Resolution 9 ECPR (European Congress of Subcarpathian Rusyns) and of the 6th VKPR (World Congress of Subcarpathian Ruthenians) May 17 and 18, 2012

Resolution 9 ECPR (European Congress of Subcarpathian Rusyns) and of the 6th VKPR (World Congress of Subcarpathian Ruthenians) May 17 and 18, 2012



On May 17 and 18, 2012, the 9th ECPR and the 6th WCR took place.

  On May 17, 2012, the 6th European Congress of Subcarpathian Rusyns took place, and on May 18, 2012, the World Congress of Subcarpathian Rusyns took place online on the Internet.

This is the fourth Congress that the Rusyns are holding via the Internet. 78 delegates took part in its work. Delegates from Ukraine, Czech Republic, Hungary, Russia, Slovakia, Latvia, USA, Australia were represented. All participants were previously sent draft documents of the Congress and comments were taken into account, processed and included in the final document of the Congress. Since the times of the USSR, for the first time in Transcarpathia, in all regional centers and large settlements, a public and professional discussion was held on the draft resolution proposed by Transcarpathian entrepreneurs on April 21, 2012 in Mukachevo and supported by the Rusyn National Movement. Discussions on the ground about the beginning of the transition period from the Transcarpathian region of the Ukrainian SSR to the special self-governing territory of Transcarpathia, after the legal registration of the results of the Transcarpathian regional referendum of December 1, 1991, have been going on for more than six months. Much has already been formed, some provisions are still being discussed. But the work continues and is in full swing. As a result of the Congress, the Resolution of the 6th World Congress of Subcarpathian Rusyns was voted online and adopted, in continuation / addition to the decisions of the 5th World Congress of Subcarpathian Rusyns.

Resolution of the 6th VKPR (World Congress of Subcarpathian Ruthenians) and

9 ECPR (European Congress of Subcarpathian Rusyns).


RUSYNS, proceeding from the fact that the expression "revolutions are started by idealists, made by romantics, and scoundrels take advantage", agree that the violent way of gaining power is illegitimate by definition. In contrast to the already traditional in our region seizure of power by the Galician Nazis from March 1939 to the present day, it was for local Rusyns that they and any actions of "seizure of power" by force, or, what is the same, the seizure of power under the guise of " color revolutions. Elections, as a democratic way to power, have been held in Ukraine for 20 years already in conditions of total falsifications and an almost absolute lack of public access to objective information about the moral and professional qualities of candidates. In the absence of objective information about the moral and professional qualities of candidates who falsify the outcome of the elections, it is pointless to talk about democracy in Ukraine, as well as about the state.

In contrast to the almost constant electoral fraud in Ukraine, the Transcarpathian regional, according to the "Law on referendums ... in the Ukrainian SSR" of July 3, 1991, the local referendum of December 1, 1991 was held in accordance with the current legislation of that time and indeed expressed and fixed the will of the people of the region, which is why it gives every reason to legally implement it by legal methods.

For the Rusyn National Movement for 20 years, the task of legalizing the results of the Transcarpathian regional local referendum of December 1, 1991, ignoring and bypassing provocations from the secret services and their agents, has always been based on the legitimate actions of the Rusyns. Only after the adoption of a legal decision on the legal registration of the results of the referendum, with the proclamation of the autonomous status of the region, with the recognition of this fact by the successor countries of the international treaty of June 29, 1945 (USSR and Czechoslovakia), RUSSIA and the CZECH REPUBLIC, the mechanism for restoring the former status of this territory is launched, as subject of international law since 1919, with a new name of December 1, 1991 "special self-governing territory of Transcarpathia-Podkarpatskaya Rus".

This gives the legal right to the Rusyns:

1. Use instead of the name of the Transcarpathian region. Ukrainian SSR, the new name according to the one formulated and voted for such a name at the Transcarpathian regional referendum of December 1, 1991 - "Special self-governing territory of Transcarpathia-Subcarpathian Rus".

2. Upon completion of the legal registration of the results of the Transcarpathian regional referendum of December 1, 1991, announce the composition of the interim government and begin the stage of its full legalization by obtaining its recognition by the international community, and the beginning of its legitimate activities. By decrees, the governments confirm the extension of their temporary powers to the special self-governing territory of Transcarpathia - Subcarpathian Rus, (Stalin's name "Transcarpathian region of Ukraine") within its administrative boundaries established in 1919 and 1945 until the first meeting of the freely elected Rusyn parliament.

3. Begin preparations for holding re-elections of all representative local authorities to the local parliament, in accordance with the new status of the territory - "special self-governing territory of Transcarpathia-Podcarpathian Rus", which was confirmed by the local state-forming referendum on December 1, 1991.

4. Establish appropriate relationships with the central authorities in Kyiv, as well as relationships with neighboring countries.

5. Open in the future diplomatic missions of the USA, Russia, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, Poland and others, in compliance with all international conventions.

6. Demand that in a short period of time, thanks to the recognition of the local population of the new government, the old government left peacefully;

7. Throughout the time it takes for the legal registration of the results of the Transcarpathian regional referendum of December 1, 1991, to hope that the Ukrainian authorities in the face of the world community will not dare to provide illegal resistance, using all illegal methods available to it before. The task of the Rusyn National Movement is that all the actions of the provisional Rusyn government do not contradict the Law and the peace agreements.

8. In the special self-governing territory of Transcarpathia-Podcarpathian Rus, dual citizenship will be allowed for easier integration into the European and world community.

9. All international treaties relating directly or indirectly to the special self-governing territory of Transcarpathia-Podcarpathian Rus, concluded after October 1938, shall be ratified by the new parliament of the special self-governing territory of Transcarpathia-Podcarpathian Rus.

10. Real and movable property in the special self-governing territory of Transcarpathia-Podcarpathian Rus, including illegally privatized, be transferred to the ownership of the special self-governing territory of Transcarpathia-Podcarpathian Rus, taking into account international practice and human rights.

11. To declare that all national minorities in the special self-governing territory of Transcarpathia-Podcarpathian Rus will be guaranteed all rights and freedoms in accordance with European and international legislation, which will be implanted in the local Constitution already at the first meeting of parliament.

6 Svitovy (World) Congress of Subcarpathian Rusyns

and 9 EKPR (European Congress of Subcarpathian Rusyns) decided:

to accept and confirm the decisions of previous Ruthenian congresses of Subcarpathian Ruthenians.

1. To draw the attention of the international community, primarily the Russian Federation and the Czech Republic, to the unresolved issues of the rights and freedoms of the Rusyn people in Ukraine, with the 20-year ignorance by the authorities of the results of the referendum on December 1, 1991, and to the grossest violations of the legal rights and freedoms of the Rusyn people in the historical Ruthenian land, given the grave consequences of disrespect for such rights, which have often taken place in the world in recent times.

2. Condemn the illegal prosecution of the leaders of the Rusyns by the SBU and the prosecutor's office, knowingly based on falsified criminal cases, which already exacerbates the 20-year-old crimes of the Ukrainian authorities against humanity.

3. To condemn the cynicism of the Ukrainian Transcarpathian Court of Appeal (as a court of first instance), which on March 19, 2012 recognized the fact of participation in the local referendum on December 1, 1991 of the Rusyns themselves, along with representatives of other nationalities of Romanians, Slovaks, Ukrainians and Russians, but at the same time , in a judicial forcible manner, on March 19, 2012, he assigned the nationality "Ukrainian" to a local Rusyn against his will.

4. To the Rusyn National Movement and the Government of the PR, to begin work on the legal registration of the results of the Transcarpathian regional referendum of December 1, 1991, according to the "Appendix to the list of priorities and measures" for the transition period in the special self-governing territory (hereinafter - SST) Transcarpathia-Podkarpatskaya Rus.

5. Use instead of the name of the Transcarpathian region. Ukrainian SSR, the new name, according to the one formulated and voted at the Transcarpathian regional local referendum of December 1, 1991, is "Special self-governing territory of Transcarpathia-Podcarpathian Rus".


VKPR Chairman V. Dzhugan Congress Secretary B. Lakatosh. SCPR member A.Matiko SCPR member A.Sava SCPR member P. Fures Signatures of other delegates of the Congress




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