Reluctant Twink

Reluctant Twink


Reluctant Twink



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By Guest | 11 posts, last post over a year ago

I am asuming you're a woman and if you are i would just tell your son about it and confront his friend setting the record straight that he came onto you and to never do it again. If he does i would just contact his parents and if you guys decide to take it to court get a damn good lawyer!

In reply to anonymous on 2014-12-04 - click to read

He got "erect" Cas, he's a he. So was Zack.

In reply to medic-dan109453 on 2014-12-04 - click to read

oh sorry i just kind of skimmed the story thats what i get

In reply to medic-dan109453 on 2014-12-04 - click to read

Set up by my son? :/
But...why. I'll admit that it seemed a little too convenient. But why would he do something.
I'm thinking of telling my wife. Should i?

In reply to anonymous on 2014-12-04 - click to read

I think you should only because of the fact that she might get pissed off later that you kept this secret.

In reply to anonymous on 2014-12-04 - click to read

Maybe Zack has been having sex with him, seems very likely, and Zack said he'd like to "try it with an adult."
Why didn't Zack go with him?

In reply to medic-dan109453 on 2014-12-04 - click to read

If i were you i would just ask your son if he has lost his virginity and who did he lose it to. After that if your son doesn't tell you what i would do is trick Zack into telling you the truth about what happened... you never know it might actually work.

Hi Guest
There are a couple red flags with your story that are cause for concern.
Not trying to offend you but these questions could very well be asked if there were to be any type of investigation into this and this is something you may need to prepare for.
It sounds like you just sat there when the kid dumped the chips on your crotch.
It sounds like you just sat there when he was picking them up and rubbing your junk outside your shorts.
You decided to move when he put his hand inside your shorts.
It will be asked were you wearing summer shorts or were you in your underwear?
It could be asked to were you actually sick off work or did you ditch work to hangout with the kids?
My concern would not be that your son set you up but more along the line of has there been other things said or done that would give this kid the impression that you would be interested in this type of thing with him?
Age of consent where you live could also be a factor.
Youโ€™re saying this was entirely the actions by this 15 year old boy.
The question many may have is why would you have not grabbed his hand immediately and removed it from your crotch stopping this and preventing it from going any further?
Kind of doubt you were overpowered by this kid, most people tend to push away unwanted touching and instantly react to in various ways to stop it and get out of the situation the fact that it got to the point where a 15 year old boy had his hand on your bare penis and got in some jacking sends up many red flags.
Again not trying to offend you or accuse you of any wrong doing but depending on what happens with this you may be asked to answer questions like this and explain in great detail what happened and why it happened.
There could be nothing come of this and it may never go any further.
You may want to consider not allowing this kid in your home and most definitely never be alone with him under any circumstance since youโ€™re the adult all the responsibility is yours and along with that comes many questions and doubts.

In reply to anonymous on 2014-12-04 - click to read

Yes. You assume right. A woman with a penis. Just like momโ€™s.

In reply to anonymous on 2014-12-04 - click to read

Sage advice because you might get in trouble.

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