Returning to Traditional Life styles?

Returning to Traditional Life styles?


There are many factors that are influencing women to return to a more traditionalist, submissive lifestyle. Some of these factors are cultural, while others are psychological or even spiritual in nature.

From a cultural perspective, it is evident that there is a growing trend of women embracing more traditional roles. This is seen in the resurgence of popularity in shows and movies like 'Downton Abbey' and 'The Help' which feature women in domestic roles. Additionally, there has been a shift in the conversation surrounding feminism, with more women openly embracing the label of 'feminine' instead of 'feminist.'

psychologically, it is believed that women are naturally wired to be more submissive and emotional than men. This theory is supported by research which shows that women tend to be more influenceable and more prone to 'pleasing behaviors.' Additionally, many women find satisfaction and fulfillment in nurturing and care-taking roles.

From a spiritual perspective, it is possible that women are feeling a pull to return to more traditional roles as a way to connect with God. In the Bible, women are often portrayed as submissive, care-taking figures, and many Christian women feel a sense of calling to emulate these women. Additionally, submitting to a husband or authority figure can be seen as a way of worshipping and honoring God.

Ultimately, there is no single answer as to why women are returning to more traditional, submissive roles. However, it is clear that there are a variety of factors at play.

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