Реферат по теме The royal family (Королевское семейство) , ученик)

Реферат по теме The royal family (Королевское семейство) , ученик)


9 класса, гр. А5
The Royal Family The Royal Family - the most important family in the world.
Every day in the royal family many guests and special events.
For example, on the anniversary of the birth of the king or queen is the birthday of the child.
He is also celebrated the wedding of a member of the Royal Family.
In addition, the King and Queen have holidays.
Each year in November they celebrate their birthday.
There are also royal weddings.
The royal family has its own style.
9 "А" класса МОУ СОШ No2 г.Кокшетау.
Реферат подготовил ученик ) 9 «А» класса МОУСОШ No2 г
The Royal Family is one of the most famous and most beautiful in the world.
It is very long, but it is not very old.
The royal family consists of three branches: the British royal family, the Russian royal family and the American royal family.
They all have a lot of members and are very famous.
In Britain there are the Queen, her husband the Prince of Wales, and her five children and their spouses.
11а класса школы No4 г. (Фамилия, имя) г.
The royal family of England is the royal family and the royal household of the United Kingdom.
It is also known as the British or the English Royal Family.
In the late Medieval era, the king’s family was made up of his father, his mother, and his children.
As the number of children grew, more children were born, so that by the time of Elizabeth I, who was the last of the Plantagenet dynasty, there were thirty-one children in the family.
(ученицы) (класса) _ _ (Ф.И.О. учителя) _ _ _
The Royal Family (Королевск.
Семейство) The Royal Family is the ruling family of the United Kingdom.
It consists of three branches: the British royal family, the Commonwealth royal family and the House of Windsor.
The British royal family consists of Queen Elizabeth II, Prince Charles, Princess Diana and Prince Andrew.
Queen Elizabeth II is the eldest daughter of King Edward VIII and his first wife, Wallis Simpson.
She was born in London on 1 June 1926, and was christened Elizabeth Mary.
- реферат по теме: Короли и королевы Англии.
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The Royal Family Essay Research Paper The Royal.
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Royal Family Essay Sample.
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История Великобритании - the-testimony.ru.
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Раздел: История, 45, Загружено: 07.06.2011.
The Royal Family (Королевские семьи)
(Королевское семья) - это семья членов британской королевской семьи, которые на основании своего происхождения имеют право именоваться герцогами, герцогинями, маркизами, пэрами и баронами.
В отличие от других королевских семей, члены которых могут быть лишены права называться королевской семьей, в случае смерти, отречения или иного выхода из состава королевской семьи все они теряют свои титулы.
The Royal Family (Королевские Семейства) (The Royal family is the official name of the rulers of the United Kingdom.
The rulers are known as the Sovereign (the Queen) and the Prince of Wales (the Prince of Wales).
There are also the Duchess of Cornwall and the Duke of Edinburgh, who are not members of the Royal Family.)
The Queen is the head of state of the country.
She is also the mother of the heir to the throne, the Prince of Cambridge, and a grand-mother to two princesses.
9 класса, .
Реферат на тему: «The Royal Family» The Royal Family.
The royal family is the family of the British monarchy, which is also known as the royal family.
It is the...
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Реферат: The Royal Family - BestReferat.ru.
Историю России и ее культуры можно изучать через историю ее монархов.
The Royal Family (Королевскому семейству) - это термин, который используется для обозначения всех членов королевской семьи, в том числе и будущих.
В современном мире членами королевского семейства считаются члены британской королевской семьи и члены королевской семьи Испании.
Британская королевская семья состоит из:
- Королевы Елизаветы II и принца Филиппа;
- Их детей: принца Чарльза, принца Уильяма и принца Гарри;
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