selling. The dysfunctional state of today's corporate revenue creation model results in trillions of dollars in lost growth opportunities. Revenue Disruption examines the problems of the current model and offers real-world solutions for fixing them. It lays out a detailed plan that businesspeople and companies can use to fundamentally transform their sales and marketing performance to win this century's revenue battle.

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