Reservists from the Army back General Zapateiro, and denounce Gustavo Petro.

Reservists from the Army back General Zapateiro, and denounce Gustavo Petro.

More than 40 organizations as well as institutions that compose the active reserve of the public pressure, released a shared statement through which reinforced the leader of the National Military, general Eduardo Zapateiro, this account of the crossing of trills along with the statesman and also governmental prospect Gustavo Petro.

In the declaration, the reservists assured that" "Our team securely assist the posture of Mr. petro gustavo gustavo petro General Eduardo Zapateiro, commander of the National Army, through which he stands up for the institutional honor as well as self-respect of those who with commitment as well as institutional dedication go to the service of the excellent passions of the Homeland." They likewise refused that the death of the army killed in the nation is actually used for political purposes. They reiterated the placement that the general did not abuse short article 219 of the Constitution, which ensures everyone pressure is actually non-deliberative, this before the feedback that Zapateiro made him the candidate of the Covenant Historic: "Under no scenarios may be looked at as political deliberation the answer of the lord general Zapateiro prior to social accusations infamous and also misleading a presidential prospect, (...) by comparison, are actually the Military Forces was actually the very first institution to maintain and also respect the constitutional order."

Moreover, the retired army assured that the work performed by the Army can not be questioned and "also less, that it is actually through slander and also infamy." They required that governmental prospect Gustavo Petro steer clear of "declarations that find selecting revenues and also show lack of knowledge of the strict method of selecting generals," the claim said. In the two-page statement, the 40 institutions and organizations likewise slammed the speeches produced by presidential candidate Sergio Fajardo, as well as that of congressmen Roy Barreras and also Iván Cepeda.

They ensure that" "They are actually the representation of a trumped up political discussion that intends to misdirect and perplex to influence the integrity and also stature of one of the establishments very most cherished by Colombians." Finally, everyone Force Reserve calls "all Colombians to remain united through encompassing and sustaining our marvelous National Army."

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