Reichsparteitag der Freiheit - Programm

Reichsparteitag der Freiheit - Programm

NS-History Lesson

Tuesday, September 10: Day of Greeting


3:30 p.m.         Reception for the press at the Kulturvereinshaus.  
Speaker: Otto Dietrich.

5:30-6:00 p.m. The bells of Nuremberg's churches ring in the Party Congress.

6:00 p.m.         Reception for the Nazi Party leadership and high government officials at the Nuremberg City Hall. Speakers: 
Oberbürgermeister Liebel; Adolf Hitler.


7:30 p.m.         Gala performance of Richard Wagner's Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg at the Nuremberg Opera House.


Wednesday, September 11: Day of the Opening of the Congress


11:00 a.m.       Opening ceremonies of the Party Congress.  
Speakers: Rudolf Hess; Viktor Lutze; Julius Streicher; Adolf Wagner.


4:30 a.m.          Laying of the cornerstone for the new Congress Hall.  
Speakers: Oberbürgermeister Liebel; Adolf Hitler.


8:00 p.m.         Cultural meeting at the Nuremberg Opera House.  
Speakers: Adolf Hitler;
 Alfred Rosenberg.


Thursday, September 12: Day of the Reich Labor Service


10:00 a.m.        Review of the Labor Service on the Zeppelinwiese.  
Speakers: Konstantin Hierl;
 Adolf Hitler.


2:00 p.m.         Meeting at City Hall of the treasurers of the Hitler-Jugend and the Bund Deutsche Mädel.


5:30 p.m.         Continuation of the Party Congress.  
Speakers: Alfred Rosenberg; Adolf Wagner; Walter Darré.


8:30 p.m.         Torchlight parade of National Socialist Party political leaders.


Friday, September 13: Day of the Political Organizations


8:00 p.m.          Meeting of the party delegates from abroad, at the Apollo Theater.  
Speakers: Rudolf Hess; Gauleiter Bohle; Klemp.


                        Meeting of the National Socialist Students’ Association at the Katharinenbau.  
Speaker: Alfred Rosenberg.


8:30 a.m.          Meeting of the Organization for Ideological Indoctrination at the Opera House.  
Speakers: Alfred Rosenberg; Robert Ley; Frauendorfer.


9:00 a.m.          Meeting of the Association of National Socialist Jurists at the Kulturvereinshaus.  
Speakers: Julius Streicher; Hans Frank; Fischer.


10:30 a.m.        Continuation of the Party Congress.  
Speakers: Joseph Goebbels; Robert Ley; Erich Hilgenfeldt.


1:00 p.m.          Meeting of the National Socialist Press Club at the City Hall.  
Speakers: Sündermann; Otto Dietrich; Dressler.


2:30 p.m.          Meeting of the National Association Association for Aid to War Victims at the Kulturvereinshaus.  
Speakers: Oberlindober; Oberbürgermeister Liebel.


Meeting of the Committee on Finance and Administration at City Hall.  
Speakers: Schwarz, Saupert.


5:00 p.m.           Review of the political leaders on the Zeppelinwiese.  
Speakers: Robert Ley;
 Adolf Hitler.


8:00 p.m.           Meeting of the NS-Frauenschaft at the Congress Hall.  
Speakers: Gertrude Scholtz-Klink; Adolf Hitler.


Saturday, September 14: Day of the Hitler-Jugend


10:00 a.m.         Review of the Hitler-Jugend at the Stadium.  
Speaker: Adolf Hitler


11:30 a.m.         Meeting of the Labor Front.  
Speakers: Adolf Hitler;
 Robert Ley; Hjalmar Schacht; Franz Seldte; Schmeer.


12:00 noon      Meeting of the National Socialist Welfare Organization at the Kulturvereinshaus.  
Speakers: Erich Hilgenfeldt; Althaus; Mayerhofer; Laemme.


3:00 p.m.           Continuation of the Party Congress.  
Speakers: Max Amann; Fritz Todt; Hans Frank.


Sunday, September 15: Day of the SA and SS


8:00 a.m.            Review of the SA, SS, and NSKK (National Socialist Motor Corps) at the Luitpold Arena, followed by memorial ceremony for those killed in the World War.  
Speaker: Adolf Hitler.


11:30 a.m.          Parade before the Führer on the Adolf Hitler Platz.


6:00 p.m.            Continuation of the Party Congress.  
Speakers: Fritz Reinhardt; Dr. Otto Dietrich; Konstantin Hierl.


                          Session of the Reichstag at the Kulturvereinshaus.  
Speakers: Hermann Göring; Adolf Hitler.


Monday, September 16: Day of the Armed Forces


9:00 a.m.             Meeting of the NSDAP political leadership at the Nuremberg Opera House.  
Speaker: Rudolf Hess.


                           Meeting of propaganda functionaries at the Apollo Theater.  
Speaker: Joseph Goebbels.


                           Meeting of the Committee on Agrarian Policies at the Katharinenbau.  
Speakers: Walter Darré; Haidn


                           Meeting of the Committee on Economic Policies at the Kulturvereinshaus.  
Speakers: Koehler; Schaub.


                           Meeting of the Committee on Industry at the City Hall.  
Speakers: Fritz Todt; Staebel; Fruth; Seebauer.


                           Meeting of the Association of National Socialist Jurists at the City Hall.  
Speakers: Hans Frank; Fischer.


                           First Army maneuvers at the Zeppelinwiese.


10:00 a.m.           Meeting of the Committee on Community Policies at the Congress Hall.  
Speakers: Weidemann, Bürgermeister of Halle; Fiehler, Bürgermeister of Munich; Hanns Kerrl.


12:00 noon          Meeting of the National Socialist Teachers’ Association at the Apollo Theater.  
Speakers: Julius Streicher; Kolb.


2:00 p.m.            Army maneuvers.


4:10 p.m.             The Führer addresses the army.


5:00 p.m.           Army parade on the Zeppelinwiese.


6:30 p.m.           Continuation and conclusion of the congress.  
Speakers: Rudolf Hess; Adolf Hitler.


9:30 p.m.           Tattoo (end of the Party Congress) on the Zeppelinwiese.

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