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v. re·paired , re·pair·ing , re·pairs
1. To restore to sound condition after damage or injury; fix: repaired the broken watch.
2. To set right; remedy: repair an oversight.
3. To restore or renew: repair the immune system.
4. To make up for or compensate for (a loss or wrong, for example).
a. The work, act, or process of repairing.
b. often repairs An instance or a result of repairing: The accident resulted in a costly repair to the car. My bike is in the shop for repairs.
a. The state of being fit for use: The furnace is out of repair.
b. General condition after use or repairing: in good repair.
[Middle English reparen, repairen , from Old French reparer , from Latin reparāre : re- , re- + parāre , to prepare, put in order ; see perə- in Indo-European roots .]
1. To betake oneself; go: repair to the dining room.
2. To go frequently or habitually: repairs to the restaurant every week.
1. An act of going or sojourning: our annual repair to the mountains.
2. A place to which one goes frequently or habitually; a haunt.
[Middle English repairen , to return , from Old French repairier , from Late Latin repatriāre , to return to one's country ; see repatriate .]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
1. to restore (something damaged or broken) to good condition or working order
2. to heal (a breach or division) in (something): to repair a broken marriage .
3. to make good or make amends for (a mistake, injury, etc)
4. the act, task, or process of repairing
5. a part that has been repaired
6. state or condition: in good repair .
[C14: from Old French reparer , from Latin reparāre , from re- + parāre to make ready]
1. ( usually foll by to ) to go (to a place): to repair to the country .
2. ( usually foll by to ) to have recourse (to) for help, etc: to repair to one's lawyer .
3. ( usually foll by from ) archaic to come back; return
4. the act of going or returning
[C14: from Old French repairier , from Late Latin repatriāre to return to one's native land, from Latin re- + patria fatherland; compare repatriate]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
1. to restore to a good or sound condition after decay or damage; mend.
3. to remedy; make up for; compensate for.
4. an act, process, or work of repairing.
a. an instance or operation of repairing.
b. a repaired part or an addition made in repairing.
6. the good condition resulting from continued maintenance and repairing: to keep in repair.
7. condition with respect to soundness and usability: a house in good repair.
[1300–50; Middle English < Middle French reparer < Latin reparāre = re- re - + parāre to prepare ]
1. to betake oneself; go: He repaired in haste to Paris.
4. the act of going, esp. customarily.
[1300–50; < Old French repairier to return < Late Latin repatriāre to return to one's fatherland; see repatriate ]
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
The restoration of an item to serviceable condition through correction of a specific failure or unserviceable condition. See also overhaul; rebuild.
Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms. US Department of Defense 2005.
Several million pounds will be required to restore the theatre.
I asked whether the pictures could be restored.
No one knew how to repair the engine.
Collins COBUILD English Usage © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 2004, 2011, 2012
Collins English Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011
Thesaurus Antonyms Related Words Synonyms Legend:
improvement - the act of improving something; "their improvements increased the value of the property"
darning - the act of mending a hole in a garment with crossing threads
patching - the act of mending a hole in a garment by sewing a patch over it
maintenance , upkeep , care - activity involved in maintaining something in good working order; "he wrote the manual on car care"
quick fix , quickie , quicky , band aid - hurried repair
restoration - the act of restoring something or someone to a satisfactory state
reconstruction - the activity of constructing something again
restitution - the act of restoring something to its original state
condition , status - a state at a particular time; "a condition (or state) of disrepair"; "the current status of the arms negotiations"
area , country - a particular geographical region of indefinite boundary (usually serving some special purpose or distinguished by its people or culture or geography); "it was a mountainous area"; "Bible country"
gathering place - a favorite haunt where people gather
ameliorate , improve , meliorate , amend , better - to make better; "The editor improved the manuscript with his changes"
tinker , fiddle - try to fix or mend; "Can you tinker with the T.V. set--it's not working right"; "She always fiddles with her van on the weekend"
fill - plug with a substance; "fill a cavity"
patch , piece - repair by adding pieces; "She pieced the china cup"
cobble - repair or mend; "cobble shoes"
repoint , point - repair the joints of bricks; "point a chimney"
troubleshoot , trouble-shoot - solve problems; "He is known to be good at trouble-shooting"
patch up , patch - mend by putting a patch on; "patch a hole"
resole , sole - put a new sole on; "sole the shoes"
revamp , vamp - provide (a shoe) with a new vamp; "revamp my old boots"
reheel , heel - put a new heel on; "heel shoes"
darn - repair by sewing; "darn socks"
bust , break - ruin completely; "He busted my radio!"
pay - give money, usually in exchange for goods or services; "I paid four dollars for this sandwich"; "Pay the waitress, please"
give - deliver in exchange or recompense; "I'll give you three books for four CDs"
go , locomote , move , travel - change location; move, travel, or proceed, also metaphorically; "How fast does your new car go?"; "We travelled from Rome to Naples by bus"; "The policemen went from door to door looking for the suspect"; "The soldiers moved towards the city in an attempt to take it before night fell"; "news travelled fast"
correct , right , rectify - make right or correct; "Correct the mistakes"; "rectify the calculation"
energize , perk up , energise , stimulate , arouse , brace - cause to be alert and energetic; "Coffee and tea stimulate me"; "This herbal infusion doesn't stimulate"
resuscitate , come to , revive - return to consciousness; "The patient came to quickly"; "She revived after the doctor gave her an injection"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
1. mend , fix , recover , restore , heal , renew , patch , make good , renovate , patch up , put back together , restore to working order He has repaired the roof. mend damage , destroy , harm , ruin , wreck
2. put right , make up for , compensate for , rectify , square , retrieve , redress They needed to repair the damage done by the interview.
1. mend , restoration , overhaul , adjustment Many of the buildings are in need of repair.
2. darn , mend , patch She spotted a couple of obvious repairs in the dress.
3. condition , state , form , shape (informal) , nick (informal) , fettle The road was in bad repair.
verb go , retire , withdraw , head for , move , remove , leave for , set off for , betake yourself We repaired to the pavilion for lunch.
Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002
The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
إصْلاح تَرْميم، تَصْليح حالَه، وَضْع يُصْلِحُ يُصْلِح، يُعَوِّض عَن
oprava opravit spravit stav napravit
reparation reparere stand forfatning gøre god igen
bæta fyrir gera viî, lagfæra nothæft ástand viîgerî
atitaisomas pataisomas reparacija suremontuojamas taisytojas
atlīdzināt in bad repair bojāts kompensēt labošana labot
1. (= act ) → reparación f , arreglo m she had taken her car in for repairs → había llevado el coche al taller to be beyond repair ( lit, fig ) → no tener arreglo the chair is broken beyond repair → la silla no tiene arreglo "closed for repairs" → cerrado por obras , cerrado por reforma "(shoe) repairs while you wait" → arreglamos zapatos al momento , reparaciones de calzado en el acto see also road
2. (= state ) to be in bad or poor repair; be in a bad or poor state of repair → estar en mal estado to be in good repair; be in a good state of repair → estar en buen estado
1. (= mend ) [+ car, machinery, roof ] → arreglar , reparar ; [+ clothes, shoes, road ] → arreglar
2. (= heal ) they wish to repair relations with the West → quieren cerrar la brecha or conciliarse con Occidente
3. (= rectify ) [+ wrong ] → reparar
C. CPD repair job N → arreglo m , reparación f they've done a superb repair job on my car → me han arreglado el coche estupendamente repair shop N → taller m de reparaciones auto repair shop ( US ) → taller m mecánico bicycle repair shop → taller m de reparación de bicicletas repair work N → arreglos mpl , reparaciones fpl
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005
n → réparation f to carry out repairs → effectuer les réparations under repair → en réparation to be in need of repair → nécessiter des réparations in good repair → en bon état in bad repair → en mauvais état to be beyond repair [ building, machine ] → être irréparable
vt (= fix, mend ) → réparer to have something repaired, to get sth repaired → faire réparer qch I got the washing machine repaired → J'ai fait réparer la machine à laver . repair kit n → trousse f de réparation repair man repairman [rɪˈpɛə r mæn] n → réparateur m repair shop n → atelier m de réparations
Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005
vt (lit, fig) → reparieren ; tyre also, clothes → flicken ; roof, wall also, road → ausbessern ; (fig) error, wrong, damage → wiedergutmachen ; image, relations → wiederherstellen
(lit) → Reparatur f ; (of tyre also, clothes) → Flicken nt ; (of roof, wall also, road) → Ausbesserung f ; ( fig : of relationship ) → Kitten nt ; to be under repair (car, ship, machine) → in Reparatur sein ; to put something in for repair → etw zur Reparatur bringen ; the road is under repair → an der Straße wird gerade gearbeitet ; beyond repair → nicht mehr zu reparieren /zu flicken / auszubessern ; damaged beyond repair → irreparabel , nicht mehr zu reparieren ; closed for repair s → wegen Reparaturarbeiten geschlossen ; “road repair s” → „Straßenbauarbeiten“ ; “repairs while you wait” → „Sofortdienst“, „Sofortreparaturen“
no pl (= condition) to be in good/bad repair → in gutem / schlechtem Zustand sein
vi ( liter : = go ) → sich begeben ( to nach)
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007
1. n → riparazione f under repair → in riparazione in good repair, in a good state of repair → in buono stato it is damaged beyond repair → è irrimediabilmente rovinato closed for repairs → chiuso /a per restauro
2. vt ( car, shoes ) → aggiustare , riparare ( fig ) ( wrong ) → rimediare a
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995
1. to mend; to make (something) that is damaged or has broken down work again; to restore to good condition. to repair a broken lock / torn jacket. herstel يُصَلِّح поправям consertar/reparar spravit reparieren reparere επιδιορθώνω , επισκευάζω reparar , arreglar parandama تعمیر کردن؛ وصله پینه کردن korjata réparer לְתָקֵן मरम्मत करना popraviti, obnoviti megjavít memperbaiki gera við, lagfæra riparare 修理する 수리하다 (pa)taisyti, (su)remontuoti remontēt; labot; lāpīt memperbaiki repareren sette i stand , reparere (z)reperować تلل، ستنېدل: ترميمول، رغول consertar a repara чинить opraviť popraviti popraviti reparera, laga ซ่อมแซม tamir etmek , onarmak 修理 лагодити, ремонтувати مرمت کرنا sửa 修理
2. to put right or make up for. Nothing can repair the harm done by your foolish remarks. opmaak يُصْلِح، يُعَوِّض عَن поправям remediar napravit wiedergutmachen gøre god igen επανορθώνω reparar heastama جبران کردن korjata réparer לְתָקֵן दुरूस्त करना ispraviti helyrehoz memperbaiki bæta fyrir riparare , rimediare 償う (부족, 손실 등을) 보상하다 atitaisyti, atlyginti kompensēt; atlīdzināt membetulkan herstellen rette opp , bøte på naprawiać رغول remediar a în­drepta исправлять napraviť popraviti popraviti rätta till ชดเชย gidermek 修正,補救 виправляти تلافی کرنا bù đắp 补救,纠正
1. ( often in plural ) the act of repairing something damaged or broken down. I put my car into the garage for repairs; The bridge is under repair. herstelwerk تَرْميم، تَصْليح ремонт reparação oprava die Reparatur reparation; istandsættelse επιδιόρθωση , επισκευή reparación parandus, remont تعمیر؛ مرمت korjaus réparation שִׁיפּוּצִים दुरुस्ती, मरम्मत popravak javítás perbaikan viðgerð riparazione 修理 수리 작업 remontas, taisymas remonts; labošana pembaikan reparatie istandsetting , reparasjon naprawa كوشير، ترميم، روغونه reparação reparaţie ремонт oprava popravilo opravka reparation, lagning การซ่อมแซม onarım , tamir 修理 лагодження; ремонт درستی sự sửa chữa 维修
2. a condition or state. The road is in bad repair; The house is in a good state of repair. staat حالَه، وَضْع състояние conservação stav der Zustand stand; forfatning κατάσταση estado seisund, kord وضعیت (از لحاظ طرز کار و تعمیر kunto état בְּמָצַב לא טוֹב मरम्त , सूधार u dobrom (ispravnom) stanju állapot keadaan nothæft ástand condizione , 状態 손질이 잘된 상태 būklė bojāts keadaan staat stand , forfatning stan د كار وضعيت conservação stare годность, исправность stav stanje stanje skick สภาพ; สภาวะ durum 維修狀況 справність; стан حالت tình trạng 维修状况
( negative unrepairable ) able to be mended. herstelbaar قابِل للتَّرْميم поправим reparável opravitelný reparaturbedürftig kan repareres; kan istandsættes επιδιορθώσιμος reparable parandatav قابل تعمیر korjattavissa réparable נִיתָן לְתִיקוּן मरम्मत योग्य popravljiv, nadoknadiv megjavítható bisa diperbaiki viðgerðarhæfur riparabile 修理できる 수리할 수 있는 pataisomas, suremontuojamas remontējams; labojams boleh diperbaiki herstelbaar som kan repareres do naprawienia د تعمیر وړ reparável reparabil поддающийся починке opraviteľný popravljiv popravljiv möjlig att reparera ซึ่งซ่อมแซมใหม่ onarılabilir 可修理的 такий, що може бути відремонтований قابل
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