Reports #5

Reports #5

φ for Telegram IV Contest
This list was originally submitted by φ in this appeal. It has been moved to this page to lock its content from ongoing edits.


Incorrect dates (1)

Looks like the template creator uses custom logic for date parsing which messes up months. So it's parsed as July instead August, July instead of June and so on.


    Date in IV: "01 Jul 2017, 20:56"
    Should be August.
    Date in IV: "30 Jun 2017, 05:55"
    Should be July.
Admin's comment: True.

Missing author and image (2)

Author name is missing, though this site has special formatting for author names.

Image embed at the top is missing.

And the template shows one-pixel ad tracker image

Admin's comment: True.

The image at the bottom is actually a video link. It even has a Play button on the source page.

It is shown as an image and the link is lost.

Admin's comment: True.

IV isn't generated for supported video (4)

YouTube video. The next template does support it:

Admin's comment: While this is true, the page in question is from 2012. The site currently uses a different method for embedding content which is supported by the template. Support for antique versions of the layout is optional. See:

The image at the bottom is a link. Link is missing in the IV.

The article is about a decease and the link refers to a website about its treatment. So it seems to be essential for the article.

In any case it's incorrect to show the image but not the link.

Admin's comment: In fact, this image is an ad, so the matter is rather of rudimentary content not removed. However, your example was published after the end of the contest. We've checked articles published on medrussia between Jun 1-18 and couldn't find a single case of a similar formatting being used. This appears to be a one off-case.

Tiny preview is used instead of a full-size image (6)

This is how it looks on the source page:

Note the prominent Enlarge button

The template shows a small preview. Though a full-size image could be obtained from "srcset" attribute.

The issue will occur each time the page has such a preview.

Similar issues were accepted before for mine and others templates.

Admin's comment: This template has already been rejected due to a different issue, but we have notified the creator.

Broken domain (7)

This site is completely broken. It doesn't show a single page.

Seems like it should not participate in the contest.

Also note that the only template is "Template #1" submitted on May 30, so basically no one could touch it during the whole contest.

Admin's comment: The domain has moved to We will reflect this change after the end of the contest. See

Missing subtitles (8)

This site has real subtitle right above the title:

Though this template uses a summary text as a subtitle, so the real subtitle is lost.

Using summary as a subtitle is optional.

But loosing a real subtitle is a valid issue.

This formatting is common for the site. Every page I checked just now has it.

Admin's comment: True.

Missing pagination for multi-page articles (9)

This site has multi-page articles. Note the pagination at the bottom of this one.

Also I want to specifically point out that this is not a "related articles" or something.

Regular articles do not have such pagination.

That's essential for such articles.

Admin's comment: We have asked our expert from Saudi Arabia and he confirms that this is in fact not the case. This navigation is between unrelated articles, only connected through their author. The first one on the page you link is about the different attitudes to work found in peoples of different climates. The next one is about the biased reporting on the Al Jazeera channel after its move to Doha. Therefore, these links are clearly rudimentary for the article.

The image at the top is a link. The link is missing.

I'm not sure if it should be treated as a partner site link. It does not seem to have distinct formatting.

In any case, showing the image but not the link is incorrect.

Also, this templates shows a one-pixel ad tracker image at the bottom:

blocked by my adblocker

And it shows a subtitle consisting of site name and author name:

Doesn't really seem right
Admin's comment: It is acceptable, if not recommended, to present the pre-headline / section name as a subtitle. As for the image, this is a banner that exists in all DW articles on the website, it is rudimentary and should have been removed:

On every of these pages the "Subscribe on iTunes" image is a link, which is missing in IV.

It possibly could be removed since there's a "Subscribe via iTunes" in the list above.

Though I would argue against, because it's author content, and removing author content is a sloppy road.

In any case, showing a image but not the link is incorrect.

Also, covers on these pages seem inappropriate. They contain a category title (repeated in the page title) and are the same for every page.

Admin's comment: This template has already been rejected due to a different issue, see We have notified the creator about this problem as well.

IV is not implemented for whole subdomains (12)

None of templates support whole and subdomains

Examples (I'll post a link to the first template, please use CHECK NEXT TEMPLATE button):

Admin's comment: Not implementing subdomains is a minor G7 issue when there are no templates that do this better, which is the case for We understand that there's a bit of an issue with the current checklist due to which creators will often fail when trying to support more complex stuff from a wider range of articles and ultimately lose to creators who only supported the very basic and very simple articles. We will definitely address this problem when preparing the updated version of the checklist for the next contest — but as this stands now, it's not a valid issue.

Missing text and images (13)

Images and text blocks at the top are missing on every page of this category.

Admin's comment: True.

Missing essential polls (14)

The template:

Now visit the page: (note the "vote_list")

Every publication from this list contains an essential poll.

For example:

The title is "セブンティーンアイス、どれを選ぶ? ネットで議論ぼっ発" which is translates to "Seventeen Ice, which one to choose? Discussion on the net".

After follows a text on the subject and a poll. The article is implies a poll, it's basically all about the poll. Also remember that we get there from "vote_list".

Similar issue was accepted for my template.

The reasoning is sound and applies here as much:

  • It's not a meaningless "what do you think?" thing.
  • It's related to the article, and the article implies it. It actually seems like the purpose of these articles is to let readers to know the opinion of other people on the internet.
  • It's not a one-off case. There's a whole list of such poll articles.
Admin's comment: This template has already been rejected because of the issue #13. We have notified the creator about issue #14 as well.

Parts of advertisement section are not removed (15)

The text "A cikk az ajánló után folytatódik" ("The article continues after") is a part of the ads block.

It's totally rudimentary and confusing. It should be removed.

Some more examples of it to show that it's not a one-off case:

Admin's comment: This template has already been rejected due to a different issue (an appeal is in review, we have not yet reached a decision). As for this issue — it is valid, but such formatting has been introduced after the contest has ended. Here's how pages looked like in June:
It seems that they've started moving the FeminaShop block up at least one paragraph at adding "article continues after advertisment" somewhere in July.
Even in cases when the article does continue after the advertisment, there is no mention of that phrase, e.g. here:
So while the issue is valid, it will be treated in the same manner as other cases of layout change.

Broken phrase in author name (16)

It's now all "by Reported by:" and "by Written by: India TV Entertainment Desk"

Similar issue was accepted before:

Admin's comment: True, but this was not so at the time of the contest. Before the end of the contest, this text was not included in the author names. Since the template would have won, had we been able to process all issues on time, we will not reject it now.
See for details:

Missing line breaks and possibly rudimentary content (17)

Caption lines are merged together without any separation. "Dwi AvionoHead"?

It's the same for the whole section. It reveals a flaw in caption handling logic of the template.

Also, these blocks are info about a publication author. They are possibly a rudimentary content.

Admin's comment: True.

IV generated for dynamic page (18)

Note the URL (/video)

Admin's comment: True.

Inappropriate covers cause structure breakage (19)

This image is followed by its description which makes no sense if it's separated from the image.

While this site does not use special formatting for caption, the intention in this case is clear. It may not be required to be a caption, but the structure should not be broken.

This is why you should be careful taking cover images from the article body.

Besides, these images on this site are generally inappropriate for a cover, because really small:

Admin's comment: True.

Missing essential interactive widget (20)

This is a "competition" post. It has "[Конкурс]" in the title, and at the very end of the article there's "Участвовать в конкурсе:" text followed by a competition widget.

The widget is missing in the IV.

This is not a one-off case, there's a number of such posts already and the author is likely to make more in the future.

Admin's comment: Indeed.

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