Regretful Sex Stories

Regretful Sex Stories


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Wednesday, May 25, 2016 1:59 PM by Guest
Rating: +83|-72
When I met my husband he was the nicest person in the world to me. He was so smart, funny, thoughtful, and the handsomest man I ever met. So when asked me to marry me I was so happy. We were married for 9 years and had two kids ( they were 6 and 4) when my husband left to go on a trip for work. So while he was gone I went out with my best friend and she brought her brother with her. He was very muscular strong good looking very sexy. So when we went back home he dropped off his sister and offered to take me home. I said yes but instead we went to his house and I began a three year long affair. I wasn't thinking I hadn't had sex like that in years and he made me feel sexy and alive. So one day my husband comes home early to surprise me and tell he got a promotion and he would be able to spend more time with me but he caught me in bed with another man. Long story short I wanted a divorce he begged for a second chance and I broke his heart it hurts me every time I think about it. Once I got the divorce I got full custody of the kids later I started to regret my disigion and now I wish I can take it all back. I wish this was just a bad dream and I could wake up in my ex husbands arms and tell me That every thing was alright. I miss the way he would take care of me and be there for me. Now I live with the thought that he can't see his kids again or that he won't be able to come visit them. I tried to talk to him after all this happend but he turned me away. I understend why but I still love him. I just wish I had been a better person, a better mother, a better wife. Now my kids hate me and my friends are upset that I would do that to my husband. I just want to know if I can become a better person and help my kids and even get my life back on track. Any advice
Quick answer...NO! You never loved your husband. You loved the fact that you found a patsy to take care of you while you screwed around. And I'm wondering what kind of story you concocted so that you got sole custody of the kids, and he's not allowed to see them again. People are seeing you for what you really are. You're screwed.
 Become a better person is always possible. You can not change history and all your wrong doings will haunt you forever. Sorry that just how life is. You had a man who was willing to forgive you after you cheated for no reason. You asked for the divorce not him. Who knows what other fucked up shit you did. 
What I don't understand why he can't see his kids. What have you done? 
God's wrath is worst then man's revenge. The only way to stop some of the hurt is to apologize to those you hurt so deeply with your selfishness good luck and never betray another person again. 
Sounds like lover-boy bailed on you after you left your husband. Sucks don't it?
Quick answer...NO! You never loved your husband. You loved the fact that you found a patsy to take care of you while you screwed around. And I'm wondering what kind of story you concocted so that you got sole custody of the kids, and he's not allowed to see them again. People are seeing you for what you really are. You're screwed.
Grass is not always greener on the other side. Now live with the FACT that your a Ho.
Yes she regrets it because now she has NOBODY. Who wants an old bitch with 2 kids? The only men willing to be responsible for that is the husband and you lost him. Lover boy bounced when he had to take responsibility so now your alllllll alone. Lol dumb butch
This is a lame story she cheats and asks her loving husband for a divorce and gets custody and no visitation that is bullshit. What could you have on him to pull that off. You got child support and alimony too.? What kind of sick female are you .you need some kind of payback for you damaging behavior. This story doesn't seem real.A
You do NOT love your husband because you cheated!
You do NOT love your husband because you cheated!
"I just want to know if I can become a better person and help my kids and even get my life back on track. Any advice"
You destroyed your husband's life, your children despise you for what you did to their father, your friends are upset because you're a damned bitch who don't respect the man who gave her everything, your best friend is maybe jealous cause you got everything a woman's want : an amazing husband ( = a weak man) to afford money, social protection for her and her children AND an alpha male to satisfy her natural (so justified) urges. Get over it, your daughter would do the same, maybe she'll understand why you did this, it's all about sex and I don't blame women for being walking vaginas, I only blame men for being so weak to let women rule them like some dogs.
Your husband is maybe a great man, but he's weak, and for his own sake he must get stronger, and only pain make one stronger. You took his heart, you give him happiness (the illusion that everything is ok), good sex (I'm sure you must have an amazing body to keep an alpha man for 3 years), you then humiliated him, broke his heart, lift the veil over his illusions (his happiness with ya) and bring him lower than the ground. If he's resilient he'll get a better man and that's the best gift you could ever give him. So ...
LET HIM GO, and stop crying cause you had everything, if you have a shade of consideration for him, you'll let him go forever. Have good sex with your lover, no one can blame a woman for being a slut, be we can blame men for being pussies.
This has been one of the worst stories I've read, you are a disgusting horrible person and you deserve all of the pain you're getting because it's a drop in the ocean compared to how you broke your husband's heart. Burn in hell you fucking bitch
The most fucked up thing about this story is that YOU got full custody... Just shows how fucked up the legal system is.
This the "best" story of this website cause it is very humiliating, I think this is the worst cheating story I ever heard, you can make a movie about it. Every man shoudl read it before making the ultimate mistake "getting married"
we all make mistakes but the best thing is to move on and accept the consequences just forget about him dear and try to focus on yourself you cant change the past beter learn from it i am marriied with two kids even though is my husbamd who cheated but he is married also to another woman yes you made a mistake but its clear there was a vacuum in your life that you needed someone to fill,you were lonely not that you ddidnt lone your husband you just gave in t the pressure for felt that time,heal and try to focus on yourslef things will work out better for you,be strong it will be allright.
You need to forgive yourself. Life is never perfect and as humans we can't be perfect either. The only thing you can do is to forgive yourself, learn from this experience and move on with your life. Become the best mother you can be and become the type of person you can be proud of. This pain will stay with you, but it won't be as intense as life moves along and eventually you will be able to deal with the pain, hopefully in a healthy and productive manner. Women have needs, and sometimes the person we are married to cannot fulfill them. You deserve to grow from this experience, find new friends and become a stronger, more self-sufficient and trustworthy person. 
Wow, this is one of the worst story of betrayal. This has got to be a fake storyb
I am the husband who this has just happened to. Absolutely identical circumstances. I don't do anything wrong yet i have to leave the family home, explain to my daughter whats happened as her mother won't talk to her about it. I have also begged my wife not to do this but she won't stop. She has absolutely wrecked our family and i thought we were all happy. This is absolutely the worst thing that could happen to anyone so asking for sympathy is the last thing you should be doing. I honestly hope my daughter hates her mother for this and her mother rots in hell for it. I cannot stress enough what this does to you. I gave her my heart and she jumped up and down on it, spat on it and stabbed it. I really wish we didn't have a daughter together then i would never have to see my wife again. She has destroyed me so instead of seeking forgiveness for yourself seek happiness for your kids and ex husband as they deserve it and i sincerely hope yourself, my wife and anyone else that has done this rot in hell.
I am a cheated husband. Living in this hell for 2 months. I started my blog to share my daily goods and bads in trying to evolve. Lets share our stories and experiences! Life deserve to be lived . Our kids deserve and need their dads to be strong. For only this reason!
so you fucked your perfect husband over then and ruined his life by taking the kid away aswell WELL DONE!!!!!
The only words that come to my mind are "Pathetic Whore"
You have to be the biggest slut in history. I hope you are suffering a LOT and hopefully your kids will always hate you. Cunt...
I think that it is good that you are remorseful, but once you had a divorce, you placed your guilt in your ex's hands. No one will ever remove the guilt and burden off of your shoulders besides your husband's choice. If he does not forgive, you must prove it to him. Stop seeing men. Devote yourself to him, as you should have before this calamity had started. However, this guilt is the price to pay for your adultery, and the pain of it will never wane until your husband truly forgives you. May God have mercy on your soul.
Saturday, September 3, 2016 9:40 AM
Your a whore a horrible person you love you say you love your husband but you left him for a jackass that problably left you after your affair was found out you took his childern away from him you disvere your childerns hate and you "friends" silence you say you want him but you screwed up you whole FUCKING LIFE FOR SEX damn you whore to hell
Saturday, September 3, 2016 9:43 AM
Saturday, September 3, 2016 10:11 AM
T writer of this story, since have got divorced how many men have fucked you
This story is not believable. I think it it was written by the husband about the way he hopes his wife feels someday. There are too many inconsistencies for this to be her telling her story. If we heard her real story it would sound very different. 
Sounds just like my ex wife you deserve to be unhappy you dirty slag
I plowed a girl like you, but she was married to a stud. She thought he wasn't paying enough attention to her because he workeed a lot. She calls me one night, I drill her, she leaves. She tells her husband that we just talked. She definately cheated down, but I don't care. She cheated on her husband a couple of times and it turns out he is a great, good looking, muscular guy.
Personally I believe the story. Since you regret things you may want to consider making an effort of redemption and remorse. To take the children from their father is punishing him for your wrongdoings. I don’t think you’re a bitch. I think you’re a coward because you haven’t accepted responsibility for your actions and your own selfishness. The question for you is does your kids deserve to be punished and used against their father so that you feel better about things? To be a better person is to sacrifice your needs and have compassion for those you wronged. 
My story involves lies not just the affair of my husband. The affair was sex and breaking of trust which is hard for someone to earn back. It’s the lies that destroy people and then to take away that one last part of them that they have a connection with is worse than the actual lies. Since you say you feel regret. Maybe to do the right thing is for to give up something of yourself that would bring some happiness to him and your children. Keeping them away from their father only begets more pain to yourself and it won’t allow for you to forgive yourself. I pray you learn some compassion, kindness and self worth because the betrayal follows you and you don’t want to let that define your children’s life, your ex husband life and to put it in a selfish way which often is involved with cheating you don’t want that to define who you are. Think about others before yourself and that would be more respectful to your family than to complain about regrets.
You can't make yourself a better person but you can make the world a better place by killing yourself
A mistake is something you make once and learn from it. Having a THREE YEAR affair with another person is NOT a mistake, it is your character. YOU then asked for a divorce. YOU then got full custody (probably lying to the court about your ex. We all know you are good at lying, like you did for three years). So now HE pays YOU alimony and child support. The only thing YOU regret is that you don't have "Beta Bucks" husband anymore. Unfortunately I have met similar "women" like you. Complaining about their husbands (yes, most of them are currently married and want to get with me). When I probe their stories about how bad their husband is, they stumble and disappear after that. I say: "So, he's a bad guy, but you had four kids with him, he works crazy hours while you stay at home and do nothing, you live in a 4000 sq ft house, he bought YOU a new car while he drives his old truck. Despite all this you recently had a year-long affair (that he found out about) and now he wants a divorce. And HE is the bad guy?" Eventually your ex will not be paying child support, will not be paying alimony, and you will be living in some trailer somewhere. you ex for at least getting rid of you.
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