Revenge On Ex-Girlfriend

Revenge On Ex-Girlfriend


Revenge On Ex-Girlfriend
How can I get revenge on my ex girlfriend?
What is the best revenge against your ex who emotionally destroyed you?
What is the best way to get revenge on someone who broke your heart?
What is the best way to take revenge on your girlfriend who left you for another guy?
I want to get revenge on my EX. How can I?
What is the best revenge against a narcissistic ex? Let's cut past the BS for a second. Recovering from a narcissist is very difficult and painful. I feel anger at this point.
The World's Greatest Expert Guru · Author has 56 answers and 176.9K answer views · 6 y ·
What is the best revenge against your ex who emotionally destroyed you?
What is the best way to get revenge on someone who broke your heart?
What is the best way to take revenge on your girlfriend who left you for another guy?
I want to get revenge on my EX. How can I?
What is the best revenge against a narcissistic ex? Let's cut past the BS for a second. Recovering from a narcissist is very difficult and painful. I feel anger at this point.
How does an ex-girlfriend take revenge?
My ex wasted my time. How do I get revenge?
What’s the best way to get revenge on an ex-gf?
What is the best revenge you can get on someone that manipulated you?
What is the best revenge against an ex-girlfriend?
How can I punish and get revenge on an ex-lover?
What is the best revenge for an ex-wife and her lover?
How did you get revenge on your ex wife?
What is the best revenge you can get on a guy who played you and manipulated you?
What is the best revenge against your ex who emotionally destroyed you?
What is the best way to get revenge on someone who broke your heart?
What is the best way to take revenge on your girlfriend who left you for another guy?
I want to get revenge on my EX. How can I?
What is the best revenge against a narcissistic ex? Let's cut past the BS for a second. Recovering from a narcissist is very difficult and painful. I feel anger at this point.
How does an ex-girlfriend take revenge?
My ex wasted my time. How do I get revenge?
What’s the best way to get revenge on an ex-gf?
What is the best revenge you can get on someone that manipulated you?
What is the best revenge against an ex-girlfriend?
Something went wrong. Wait a moment and try again.
Ok...before telling you my story about my revenge...i want to give you brief details about my story...its interesting... read it...
I and him both were schoolmate.But the closeness to each other and his proposal for marriage came when we both in 2nd year of college. But i was afraid of accepting his Love.Because i have some personal health issues. Its actually minor problem but permanent. So it took about 1 whole year for me to accept his proposal after his relentless courting and loads of promises.
Everything was good.I thought i was one Gifted.But all gone suddenly... bushhhh..
Ok...before telling you my story about my revenge...i want to give you brief details about my story...its interesting... read it...
I and him both were schoolmate.But the closeness to each other and his proposal for marriage came when we both in 2nd year of college. But i was afraid of accepting his Love.Because i have some personal health issues. Its actually minor problem but permanent. So it took about 1 whole year for me to accept his proposal after his relentless courting and loads of promises.
Everything was good.I thought i was one Gifted.But all gone suddenly... bushhhh....!!!spew...!!!after 2 years.No,nothing major fight or misunderstanding or affairs. He started to withdraw from me.I asked him...why? He said nothing. Yes nothing came out of his mouth.Suddenly I was announced as his "best friend" he said "more than a best friend".
I asked him,why i was demoted. Yes,it is.He told he has so many problems in life,including that time we both appeared for final exams and entrance exams for PG.He told that he is not in a position to say anything. And he suddenly re- recognized we both were from different caste and same age.
I chose to wait.(now i regret). Didn't want to bother him.Though i confronted him so many times for his on-off relationship ,i hoped one day other day he would marry me.So,like this it went for 6 years.Yes.OMG..!!My dreadful years.
During my important time of entrance exam he all of sudden disappeared from my life.No reason.No whereabout.Nothing. I was clueless.
I was searching for him from this city to that city and town,mutual friends, social media,his relatives,hiz neighbors even strangers. Everyone looked at me like a crazy girl.Finally i came to know that he joined a coaching class in other state.
Yes,i cried.cried.cried like hell.Even tried to end my life for his betrayal.But after certain time i was tiered of crying.
As i said i had to appear for important exam.So to deviate myself i studied hard and cried hard.Both went hand in hand.
I got through in exams well.I didn't have any idea about his results. He didn't tell me.And he didn't ask me.I didn't neither. But i had hope that he must have got good marks,because he is always studious than me.
Till my first year of PG i didn't get any clue what he was doing. One fine day he called me and didn't bother to ask anything about me or our future. He asked my financial support for for his PG coaching. Oh..well..!! I did at cost my daily food.Yes,i skipped meals to help him to give him that money.But expected nothing in return. But i wished he did love me.I didn't ask him,just because i didn't want to give him mental stress during exam days.
Next year results came.He passed with very good mark.Joined in a reputed institute. He called me to say the results. I was like so happy.That time also i had no clue whether he will marry me or not.Not because he will be my future husband,but because i loved him.I thought he will talk about our future.
You know,what did he say..."Hey, i got this rank and going to take this course,and i am going to say my mom to look for bride for me".Yes,...he said this.
I was like blank.Totally became numb.I just stopped talking to him.Concentrated in my studies and my wonderful friends. They were very much supportive for me.
For 3 whole years i didn't know what he was doing.
I became a very good student and got enviable placement in a topmost corporate sector.
Meanwhile i was approached by some guys.But i was very much reluctant for next relationship because of the excruciating pain of Love. After gap of 2 years started to go for dating but nothing was working out because of trust issues. But i was so happy and enjoying life like anything. It was exactly 3 years of my last cry.
Again one day i got a call from unknown number. It was him.OMG...!! No,i didn't fight or get angry.after a formal inquiries he said that he felt guilt for leaving me.I was curious. Why...?He said he is divorcing his wife.(Oh..!you got married...?)
Because she is arrogant and torturing him.Because she is rich and he is poor.He said he wanted to ask my pardon. I was really really not happy for his life.Infact i cried for his miserable present.But i could not do morethan anything .I was completely over him already. Love was there but more than that my pain was still lingering whenever i talk to him.
So,please don't spoil your future or present life for revenge and all.Live your life, and be happy.
Guilt is the worst punishment for any mistake.
Not now,but one day other or sometimes very soon like in my case they will feel the guilt of mistreating and betraying you.
Till then Live your own happy life.
Some of these are pretty fucking obvious and have probably already been written, but here’s what comes to the top of mind:
Anything that could get your ass sued or in jail. So
Some of these are pretty fucking obvious and have probably already been written, but here’s what comes to the top of mind:
Anything that could get your ass sued or in jail. So no putting your sex tapes on the internet or any of that bullshit. You’re better than that no chick is worth it.

What To Do When You Want To Get Revenge On Your Ex!

I still can’t get over my ex wife, what should I do?
Changing the way you think after a breakup is possible!

I received a phone call from a client last night and we were talking about a topic that is not uncommon at all. When somebody breaks your heart and leaves you, it delivers a pretty big blow to your ego. Everything feels unfair and you can feel frustrated that your ex seems to be in control, and you got the short end of the stick. So the result is that in addition to feeling heart broken and hurt, you are also mad.
So what would make you feel better? This is when your thoughts start to gravitate towards how to get revenge on your ex. The conversation I had last night with my client inspired me to write this article for you today on the absolute best way to get revenge on your ex… so let’s take a look, shall we?
Nobody wants to feel like the loser in the relationship and in the breakup. This is why so many people turn to getting revenge on an ex in an attempt to feel better about how things ended. For many people, a breakup is kind of like a competition and they want to win it.
So as of now you might be thinking about how to get revenge on the person that broke your heart.
Should you sleep with someone else because you know it’ll hurt them and make them jealous?
Should you share one of their secrets?
Should you badmouth them to your mutual friends?
Well… while these things might feel satisfying in the moment, this is actually not the best way to get revenge on an ex . In fact, if you want to come out on top of this break up, we are actually going to have to switch your focus away from revenge.

You see, the more you actively try to seek revenge on someone , the more obvious it becomes that they still have quite an effect on you. When it comes to a break up, the most productive thing you could possibly do in order to make yourself feel better it is to focus on improving your own life.
So I know that seeking revenge on someone can feel tempting, especially when your ego is bruised after getting broken up with, but if you really want to come out on top you are going to have to take a different route.
What it all boils down to right now is that you are suffering from heartbreak but also from a bruised ego. It’s perfectly normal that you would feel like revenge would be a fast pass to feeling better about the situation.
The problem with getting revenge on your ex-boyfriend or girlfriend is that the positive feelings involved will be short lived, and the energy you are expending should actually be used in a very different way. It is more productive to dedicate your time and energy to actions that will actually guarantee your future well-being, instead of focusing on how to get revenge on someone .
So to put it simply, the best way to get revenge on your ex is to become happier than ever before.I don’t mean that you should try to become happy at the expense of another person – your ex shouldn’t actually play a part in this process at all.
I got an email not too long ago from someone asking, “ how to get revenge on an ex girlfriend without her knowing.” The key to winning a breakup is to start living a life that is better than ever before. That might sound vague, but think about it this way.
If you want to show your ex that you are better off without them, that they made a mistake in letting you walk out of their life, and that you did not let this break up break you, what better way to do that into show them that you have created a life for yourself that is fulfilling, exciting, gratifying, and fun?
A life that anyone would be a fool to not want to be a part of…
But once again, the changes you make in your life should not be done for anyone other than you. If you are focusing on getting revenge on your ex, making him or her jealous , or hurting them in any way, this is going to affect your actions.

Everything you do will be because your ex is on your mind, and you will be trying to prove a point instead of focusing on what is best for you.
Not only does this make the healing process much longer, it puts your long-term well-being on the back burner. Simply put, if you want to come out on top of this break up, figuring out ways to get revenge on your ex should not be your priority .
Have you heard the expression, “Success is the best revenge?” Well, it basically illustrates the point I was making above. The absolute best revenge you can have is to come out on top , but there is one thing to keep in mind.Success is the best revenge if you are not trying to get revenge. What do I mean by this?
Anything that you do to grab your ex’s attention, especially in a negative way, is going to be obvious to him or her. Not only will they be able to see it from a mile away, it can also make you look desperate which is the opposite of what we want.
So yes, you can get revenge on an ex by becoming successful in your personal goals, but it only works if you were truly doing it for yourself (and not to get your ex’s attention).
As this article comes to an end, let’s take a look at the simple things you can start doing to begin improving your life. You don’t need to be posting sexy pictures of yourself or photos of you with members of the opposite sex to make your ex feel bad.
I wanted to write this article in order to tell you the same thing that I explained to my client yesterday. He was so upset about the situation and the fact that he felt powerless, so I explained to him that he is in control of much more than he realizes. The same is true for you! This breakup is not a reflection of who you are or what you bring to the table, and if anything, it can serve as a powerful catalyst for positive changes in your life .

What you need to be doing is prioritizing passions and goals that were put on the back burner while you were in the relationship. It’s so easy to lose track of our personal lives when we get in a serious relationship, so now is the time to start reintroducing these things. In addition to this, I encourage you to start thinking about new activities that you can include in your schedule. The goal is to fill up your schedule with people and activities that bring you joy instead of thinking about how to get the best revenge on someone.
You can also work on becoming more physically active because not only will this boost your self-confidence, it will also boost your endorphins and energy levels, therefore making it easier to feel better and do more things that benefit you.
With all the emotions that a person experiences after a break up, it can be difficult to find the motivation. That is why I want to remind you that we are here to help you every step of the way. You can read this article on how to bounce back from a break up , leave any questions you may have in the comments section below, or get in touch with me or a member of my team by clicking here .
Your coach when you want to get revenge on an ex
Bonus: 3 advanced strategies that will turn you into a Human Relationships Expert and give you the tools to get back with the one you love... for good!
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Home Romance Compass Blog Dating tips Best 15 Ideas How to Get Revenge on Your Ex
An ex-partner no longer deserves your attention. I think that there is no need in revenge. It’s better to do what you want, develop yourself, and live happily without thinking about the ex.
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Unlikely many adults have never felt the pain of betrayal when a beloved person cheated on them with somebody else. Most of these abandoned people who their ex-partners had previously cheated on experienced the betrayal quite painful but with dignity. But some of them are still thinking about revenge. Let’s take a closer look if revenge can fix these heart wounds.
“Revenge is a dish best served cold.” And revenge against ex is probably the sweetest one. If someone has done something that annoys and irritates you so much that you have no choice but take revenge, it can be difficult to figure out where to start. You can take the best revenge on cheating ex passively, ignoring him\her and pretending that nothing has happened. Most often, this is the most acceptable option, besides, it allows you not to dive into the negative experience. On the other hand, there are plenty of other ways to get revenge on your ex, which can be far more painful both physically and emotionally. One can actively take revenge by taking legal measures (unless it violates human rights), undermining a person’s attempts to offend you or outsmarting the offender using the harmless but embarrassing tricks and plans.
Think carefully about whether revenge is really what you need, and if so, be careful not to lose your mind. There are many laws and rules both written and unwritten that you can break when attempting to get revenge over your ex . Remember some of your actions might not be justified by law, consequently, your mind must be cold to take the right decisions and never do anything illegal against other people, even if they deserve to suffer in pain.
“How long does the pain of betrayal last?” “Should I get revenge on my ex?” are the questions, you probably asked yourself when you lost respect and trust to the person who once had been the center of your personal universe. It is impossible to answer these questions for sure as everyone may have different emotional states. And, unfortunately, it is possible to fully understand the situation only after experiencing this pain.
If you decide to punish your partner, you should better stop right now. Why? Because punishment can slow down your recovery process, thus increasing the pain and despair which you feel and try so hard to reduce. That is, punishing the ex-partner means to punish yourself in the first place.
Whatever form of revenge you choose, it ultimately perpetuates negative feelings you are experiencing at the moment. It seems to you that your revenge can hurt your partner as much as they've hurt you, but is that so? Maybe he/she doesn't care, but you keep thinking about the revenge instead of starting a new life. Most often, the desire for revenge appears just after the betrayal. Of cause, the person who suffers due to betrayal attempts to create the image that he/she controls the situation, although, in real life, this person feels just powerless, unhappy and injured.
There is an ultimate reason why you don’t have to plan your revenge over the person who has cheated on you.
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