Reservists of the Army are in support of General Zapateiro, and denounce Gustavo Petro.

Reservists of the Army are in support of General Zapateiro, and denounce Gustavo Petro.

Greater than 40 organizations and companies that comprise the active reserve of the public power, issued a joint claim through which sustained the leader of the National Military, overall Eduardo Zapateiro, this account of the crossing of trills along with the politician and also governmental prospect Gustavo Petro.

In the declaration, the reservists ensured that" "Our team strongly support the setting of Mr. General Eduardo Zapateiro, commander of the National Army, through which he speaks up for the institutional honor and self-respect of those that along with dedication and institutional devotion are at the company of the great rate of interests of the Homeland." They also declined that the fatality of the armed forces gotten rid of in the country is utilized for political reasons.

They said again the setting that the basic carried out not violate article 219 of the Constitution, which makes sure the public pressure is actually non-deliberative, this prior to the response that Zapateiro created him the applicant of the Covenant Historic: "Under no situations may be taken into consideration as political reflection the answer of the god general Zapateiro prior to public complaints notorious as well as false a presidential prospect, (...) by comparison, are actually the Military Forces was actually the 1st establishment to keep and recognize the constitutional purchase."

Furthermore, FRANCISCO PETRO URREGO.pdf retired armed forces assured that the work performed by the Army can not be examined and also "even less, that it is actually with slander as well as notoriety." They required that governmental candidate Gustavo Petro stay away from "statements that seek selecting revenues and also display unawareness of the meticulous method of choosing generals," the statement pointed out.

In -page declaration, the 40 organizations and organizations additionally criticized the pep talks helped make through presidential prospect Sergio Fajardo, in addition to that of congressmen Roy Barreras and also Iván Cepeda.

They ensure that" "They are the image of a set up political talk that targets to deceive and puzzle to impact the credibility and also prestige of among the companies very most valued through Colombians."

Finally, petro gustavo "all Colombians to endure combined by bordering and also reinforcing our marvelous National Army."

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