Renpet Stories

Renpet Stories


Renpet Stories
The light of a new morning broke through the stained glass creating and a beautiful display of colors upon the maple flooring. A small commotion arose from a small twin bed as a petit figured stirred. Out of the wool coverings arose a girl with chestnut brown hair that draped over her shoulders in messy curls. She let out a yawn as a voice came from down stairs calling, “Karin, you’re going to be late for your first day of school if you don’t hurry.” Karin let out a sigh. The first day of high-school a day every teenager dreaded, but one that they had to face sooner or later. Karin made her way over to her closet pulling forth a crimson Lolita dress accented with black lace. She looked back towards her doll, Takashi, and glanced a look of sorrow toward him as she began to dress her self. She tugged on her stockings doing her best to pull them higher. Her agile fingers laced her shoes till they fit her perfectly. A small brush made it’s way through her hair making her curls show even more. Karin grabbed Takashi and went to check her reflection. She found a soulless mockery of her self image starring back into her eyes. She smirked at her reflection and made her way down stairs.

Her legs climbed down the stairs tirelessly stopping at the bottom. Her mother walked over to her and looked the doll that Karin held tightly against her chest. “You’ve got to be kidding me Karin. You’re taking Takashi with you. For God’s sake you’re in high-school now don’t you think it’s time you leave that thing home for once” her mother shouted, as she pried Takashi from Karin’s arms throwing him against the back wall. Karin watched as the lifeless doll slumped to the ground. She had no response to her mother’s actions, nothing but a blank stare. “Whatever” she said, “Hurry and go before you miss the bus.” Her mother walked of not even looking back to wish her only child a farewell. Karin eased over to the wall where Takashi was laying and checked to see if her mother was watching. Karin slowly eased down picking up her beloved Takashi. Once her beloved doll was back in her arms she proceeded outside, grabbing her small back-pack, before making her way to the bus stop.

Karin mumbled, “It’s okay Takashi, she didn’t mean it.” The doll was silent, but Karin lightly stroked it’s hair trying to ease what she thought was a real person. She silently stood at the stop waiting for the bus to arrive. A long yellow vehicle pulled up as a bunch of rowdy kids leaned out the windows to look at Karin. She didn’t bother to look up at their laughing faces. The teases and taunts tore at her skin making her feel slightly uncomfortable. She eased her way up the steps and looked for an empty seat that she could call hers. She could her a boy call, “Hey look everyone Goth girl is carrying a doll with her” she heard another one call, “It’s school not a funeral” A girl seated towards the front leaned in and whispered to her friends. She had to have said something funny or else they wouldn’t be laughing. Karin, taking their insults like bullets, found her an empty seat located close to the front. She clung to Takashi as a single tear fell from her eyes. She thought to herself, “Why do they pick on me?”

The bus slowly came to a stop as it reached Ouran Public High-school home of the Ouran Knights. The doors on the bus slid upon as a bunch of kids raced out. Karin was slow and hesitant to get off, but finally stood once the close was clear. She stepped out into the isle feeling a shove come from behind her knocking her over a seat. A girl giggled, “Oops my bad.” Karin had a feeling that she did that on purpose. She shook it off and proceeded to get of the bus. Karin stared in awe at the school’s magnificent fountain bestowed at the main entrance. She eased her way through the crowd of students making her way to the main doors. Her hand clasped the door as another body made it’s way out of the school knocking the door against Karin’s face. She let out a yelp as a young boy emerged. “Oh I’m sorry” he mumbled. A radiant light casted against his face revealing his emerald eyes. Karin stared in awe as she felt a small moisture escape her nose. “Oh no not now” she thought to herself. The boy mumbled, “Are you alright” he asked. She nodded in return, but he grabbed her arm pulling her through the crowd, “We’re going to see the nurse” Karin covered her nose as she was be dragged along with this radiant creature. She smirked as she though to herself, “I’m pretty sure this is kidnapping.”

They came to a stop at a door with a sign hanging over it that read ‘Nurses Office’. The strange boy gave a knock releasing Karin. She wanted to run away from him but she stood their as a young woman answered the door greeting , “Hello Ren how can I help you?” He shoved her forward and she removed my hands revealing my blood stained nose, “Come in take a seat and I’ll take care of this.” Karin followed the nurse in as the boy known as Ren followed behind her. She took a seat on the bench as Ren sat in a chair across from her. Karin clung to Takashi as the nurse approached her, “Let me guess you’re anemic aren’t you” she questioned. Karin nodded. “Do you have anything to boost you’re iron” the nurse questioned as she brought over some gauze rolled up into small logs. Karin nodded and pulled open a secret opening in Takashi’s back. Karin pulled from it a small pill bottle filled with iron tablets, showing them to the nurse. “Good” she mumbled, “Take one and stick these up your nose to clog the bleeding and you should be good to go.” The nurse mumbles as she gave Karin the rolled gauze. Karin obeyed the nurse and took one of her iron tablets, placing the pill bottle back into it’s compartment. She placed the rolled gauze into her nose. She listened as the first bell rang. “You two should be getting to class” the nurse said as she offered a note to the two.

Karin stood and Ren followed. She took the note and mouthed the words ‘Thank you’. The nurse smiled as the two entered the empty hallway. Ren slowly questioned, “I’m Ren Takanowa. Second year student here at Ouran and you are?” Karin looked away not wanting to look this gorgeous creature in the eye. She didn’t answer. “Fine, I was just trying to start a conversation” Ren scoffed.

Karin looked to the ground as they walked. A awkward silence grew between. Karin mumbled, “Ugh…I’m Karin … Fujioka…first year..” Ren looked over to the girl that only a few minutes ago was vowed to silence. She added, “Thank…you”

Ren smiled as he positioned his hand upon his face, “If you want I can show you around Fujioka.” She stood silenced and gave a small giggle at his expression. “So… you’re anemic.” She nodded, “So does that mean you have nosebleeds often.” She nodded. “Is that why you carry around that doll, so that you can keep your medicine hidden” he questioned pointing curiously over to Takashi. She nodded before looking up to Ren revealing her crystal eyes. Her face resembled that of a youth, carrying a small frightened expression. He stuttered looking to the door that read ‘Class 1-B’ on it, “Ugh here you go, this is your classroom.” She clenched the note along with Takashi as she looked to the radiant creature.

She placed her hand upon the door looking down. She mumbled, “Thank…you…Ren”

He shuttered at her voice calling to him ‘ Thank …you….Ren” He smiled as he turned and began to walk away. He gave a wave back to her as he chuckled, “See you around Fujioka.” Karin looked down at the handle and felt her face become flushed. “Ugh” she thought to herself, “I can’t possibly be falling for that hideous radiant creature.” She grimaced at the thought, “Nah” she replied to herself as she entered her classroom awaiting the horror that was to come.

Well I combined a high schooler with problems and lolita style to make Karin. I know how i felt when I first started high-school scared and I was intemidated by others easily. © 10 years ago , Kaitlin Cashion  dark • lolita • anemia
Like ( 1 ) 7 Keep going Thx Great Like ( 1 )
She entered the room and looked to the teacher as she heard a commotion of laughter grow through out the class-room. “Do you have an excuse note Miss…” Karin didn’t speak a single word, but instead handed the teacher the excuse note that the nurse had given her. The teacher glanced over the note as he threw it into a trashcan located behind his desk. A small group of teens located towards the back gave chuckles of laughter. The teacher pushed up his wide-rimmed glass upon his angled nose scolding, “Quiet back there” The group quickly shut their mouths obeying the teachers commands. “Miss Fujioka you can take that seat right there” he said as his hand pointed over to an empty seat near the dusted windows. Karin nodded as she quietly made her way over to her desk. Her brown curls draped over her shoulders and her bangs covered her eyes so that no one could truly see her identity.

The teacher decided that since it was the first day that the students might have an opportunity to associate with one another. Karin sat alone, clenching Takashi tight against her body as she read a gruesome novel. “Hi” a voice came from behind Karin, “I’m Mei Misaki.” She turned to see a girl around five foot approach her. Her distinguishing glasses and tightly woven braids hinted that she must be an honor student. Mei took a seat to Karin as she began to ask questions. Other kids in the room watched curiously from a far. “So…first year here” she questioned. Karin gave a gentle nod. “Does your family live in Tokyo?” she asked. Karin nodded once more not speaking a word. “Do…you ever talk.” Mei was getting curious to know why Karin didn’t speak. Karin shook her head replying her question with a simple no. “Why not” Mei asked. Karin sat there in silence as she continued to read her novel. A silence grew in the classroom as everyone focused their attention to Karin. She sensed their stares creeping down the back of her neck. Her fingers began to sweat as she grew uncomfortable. The bell gave a shrill and Karin was first out of the classroom. She had to get away from those creatures at all cost, but yet no matter where she turned they seemed to keep constant watch over her every move.

It was their first break and Karin went in search of a place where she could be alone. Every corner, every turn someone lurked in the inhabitants of the hallways. She turned and saw a door, focused she entered it trying to escape the crowd. Once behind the door she let out a sigh. Something caught her ears attention, a sound. It wasn’t a normal sound, like someone’s voice, but a beautiful sound. A vague curiousity stirred within her to find out where that noise was coming from. Her eyes wondered to a sign above a door that read ‘Practice Room 1’. The beautiful sound grew louder as she approached the door. Her eyes peered into the room, noticing a figure stroking that of a violin. It was beautiful. She slowly slid into the room, leaning against the back wall watching the boy play. The door made a crack as he turned and looked to her. The face seemed very familiar, but she realized the boy by his voice, “Karin?” She pressed herself against the wall realizing that the figure was Ren. “What are you doing here?” he asked cautiously making his way over to her.

She mumbled, “…I…was…looking….for…a … place to…get away from the crowd. I wandered into here…Sorry.” Her dark hair fell onto her face as she looked downwards. Ren walked over and placed his hand upon her shoulder, and motioned for her to lift her head. She did and he mumbled, “It’s okay.” His emerald eyes casted upon her glazed opals as she weakened beneath his touch. He was so close to her. She felt his breath upon her neck as she was drawn into his gaze. She felt her heart race, from inside her chest dying to escape it’s hold. She managed to catch her breath mumbling, “You were playing Ave Maria, am I right.” He nodded as he turned away from her. She giggled, “My mom taught…me to play that when I was younger.” She clung to Takashi as she gazed down to the linoleum flooring.

Ren became full with curiousity as he brought the violin over to Karin. “Will you play?” he asked handing the violin to her, “For me”. She looked to him and nodded, placing Takashi on a music stand bestowed nearby. Her hand glided up the bow as she took it from Ren. He smiled as she began to play the notes, one by one. The room was filled with a beautiful noise made by such a small object. Ren watched as Karin’s eyes shut. He knew that the music was coming from her heart, and that he’s never heard such a song played so marvelous. Ren smiled to himself as the song came to an end. He looked over to see her place the bow down, and take Takashi back into her arms. “That was…beautiful Fujioka Simply beautiful.” Ren said looking over at Karin to see a faded blush come over her face. The five minute bell gave a shrill and Karin turned away grabbing her things. She mumbled, “I…I have to go” and paced out with the door closing behind her. Ren raised his hand to say farewell, but she was already gone, “ See you around Fujioka.

Ren began to pack up his things when he heard the door close, “Did you forget something?” he muttered not looking up to face the figure. The figure gave a girlish giggle, which caused him to look up. He thought the figure was Karin, but his theory was proven wrong. The figure sported long blonde curls that seemed to flow effortlessly down her back. Eyes, like the ocean shown deep emotion casted against his own. Ren grimaced, “ What do you want Ai?”

The figure ran a finger along the outline of her lip as she giggled, “Was that, the new transfer student I just saw or do my eyes lie to me?” Her figure was thin, but sported small curves along the waistline. She was pretty, or so everyone else thought.

“I don’t have time for your silly games Ai.” Ren barked back laying his violin down into it’s hollowed case.

“Tsk…tsk Ren, I only want an answer my dear boy. The public must know?” Ai giggled as she brushed her long curls thoroughly. “So were you with that transfer student?”

“Her name is Karin, Ai and who wants to know the public or is this for your personal satisfaction?” Ren coughed as he laid his bow to rest.

Ai giggled, “Wow Ren are you really that pathetic? To lead her on like that is sad. Maybe you should break it to her. Tell her you’re not interested.” She giggled to herself.

“We’re just friends Ai, nothing more. I’d also appreciate if you didn’t speak of my friends like that.” Ren snapped back toward Ai.

“Fine. Just remember your place here.” Ai said as she trailed off leaving the room. Ren leaned against the wall and ran his fingers through his coarse hair as he gave a sight. “I know my place, but does she know hers?” he questioned in his mind as he headed back to class as the bell gave a shriek. “Guh…looks like I’ll be late again.” He said slinging his case onto his back, heading down the empty halls to class.

Chapter 2 for ouran lolita. So like karin is looking for a place to study and she runs into ren and they talk. ren runs into an unwanted guest © 10 years ago , Kaitlin Cashion  teen • lolita • 1000-words
Like ( 0 ) 3 Lovely! Clever piece Enjoyed it! Like ( 0 )
Kuroy Neko.

Chapter 1.

I once dared to ask, ‘what would my life be like as an anime.’ Well here it is, all Otaku, very insane, yet so very real. The cold air rushed into my lungs, it was Mother Nature calling me to wake. I stirred, my eyes fluttering wildly. The world still lay sleeping, under its harsh blanket of snow. The beauty of the sparkling plain always captures the hearts of humans, maybe if only for a brief moment.

I delicately sat up, as if I was being pulled up by strings, just another puppet on a predesigned course. My fingers ached from their slumber. Whilst running them through my hair I shivered. Looking around I felt no sense of belonging. This was not the world I had fallen asleep in. This place was different; comforting, colourful and candy like. My room was the same in layout; the demon bat hanging from the ceiling, the leaky window, all the posters of Visual Kei bands still clinging to the walls, the small bed in the corner and the plush kittens and Siberian tigers covering what little space there was. It was all the same, right down to the stacks of manga and Neo. Yet something was wrong. It was if someone had come in whilst I was sleeping and rearranged everything. I grasped at my sheets. They were silk, black silk, with a lace trim. I threw them off, frantically clutching at my bed clothes. They were cotton and silk, black and frilly, with matching ruffle cuffs and anklets. I placed my feet onto the carpet. For the first time in years I could feel the thick fibres between my toes.

Grabbing hold of the wardrobe door knobs I flung the doors open. I began frantically flicking through coat hangers. All my clothes were gone, replaced by Lolita dresses, an elegant combination of lace, cuteness and gothic style. Suddenly there was a low rustle and a soft “mew”. I slowly turned my head, to the sight of a small black kitten scrambling out from the silk sheets. “Mew!” I stretched out my arm towards the little kitten and tickled its chin. It purred gently and offered up a little note. The note unfolded in the palm of my hand. An erupting scent of cherry blossoms filled the air. The note simply said, ‘enjoy yourself, kuroy neko’. I blankly stared at the note. Not thinking a single word. The kitten mewed softly and turned into a plush doll. As it lay silent I turned back towards the wardrobe. All the dresses were black, heavy on the frilly trimmings and too cute for me. With a sigh I reluctantly closed my eyes and shoved my hand towards them, grasping the first that touched my hand. It was delicate, mostly black, with grey lace and blue ribbons and bows.

With my dress on, my hair brushed and new boots buckled and laced, I packed my bag ready for whatever today could throw at me. Downstairs a giant, white box greeted me. Steadily but surely I reached out my hand towards the box and lifted the lid. Inside were 13 muffins, each with delicately iced faces and black currant ears. A small giggle escaped my mouth at the thought of what would happen, for today after all was an art day. And art + cake, was always a funny combination. It was only then I realised how still this house was. I hadn’t gotten up too early; it was nearing the time when we’d usually leave. No one was around. After frantically searching all the rooms in the house and finding all the rooms empty, panic set in. How do I get to school? Where is everyone? My thoughts were shrouded in a thick layer of confusion. This day was getting weirder by the minute and there was no hope of it ceasing anytime soon. Curled up in the window, I found my gaze falling upon my mum’s car. A painful, neon, apple green mecha in a frozen wasteland. Through the mist I could the exhaust moving, and the frozen window revealed the profile of my mother. I grabbed my bag, the box of neko muffins and the plush kitten that seemed to know more than it was letting on. The door opened with surprising ease. It was time to take my first step out into a world that had never met the true me.

Until now.

Chapter 2.

My journey in the morning consists of two segments. First we always drive to my sisters school. My sisters quite popular, far more than I will ever be and she has lots of fans, up to now only male fans but they’re crazy regardless. Each time she makes her arrival it’s like a boy band has landed. Screaming everywhere, signs, and people fighting to catch a glance, it’s just another day at Cannon Wood High. We arrive and mum pulls up on the third bus lane. My sister’s boyfriend wa
Riley Steele Creampie
Chelsea Marie Cock

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