Rev. Sam's Wife Pt. 03

Rev. Sam's Wife Pt. 03

The sunset was so lovely from my balcony as I enjoyed my evening meal served by handsome Franklin.

What a day it had been. I had no idea that such resorts were truly real places. One hears about Caribbean vacations where wives get away to refresh themselves and where attractive local young men serve them perhaps in more ways than one. Today, I had seen with my own eyes amazing specimens of polite, strong young men who were not at all shy about fully displaying themselves.

I would have been frightened and timid, but the pace and weather here and the gentleness of the staff put me at ease. To my surprise, it seemed normal and I smiled as young men with rather enormous penises walked by. I could still see Roland's thick member circling and swaying just inches from me.

This was just my second night at the resort, and I found myself looking forward to five more days in the sun.

Franklin returned to take my dinner tray. As he left, he asked, "Would madam like turndown service tonight?"

I smiled, "Yes, please."

He nodded politely, then added, "An evening restful massage is also included if you would like."

I had never had a massage from a professional, and the thought sounded too good to pass up. "Yes, I would like that."

Franklin nodded and said, "I will ask Mr. Roland to come soon."

For the first time, I felt slight panic. If Roland was coming to my room to massage me, what did I want to happen? I had seen other wives today mocking their husbands and enjoying the attention of handsome young men who were well equipped to please women.

Roland was slightly older, but he too was well equipped, perhaps even more than the others. My mind began to race, and my pulse quickened. What if he was coming to my room to fuck me? Oh dear, I think I wanted that more than I could admit to myself, and suddenly I was on the spot to maintain my modesty and faithfulness to my husband or to take a once in a lifetime chance to experience a dream.

I was still unsure when I heard a knock on my door. It was Roland, dressed in casual evening attire and carrying a small case. "Good evening, Mrs. Davidson. How are we tonight?"

I had taken the precaution to change into my best lingerie under the resort evening robe. "I am well, thank you."

Roland smiled, "As Franklin explained, your service includes unlimited use of all our amenities, including massage, at any time."

I smiled.

"May I come in?" he asked politely.

"Certainly," I said as I stepped back and opened the door to my room.

Roland said, "We have facilities in our spa for massage, but in the evening many guests prefer the privacy of their own room."

He walked with me onto the balcony and enjoyed the view, "Isn't it lovely tonight?" he said.

Then he opened his little case and I saw lotions and oils. He lit a fragrant candle and then asked me to remove my robe. Earlier in the day, he had seen more of me, including my breasts, so I was already comfortable with him seeing me in just my bra and panties. As I removed the robe Roland said, "Madam is lovely tonight."

I felt a little shiver as he asked me to lie face-down on the bed. Without asking, he unclasped my bra and let the straps fall to the side. "We will begin gently," he said as his large hands touched me and spread moist oil across my back.

"Madam is married?" he asked.

"Yes, I am Mrs. Davidson," I answered.

"Many wives visit our resort to find renewal. Some come with their husbands, and others enjoy themselves alone."

I just listened. Roland went on, "While you're here, we want the stresses of life to melt away. You can feel carefree and open to new pleasures."

As his hands expertly moved up and down my back, I wanted to be open to new pleasures. But guilt and responsibility told me to withhold my deepest pleasures. As it turned out, I was no match for Roland's experienced way with wives.

"Let me get on top of you to massage deeper," Roland said. And then he removed his trousers and shirt. Underneath he wore nothing. Naked and with that same pendulous penis, Roland sat astride my back. His large and growing member rested between my buttocks, and I felt it slide upward as it extended.

His hands returned to expertly kneading my back, and my comfort under his touch battled with my concern that his cock was ready for whatever I might allow. Thank goodness I was still protected by my panties.

Roland moved downward along my backside and legs, his penis falling between and then down my legs as he massaged my buttocks and legs. I was holding my breath for fear that he would remove my panties, but he made no attempt to see my pussy.

Roland stood and asked me to turn over onto my back. I knew that this was an irregular massage position, but I was willing to let him continue. As I turned, my bra fell completely away. On my back, my breasts were presented for him to view. Roland again straddled my midsection. "Forgive me, madam, but here in the island, we are very informal about nudity. I hope you don't mind."

His penis rested on my chest as he oiled and massaged my shoulders, then he began to pay attention to my breasts. Over and under, he gently moved them up and down and from side to side. He avoided touching my nipple tips for a long time, and when he finally did touch them it felt like a jolt of electricity. He smiled when he saw that his touch made me audibly squeal.

I was feeling beyond relaxed. I had relaxed, and now I felt a growing sense of pleasurable tension about Roland and what he could do to me tonight. Quickly, I thought of Sam back home, probably doing the dishes and walking the dog. I appreciated Sam's loyalty and support for me, but I had talked myself into letting this happen. I glanced down at Roland's cock, and it had risen up off my chest and was cantilevered out, dancing in the air above me.

And I thought about that bastard my husband had hired as a consultant. Even though Doug Wainwright had tricked me and used my unintended nudity to force me into embarrassing situations, I had to admit that he was the reason that I was on this bed looking at this cock and nervously pleased about what was about to happen.

Roland was finished with the preliminaries. Sitting with his legs spread wide and his testicles resting on me and his penis extended like a rocket he said, "Mrs. Davidson, we can offer you the ultimate service if you request it."

I knew what he meant, but I couldn't bring myself to speak.

"For this service, we must remove your panties," Roland said.

Again, I was quiet trying to pretend that I was shy, I suppose. He asked, "Would madam like her panties removed?"

My mind was confused, but my body was yearning. I couldn't answer him right away.

Roland took my hands and placed them on his very long and very thick erection. I felt the velvety smooth skin stretched taught, and my fingers found the soft spongy head of his manhood as Roland smiled and remained inactive, waiting for me to give permission.

Dreamily, I answered him, "Yes."

Roland moved the foot of the bed, and I expected him to take off my panties. His large erection waved back and forth. But to my surprise he said, "Just one moment, madam" as he walked to the door to a connecting room. He knocked on the door and said, "It is now time."

The door opened and in walked Doug Wainwright. There I was undressed and almost nude, and here was this man I despised who had taken away my panties before. He was dressed in his business consultant suit, just like I'd always seen him, just like he looked when he took off my panties in church. I was alarmed.

Roland spoke, "Mrs. Davidson, your friend Mr. Wainwright made these arrangements for your visit, and he arrived this afternoon. We had reserved the connecting room for him."

My heart had already been racing, and now I was both breathless and speechless.

Roland said, "He gave instructions that no one was to remove your panties by him."

Doug walked to the bedside and stuck out his hand, "So nice to see that you're enjoying your vacation. I knew you would benefit from time away from home."

Then he walked to the foot of the bed and leaned forward. "Did I hear you tell Roland to take off her panties?"

I was scared, happy, frightened, excited, confused, and didn't want to talk to this man who had been toying with me for so long. Roland stood nearby and dripped oil onto his long shaft then stroked himself. His cock glistened in the soft light as he prepared himself for me.

"Mrs. Davidson," Doug said, "Now I need you to tell me what to do." He smiled, "Unlike the other times, I won't violate your wishes." He stared into my eyes and instructed me, "Tell me what you want me to do?"

I glanced again at Roland gently caressing his enormous penis and smiling at me. I glanced at Doug Wainwright smiling at me.

"Goddamn it! I should have known you would find a way to get my panties again, and you know I can't resist giving them to you."

"Is that your permission?" Doug asked. "When I take them this time I will see your pussy."

Hearing him speak that word sent a shiver though me. Of course he wanted to see my pussy. Doug Wainwright has been wanting to see my pussy for weeks, months. And now I was defeated. He had won, he and his friends here on the island.

In a half angry voice, I said, "Go ahead, take off my panties this one last time."

Doug smiled and leaned over me. He took my panties off, gently pulled them down. Roland watched eagerly, and Doug watched eagerly as my soft hair and full pussy came into view. I'm sure Roland sees this every day and more than once every day. I'm sure Roland fucks guests every day and more than once every day. I'm sure Doug has taken the panties of many wives. But it all seemed so unreal to me.

As he slid my panties off my legs, Doug held them up, twirled them on his finger, then put them in his coat pocket.

Roland asked Doug, "Will you help us get started?"

Doug knew exactly what to do, as if he had worked on this routine with Roland before. Roland knelt above my head with his penis brushing my cheek. Doug grasped my ankles and spread my legs, lifting them until Roland could reach and pull them back and wider apart. My full pussy way completely on display and open for them.

Without even loosening his tie, Doug leaned down and surprised me by licking every part of my pussy. My husband never did this, and it was new for me. I had heard of such things, but never seen or experienced it. It only took seconds for me to feel pleasures and sensations I didn't know were possible.

Doug's tongue slowly moved from the deep lower part of me up to the most sensitive little spot. Then he would stop and say, "Wives need time to relax." Then another long tongue lashing, and another comment like, "Especially ministers' wives." Every time he licked me and spoke it felt more emotionally dizzy. The pleasure increased with everything he did and said. If the day had been a revelation, this night was a genesis of new feeling.

I lost track of time. I was soaring into another world of new pleasures when the men switched places. Doug moved to hold my legs apart and Roland prepared himself to fuck me.

Since this service is routine at the resort, I trusted that Roland knew how best to try to insert his oversized organ into a housewife who wasn't used to it. He let his cock rest on top of me for a while and slid it back and forth over me, occasionally nicking the soft tissues of my pussy. Then I felt him enter.

By this time I was so wet and willing and he was so oiled and slick that his entry was pleasant. It only became more pleasant as he carefully and expertly inched into me. I felt his testicles bouncing against my ass.

Always the gentleman, Roland would ask, "Is madam feeling safe and comfortable?" as his giant cock made me a new woman. In no time he was far deeper than my husband could go, and his girth forced the most sensitive contact with each movement in and out.

No one but my husband had ever fucked me before, and know I knew that I would never need anyone else to fuck me. This was clearly the top of the line for entertaining wives.

Roland turned me over and entered me from behind as I kneeled. I felt his cock enter me easily and deeper. Later, he let me be on top, so all three of us could watch as his cock disappeared into me. I became rather wild, I'm afraid, and enjoyed myself as never before, not thinking a bit about my life back home. I was happy to know that Doug had my panties in his pocket again.

Perhaps an hour later, Roland excused himself. He hadn't ejaculated, but he had left me in quite an excited and fulfilled state. "I must get back to the front desk in case other guests have needs." Was he kidding? Would he be doing this again tonight with another guest?

Roland said, "It is our pleasure to help you relax, Mrs. Davidson. Please let us know whenever you would like more of our treatments." After he left the room, Doug brought me a drink and sat in a chair beside the bed as I propped up on pillows, completely naked.

"These spa vacations are really a way to unwind, don't you think?" Doug asked.

I gazed at him, lifted my glass toward him, and said, "I'm looking forward to the rest of the week."

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