Resistance Band Pull Ups: Theideal Workout For Your Upper Body Progress

Resistance Band Pull Ups: Theideal Workout For Your Upper Body Progress

Alex Schiffelbein
resistance band assisted pull ups

If you’re looking to strengthen and tone your upper body, resistance band assisted pull ups are an ideal workout. Resistance bands will add tension to your body as you pull up, making the exercise more challenging and providing you with a more intense workout. With the right form and a few tips, you can master the pull up with the help of a resistance band and reach your fitness goals!

How To Perform Resistance Band Pull Ups

Before you start, make sure you have the right resistance band for the exercise. Select one that’s made of durable material and can handle the weight of your body. You should also consider the thickness of the band – the thicker the band, the more resistance it will provide.

Attach the band to a secure spot, like a door frame or the top of a pull up bar. Step into the band, so that it’s around your thighs, and grab the pull up bar. Make sure that your palms are facing away from you and your arms are fully extended. From here, begin pulling your body up until your chin is above the bar.

When you reach the top of the pull up, hold for a few seconds and then slowly lower yourself back down. This is one rep. Make sure you’re keeping your core tight and that your body is in one straight line throughout the movement. It’s also important to keep your elbows close to your body as you pull up.

Benefits Of Resistance Band Pull Ups

The main benefit of resistance band pull ups is that it helps you build strength in your upper body. The resistance provided by the band adds intensity to the exercise and forces your muscles to work harder. Over time, this can lead to improved strength, muscle tone, and definition.

The resistance band also helps you maintain good form. When you’re using a regular pull up bar, it can be easy to cheat and use momentum to pull yourself up. With the band, you’re forced to use your muscles to lift your body, which helps you master the proper form for the exercise.

Finally, resistance band pull ups are a great way to switch up your regular workout routine. If you’ve been doing regular pull ups for a while, adding the resistance band will give you a new challenge and help you progress in your fitness journey.


Resistance band pull ups are an effective and challenging exercise that can help you strengthen and tone your upper body. With the right form and a quality resistance band, you can reap the benefits of this exercise and get one step closer to your fitness goals.

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