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Лицензия на образовательную деятельность, выдана Комитетом образования Санкт- Петербурга № 1283 от 21.01.15 Серия 78Л 02 №0000195

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Желательно описывать предполагаемые ответы детей на задаваемые вопросы детям(это методическое требов... Подробнее...
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буквально на прошлой неделе по теме как путешествует письмо, использовала материал, большое спасибо Подробнее...
каждый год изготавливаем кормушки для птиц, ваша разработка очень пригодилась, спасибо Подробнее...

Свидетельство о регистрации средства массовой информации ЭЛ № ФС 77 — 58841 от 28 июля 2014 года выдано Федеральной службой по надзору в сфере связи, информационный технологий и массовых коммуникации (Роскомнадзор).

Лицензия на образовательную деятельность № 1283 от 21.01.15
Серия 78Л 02 № 0000195

В соответствии с Федеральной целевой программой развития системы образования
на 2011–2015 гг. и проектом концепции федеральной целевой программы
развития образования на 2016–2020 гг.

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Сертификат соответствия качества предоставляемых услуг рег. № 04 ЕАС1.СУ.01217 от 19.11.2019. Услуга:
Дополнительное профессиональное образование.По результатам оценки оказания услуг, оценки процесса оказания услуг
и проверки результатов оказываемых услуг данный документ подтверждает соответствие предоставляемых ООО «Центр
Развития Педагогики» услуг всем нормативным требованиям.

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Оформить бесплатно документ можно здесь
nobody, anybody, something, anything, nothing, everybody
… has read this text. We will get bad marks.
Have you got … interesting to watch?
I am very hungry. I had … for breakfast today.
… says the Moscow Metro is beautiful.
N4. Choose the words to complete the sentences.
There are (a lot of/little) books in the library.
There isn’t (much/many) ice on the road.
Is there (much/a lot of) milk in the fridge.
There are (few/little) apples on the plate.
The country hasn’t got (many/a lot of) cities.
There is (little/few) time for the test.
N5. Complete the sentences with the words:
found, still, enemies, other, century, miss, architects, defend
Moscow was founded in the 12 th … .
I don’t want to … the train to St Petersburg.
He is not a child but he … likes sweets.
What … places of interest would you like to visit?
N1. Listening. Page 92 Exercise 1 N2. Reading. Page 96 Exercise1 №3. Complete the sentences. Use also, as well, too, either
My friends visited Scotland and Northern Ireland … .
The Tower of London is not a fortress now, it is not a prison now … .
We didn’t get into the Houses of Parliament during our stay in London … .
London is a big city, Glasgow is … a big city.
We bought some souvenirs in Oxford Street and in other streets … .
Big Ben is a symbol of London, a double-decker is … its symbol.
My granny grows roses, she grows tulips … .
My parents like to travel, I … like travelling.
№ 4. Use –s and of where necessary.
In th centre of Trafalgar square is …situated
Great Britain includes … parts of the UK.
Britain will be strong and powerful if … don’t leave the Tower.
The British Parliament works in … .
Read the text and the sentences after it. What is true, false or not stated in the text?
N2. Use the right forms to complete the sentences. Write the sentences down.
We (have) dinner as soon as father (arrive).
The children (stay) at home if they (not finish) their homework.
They (play) tennis until they (get) tired.
If the weather (be) fine, I (go) to the park.
N3. Complete the sentences with bank or shore .
I saw him on the far … of the lake.
They liked to spend their free time on the … of the Volga.
The house stood on the high … of the river.
We stopped on the rocky … of the ocean.
N4. Complete the sentences use in or at where necessary.
They arrived … the hotel late at night.
When shall we arrive … the airport?
Will we arrive … Far East tomorrow?
I think he will arrive … the meeting.
The train arrives … Voronezh at noon.
N5. Use the words from the box and complete the sentences.
far away, skyscraper, hunters, discovered, hope, grassland, through, remember
Our village is situated … from the sea.
You can see all kinds of wild plants growing on the … .
We (have) dinner as soon as father (arrive).
The children (stay) at home if they (not finish) their homework.
They (play) tennis until they (get) tired.
If the weather (be) fine, I (go) to the park.
When she (come) home, we (write) the composition.
If he (not fly) to Moscow, they (go) to Voronezh
Put prepositions where it’s necessary
a) They are going to sail … Greece.
c) I think they will be … that voyage to France 7 days.
e) I don’t like to watch … the window.
IV. Make sentences in 3 times with Future meaning. Don’t use Present Simple.
Find and circle the odd word out in each line.
1. Fifth Avenue, Manhattan, Little Italy, Rhode Island, Liberty Island
2. arrive, avenue, discover, sail, fight
3. planet, hope, liberty, visitor, wigwam
4. sailor, policemen, lands, gentlemen, tribes
5. nearly, discovery, rocky, through, liberty
Read the text and match its parts (1—4) with their names (a—e). There
is one name you don't have to use. Complete the table after the text.
1. Some visitors find that New Yorkers are not very friendly. Well, some are, some are not. Some taxi drivers talk during the trip, some talk if you talk to them, but only to say “Yeah” or “Ok!”
2. Is New York dangerous? Perhaps it is, but many big cities are dangerous. Remember:
• don’ t have a lot o f money with you;
• don’ t travel on the metro alone at night;
• go into the nearest hotel or shop if you suddenly feel afraid.
3. When you are going to visit New York, remember that the city can be very hot in summer and very cold in the middle o f winter. Go at the right time and take the right things with you.
4. New York is always changing. You can hear it all the time. Cars and buses stop and start and policemen blow whistles at the drivers, people run between the streets and avenues. That’s New York. That’s one o f the most wonderful cities in the world.
Fill in modal verbs. (can, can’t, should, shouldn’t, must, mustn’t, may)
He … visit the doctor. He looks so pale ( бледный ).
Children … play on the road ( дорога ).
They … read, they are only 3 years old.
My mum says:” You … go for a walk in the evening”.
We … wear school uniform every day.
You … speak so rude ( грубый ) with your brother.
Fill in modal verbs. (can, can’t, should, shouldn’t, must, mustn’t, may)
He … visit the doctor. He looks so pale ( бледный ).
Children … play on the road ( дорога ).
They … read, they are only 3 years old.
My mum says:” You … go for a walk in the evening”.
We … wear school uniform every day.
You … speak so rude ( грубый ) with your brother.
Fill in modal verbs. (can, can’t, should, shouldn’t, must, mustn’t, may)
He … visit the doctor. He looks so pale ( бледный ).
Children … play on the road ( дорога ).
They … read, they are only 3 years old.
My mum says:” You … go for a walk in the evening”.
We … wear school uniform every day.
You … speak so rude ( грубый ) with your brother.
Fill in modal verbs. (can, can’t, should, shouldn’t, must, mustn’t, may)
He … visit the doctor. He looks so pale ( бледный ).
Children … play on the road ( дорога ).
They … read, they are only 3 years old.
My mum says:” You … go for a walk in the evening”.
We … wear school uniform every day.
You … speak so rude ( грубый ) with your brother.
N1. Listening. Page 92 Exercise 1 N2. Reading. Page 96 Exercise1 N3. Complete the sentences. Use:
nobody, anybody, something, anything, nothing, everybody
… has read this text. We will get bad marks.
Have you got … interesting to watch?
I am very hungry. I had … for breakfast today.
… says the Moscow Metro is beautiful. N4. Choose the words to complete the sentences.
There are (a lot of/little) books in the library.
There isn’t (much/many) ice on the road.
Is there (much/a lot of) milk in the fridge.
There are (few/little) apples on the plate.
The country hasn’t got (many/a lot of) cities.
There is (little/few) time for the test.
№ 5. Use –s and of where necessary.
In the centre of Trafalgar square is …situated
Great Britain includes … parts of the UK.
Britain will be strong and powerful if … don’t leave the Tower.
The British Parliament works in … .

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Учредитель: Ковалев Денис Сергеевич. Главный редактор: Ковалев Д.С. Телефон: +7 (812) 318-72-63
Электронный адрес: info@prodlenka.org

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