Renamon Sex Stories

Renamon Sex Stories


Renamon Sex Stories

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[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

By: LdOFDestruction Renamon and Jenrya Lee make the decision that changes their lives on their one-year anniversary. Anime/Manga: Digimon Fan Fiction | Genre(s): Romance / Hentai / Drama | Type: Alternate Universe | Uploaded On: 10.12.2002 | Updated On: 10.12.2002 | Pages: 7 | Words: 4.2K | Visits: 6.5K | Status: Completed

Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Chapter 13 Chapter 14 Chapter 15 Chapter 16 Chapter 17

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A/N: Mating Season has found a new home. Just here to pop in and say there hasn't been dramatic changes to the story, probably only a few name changes. BTW, this was the first lemon I have ever written, and I was still a novice, just keep that in mind. ON TO THE STORY!
WARNING: This story contains intercourse between a digimon and a human. To put it bluntly, there is SEX and CROSSBREEDING in this story. If you are under seventeen or cannot handle sex or crossbreeding between a human and digimon, please do not read this story. But if you can handle it, be my guest and read it, the more the merrier…
Disclaimer: I do not own digimon, Toei Animation, Fox Kids, and Saban or Bandai own it. I use their characters for my stories. So…there!
Lee Jenrya, a Digimon Tamer, has been with Renamon, another Tamers' digimon, in a romantic relationship for almost a complete year. They have gone through many experiences that brought them just closer together: breaking the barrier holding them apart, Valentine's Day, and most importantly finding the meaning of true love and testing it against a evil digimon. But there has been one experience they have not gone through, true intimacy. They didn't expect it to go very far, but they have gone against all odds, and this was the last test of love. They didn't expect it to come the day they expressed their feeling for each other for the first time exactly one year later…
Lee thought to himself in his apartment. He lay on his bed, thinking, since it was almost his and Renamon's one-year anniversary. And this was the only time he could think in his apartment since both Terriermon and Lopmon were sleeping as well as his younger sister, Shiuchon, was also sleeping and those three were always the loudest in the apartment. It was his only peaceful quiet time.
My one-year anniversary with Renamon is coming up soon…I cannot believe that we have been together for that long! I'm surprised that we are STILL together. I seriously thought we would be split apart once Ruki and the others found out, but they understand. And we have gone through so much: breaking the barrier of the digital world and the real world to be together, our first Valentine's Day, that incident when we were kidnapped and tested our true love…now it has been a full year. I still can't believe it. How will I show how much I love Renamon? I have no idea right now…Maybe Takato has ideas…
Lee got up and walked down to the park to find Takato. He decided to ask him for help. He decided to leave Terriermon at home since he was sleeping and he didn't want to disturb him.
Renamon is perched on Ruki's rooftop pondering several unanswered questions, but the topic of love comes up and she realizes how long she and Lee have been together…
It has been a full real-world year since I have been with Lee. Lee has been caring, kind, and loving to me for a human year now. I must repay him for his love…but how? Maybe I should ask Ruki-san about this…
Renamon got up from her current position and was about to leap off to find her tamer when she felt an odd, tingling sensation near her lower abdomen and crotch area and started thinking things about mating. Renamon quickly realized what the feeling was, but she did not know the technical term for it.
`No, not now…' Renamon thought, `it cannot be that soon can it? I must find Ruki-san quickly…'
Renamon jumped from tree to tree, trying to find her tamer and finally succeeding finding her in the garden of her home. Ruki felt Renamon's presence the moment Renamon arrived in a dark corner.
"What is it Renamon?" Ruki said, knowing full well that her digimon was behind her somewhere in the shadows.
"Ruki-san," Renamon started, "I have a question pertaining to Lee…"
"Oh," Ruki realized it has almost been a full year since they first got together, "it your guy's one-year anniversary, isn't it?"
"Excuse me?" Renamon said in confusion, not knowing what an anniversary was.
"One-year Anniversary," Ruki started, "it's a celebration of how long you and Lee have been together."
"Oh," Renamon responded, "what are you actually supposed to do for an anniversary?"
"Celebrate," Ruki explained, "celebrate that you two have loved each other for a year. And you show you still love him to that very day."
"How could I do that?" Renamon asked her Tamer eagerly.
"Well, here couples celebrate by going out to eat, or maybe they stay home and celebrate with their selves, or they do something else." Ruki explained to Renamon.
"How should I celebrate with Lee our…anniversary?" Renamon asked yet another question.
"You can't go out to eat since you're a digimon…" Ruki thought out loud, "You could walk with him or maybe hang out where you first met…"
"I have done those things with Lee many times already…" Renamon said. "I will try to think of something. Thank you Ruki-san." She then started to feel the strange sensation in her private area again. Renamon decided to ask her partner about the strange sensation. "Ruki-san, can I ask you another question?"
"What is this strange sensation I keep feeling?" Renamon asked her partner.
Ruki raised an eyebrow in thought, "Where are you feeling it?"
"Right here," Renamon pointed out the area she felt it, lower abdomen to crotch area, "it happened every year since about three years ago in the digital world. I have been keeping it under control, and it did not even show up last year, but it showed up this year and it seems stronger. It usually happened around the time when my species are mating…"
Ruki gave a short chuckle, "Renamon, have you been thinking, about mating when this happened every year?"
Renamon thought, "Yes, actually I did. I always had the urge to mate for some reason…"
Ruki gave another short chuckle, "it's simple Renamon, you're in Heat."
"Heat?" Renamon thought, "What is…heat?"
"Its when your hormones kick into overdrive and you have sudden urges to mate and breed with someone." Ruki explained. `I'm surprised I described it that well…' Ruki thought to herself.
"Hmmm…" Renamon thought aloud, "so, for it to go away, I need to find a…mate?"
"I never said that," Ruki said, "but it seems to be the easiest way. But remember, your mate is like you lifelong partner, your one and only true love. And both you and your mate must agree that you want to mate. It is a crime to force someone to mate with you in the real world, but that doesn't really apply to you since you're a digimon."
"So," Renamon thought aloud, "I should mate with my true love?"
"Yes," Ruki said, "you may have already found it, but make sure you ask him before you do it. And seriously consider this, you may already know this but it is a HUGE responsibility after you mate, especially if you have a baby…"
"Yes, I understand. I will think hard before doing anything. Thank you again Ruki-san. You have helped me greatly." Renamon thanked her Tamer.
"No problem," Ruki said, "no problem at all…I just hope you and Lee will be happy for a long time. And I hope you find your true path to love and whatever you and Lee decide, I will always be here for you Renamon."
"Thank you again for your support and care for me Ruki-san. You are truly my best friend." Renamon said and disappeared into air with her quickness.
`Good luck Renamon.' Ruki thought and smiled as she stared into the blue sky.
At the park, Lee met up with Takato near Guilmon's Home…
"What's up, Lee." Ryo, the legendary tamer who was one year older than the others, also greeted.
"Hi guys," Lee greeted his friends back, but realized that Ryo was there, "Ryo? Don't you live across town far from here?"
"I do," Ryo explained, "but my dad had to take care of some business in this area. So I decided to come with him and visit you guys."
"Oh, alright." Lee said to the expert tamer, "its nice to see you after this long. Where's Monodramon?"
"He's over there, with Guilmon." Ryo pointed to the other end of the dwelling and Lee saw Guilmon playing with Monodramon.
"Oh, too bad I didn't bring Terriermon, but I didn't want to wake him. He's with Lopmon and Shiuchon sleeping." Lee said to his friends, "I need your help guys…"
"Sure anything," Takato said, "is it pertaining to digimon?"
"Well, sort of," Lee said, "its involving Renamon…"
"Its your one-year anniversary isn't it?" Takato said.
"Yeah," Lee started, "and I have no idea what to do for it."
"Anniversary?" Ryo questioned, "Is it…your anniversary of being Partner and Tamer? I thought Terriermon was your digimon?"
"He is," Lee said, and then remembered that Ryo was not there when they got together, "oh yeah, you weren't there Ryo…"
"What are you guys talking about?" Ryo said in confusion, "and what anniversary?"
"Well," Lee started to explain, "I'm in a romantic relationship with Ruki's Digimon, Renamon. It was a year ago when we got together and we are still a couple, but I don't know what to do for an anniversary for a digimon…I don't know much about romance with a digimon much."
"Yep," Takato said, "we were all surprised that he hooked up with Renamon. I remember that, and Hirokazu was out of it for a week after that kiss from Ruki."
"Ruki?" Ryo said in amazement, "kissing Hirokazu?!"
"Yeah," Takato said, "surprising isn't it?"
"It sure is…" Ryo said, "anyway, Lee what do you need help on again?"
"Romance with Renamon." Lee said. Ryo grew a smile on his face when he realized what time of year it is and that Lee was with Renamon.
"Lee, do you what time of year it is?" Ryo asked Lee with a smile on his face.
"Well, its summer, I guess…" Lee answered cautiously; not knowing what Ryo was about to say next.
"It's mating season for the Renamon species," Ryo said. Lee became nervous and sweat dropped, "she'll be looking for a mate…"
"Are you serious?!" Lee asked with nervousness in his voice.
"Yeah," Ryo said, "perfect timing isn't it?" Lee suddenly fell to the ground and fainted.
"What happened to Terriermon's tamer, Takato?" Guilmon asked.
"He just realized something VERY important might happen." Takato said.
"Is it about Renamon?" Guilmon asked.
"Yeah, they're celebrating one year they've been together." Takato explained to his digimon.
"And she's in heat…" Guilmon said, "I can smell it."
"Exactly…" Takato said to Guilmon, "he knows Renamon will be looking for a mate and he just realized it might be him."
"Shouldn't he be happy then?" Guilmon asked.
"It might be a milestone in his life, it was a little too overwhelming for him to hear in a short amount of time. This happens to a lot of people who realize this." Takato explained to Guilmon.
"Oh, I would fall over too if something overwhelming happens to me too." Guilmon said.
"Ryo, what happened to Terriermon's Tamer?" Monodramon, the gray dragon digimon of Ryo, asked his tamer looking at Lee lying on the floor.
"He just realized that he might have to mate with a digimon." Ryo explained to Monodramon.
"He fainted because of MATING?" Monodramon said, and then started to laugh, "what a wimp."
"I know you would have done the same if you were about to mate…" Ryo said.
"Actually, I did do the same thing he did…" Monodramon said.
"You mated already?" Ryo asked his partner.
"Well, it was mating season in my species," Monodramon explained, "and this FINE female Monodramon came up to me. I thought she was just going to ask to hang out, but I found out she wanted more…It's a long story, I'll tell you it later, not in front of the other guys. But technically, I half mated."
"Alright, alright," Ryo said, "I've heard too much already. Now lets go help Lee."
"Lee, you alright?" Ryo asked as he poured water on Lee to wake him up.
"Yeah, Lee," Takato said, "I haven't seen you do that, ever."
Lee groggily got up, "Well, you guys keep scaring me about Renamon and her mating season…"
"Whoa you want to mate with Renamon," Monodramon started to think, "I want to do her a few times…"
"Monodramon, stop…" Ryo said, "That's sort of sick."
"Just speaking my mind," Monodramon said, "but she is one foxy Mon."
"And she's MY girlfriend." Lee said.
"You lucky bastard…" Monodramon said, smiling.
"Okay, that's enough from you Monodramon," Ryo said. "Back to the mating thing. I never said you have to do it, but she will be looking for a mate, and you are her first candidate…think about it, but you don't have to. It's a HUGE decision, so think hard and I hope you find the answers. One word of advice, Renamon species are real sensitive in a few areas, particularly the chest area. That's enough from me…"
"How do you know that much about digimon anatomy?" Lee asked.
"Hey, when you're in the digital world for THAT long, you hear knowledge from other digimon about other digimon." Ryo said smiling.
"Are you sure?" Lee said, "I mean it's mating season?"
"Very sure, but like I said, its up to you." Ryo said.
"And since I don't know much about digimon, I'll tell you stuff for romance." Takato started, "please her. Trust me, if she's anything like Ruki, she needs A LOT of pleasing to win her over, but you already did, so it's all up to you now."
"Uhhh…thanks Takato…" Lee said. "Thanks you guys, I'll need all the support I can get. This is really making me nervous, our anniversary and all."
"No problem, just ask us anything and we'll help you." Ryo said.
"Yeah, we're always here Lee. So if you need anymore advice, just ask us." Takato told his friend.
"And ask me if you want to learn how to mate with a digimon!" Monodramon said. Ryo gave him a stare, "Just joking…"
"Yeah, sure Monodramon," Lee said sarcastically and started to laugh, "But again thanks guys. I need to think about this now. See you guys later." Lee started to walk out of the dwelling.
"Bye Lee see you later and think hard, because it can change your life, forever!" Takato said.
"Yeah, and remember if you do decide to mate, digimon are different than humans, they act differently and do stuff that humans don't do. They may have rituals or something for respect. So respect what she does even if it seems weird." Ryo said again.
"I'm not sure what that means, but thanks!" Lee said, "I have to go. Bye guys"
"Bye." The two said to their friend.
"You seriously think he'll do it?" Takato asked Ryo while watching Lee walk away.
"I don't know…its up to him…" Ryo said. `Good luck, Lee.' Ryo thought.
Renamon was perched on another rooftop, thinking…
Lee is caring and loving, but is he willing to take our relationship to the next physical level? I must think about this hard, but I need to mate. I crave it…I must find a mate soon; I cannot hold it off forever. I know my mate has to be my true love and Lee is my true love, but is he willing to be my mate? We've been together long enough, it is time to find out.
Renamon has decided that she will ask Lee to be her mate. She was confident and she believes that he loves her enough to be her mate, the mate that will love her with his life and will never leave her. Not knowing, Lee was pondering the same question…
This is the most difficult decision I have ever faced. I love Renamon, but enough to mate with her? I know that if I mate with her, I have a huge responsibility ahead of me, especially if she becomes…pregnant. But can digimon become pregnant? Dammit I love her! I have to take the chance and this is the time she need me the most. Even if it costs my childhood…
He ran to the only place that he thought Renamon was, the tree where they first realized they love each other. He waited there as the sun set on the horizon. Right when night hit, she arrived. Lee and Renamon looked at each other, the same way they looked at each other exactly one year ago with the same love they have been sharing for a year. The two lovers embraced in a hug and they kissed each other. The two sat in their tree and Renamon laid her head on Lee's lap.
"Renamon, its our anniversary…" Lee said.
"I know Lee," Renamon said, "I cannot believe we have been together for this long."
"Yeah, I don't believe it either. I hope we can be together like this for another year, actually forever." Lee said to Renamon.
"We will be together as long as we want Lee." Renamon said to Lee.
"How shall we celebrate our anniversary?" Lee asked.
"Let's just sit up here, like we always do." Renamon told Lee.
"What ever you want, Renamon." Lee said.
The two lovers stayed in the tree for what seemed to be for hours. They truly did celebrate their anniversary the way they both wanted to, alone and with peace on a warm summer night at the place they first realized their love. Renamon then felt the tingling sensation once again in the same area. Renamon realized it was time to ask Lee to bring their relationship to the next level.
`Here goes nothing…' Renamon thought and started to speak, "Lee, I must tell you something…"
`Here she goes…' Lee thought and turned to look at Renamon.
"Lee, it is my mating season right now and I am going through heat…" Renamon closed her eyes; "I cannot hold it much longer. I need a mate. Lee, will you be my lifelong mate?"
The two stared into each other's eyes again. They looked at each other for, what seemed to be an eternity. Lee decided then to speak.
"Renamon," Lee paused for a moment to think last thoughts before giving a decision, "I would be honored to be your mate. I truly, deeply love you with all my heart."
Renamon had a surprised, but happy, look on her face. "Oh, Lee, I love you with all my heart as well." Renamon said. The two went into a deep kiss, holding each other. The two jumped down from the tree and tried to find a more private setting.
The two lovers were arm in arm as they found a designated area where they could be alone. They embraced again in a passionate kiss and Renamon lead Lee down to the ground and laid him down on the cool grass. Renamon slowly mounted Lee and kissed him again. Renamon sat up and looked down at Lee, smiling again and slowly took off her purple gloves. Lee only watched as he concentrated only on Renamon. `So this is what Ryo was talking about…' Lee thought. Renamon put her gloves on the ground and gently brushed Lee's face with her right paw and kissed him again. Lee slowly took off his shirt, breaking the kiss for a second to get it over his head and Renamon started to lick his chest. Lee moaned, showing the pleasure he was getti
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