Реферат по теме Types of pollution

Реферат по теме Types of pollution


in the city of Moscow
Реферат по теме «Types of pollution»
Moscow is the capital of the Russian Federation.
It is located in the center of Russia, between the river Volga and the Ob River.
Moscow has a very important role in economic life of the country.
The city is a center of science and education.
In Moscow there are many universities, scientific institutions, museums, theatres, libraries, as well as many parks.
There are also some sports stadiums.
People live in Moscow and work there.
Реферат по теме «Типы загрязнения окружающей среды.
Экологические проблемы» Экологические проблемы.
В настоящее время экологическая обстановка в нашей стране является одной из самых тяжелых.
По оценкам специалистов, в России загрязнено около 70% территории, а около 30% населения страдают от загрязнения воздуха, почвы, воды, продуктов питания.
Загрязнение атмосферы.
Атмосфера представляет собой газовую оболочку Земли.
Она состоит из смеси газов (N2, O2, CO2, H2O, CH4, N2O и др.).
The pollution of air is a serious problem, because air pollution causes diseases, reduces lifespan, and increases the risk of death.
Air pollution occurs when industrial processes produce gases, aerosols, and dust that can cause respiratory problems.
Gases and aerosols can be created by burning fossil fuels, such as coal, oil, or natural gas.
In addition, industrial processes can produce harmful chemicals that can also contribute to air pollution.
The world is very polluted.
In the past there were only a few of the most serious problems, such as pollution of air, water and land.
These problems are nowadays getting worse.
For example, in the USA alone there are more than one hundred chemicals which are used in such a great quantity that they may be found in every part of the earth.
Some of these chemicals are dangerous to human health.
They can cause cancers, birth defects, etc.

Скачать реферат на тему Types of pollution.
Тема: Types of pollution Тема урока: «Types of pollution» / 5 класс / Урок: Физика.
Тип урока: урок изучения нового материала.
Цель урока:
1. Образовательная: познакомить учащихся с видами загрязнения воздуха и воды.
2. Развивающая: развитие умений устанавливать причинно-следственные связи между загрязнением атмосферы и гидросферы.
3. Воспитательная: воспитание бережного отношения к окружающей среде.
Реферат по теме Types Of Pollution По теме: «Типы загрязнения окружающей среды» (No1) Напишите реферат на одну из предложенных тем: I. Types of Pollution: 1. Types of land pollution 2. Types of air pollution 3. Types of water pollution 4. Types of soil pollution II.
Types of Water Pollution 1. Types and causes of water contamination 2. Types of contamination of rivers, lakes, seas 3. Types and consequences of water pollution IV.

Type of pollution is a state of being polluted, it is a condition of the environment.
Pollution is the state of a person or thing in which it is impossible to use it without harm to oneself or others.
Types of pollution are:
1) Physical pollution - it is the pollution of air and water.
2) Chemical pollution - the change in the chemical composition of an element.
3) Biological pollution - changes in the forms of life.
на английском языке
Type of pollutant - type of pollutant.
The type of pollution is the most important factor in determining the effect of air pollution on human health.
It is important to know what is a pollutant and what are its effects, because pollution can affect all of us at the same time.
Pollution is not only very harmful to the environment, but to the body as well.
All pollutants have some harmful effects on the human body.
There are many types of pollution.
- the main types of pollution - the most dangerous types of pollution.
Реферат по теме Types Of Pollution: The main Types Of pollution, the most Dangerous Types Of pollution. is a study of various types of air, water and soil pollution.
Air pollution is caused by the burning of fuel in vehicles, factories, furnaces, electric generators and power plants.
It is also caused by industrial processes, such as ...
Реферат: Air Pollution - Textbook.ru - Рефераты по химии
and its consequences
The pollution is a harmful effect of human activities on the natural environment, which causes negative changes in the environment, including a loss of natural resources, and a change in their composition.
Pollution can occur in all forms of nature, but the most dangerous of all is the air pollution.
Air pollution occurs due to the emission of pollutants by industrial plants, vehicles, industries, heating systems, etc.
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