Реферат по теме The great Britain

Реферат по теме The great Britain


The Great Britain is situated in the North-West of Europe, it is a country with an area of 351,800 sq. km. and a population of 58,000,000 people.
The country is divided into four main regions - Britain, the Highlands and Islands, Northern Ireland, Wales.
These regions are very different.
Britain is a land of mountains and lakes, of rivers and coasts, of plains and hills.
It is the largest country in Europe and third largest in the world.
On the map it looks like a huge round red apple.
The Great Britain.
English-speaking countries.
Great Britain is situated in the north-western area of the European continent, in the North-West of the UK, in Northern Ireland and in Western Scotland.
It is a country of about 6 million people.
The population of Great Britain is growing.
There are a lot of people in England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.
England is the biggest country in the world.
Its area is about 594,1 thousand square kilometers.
The Great Britain is the largest island in the world.
Its geographic position and the climate make it an important centre of world trade.
Britain is situated at the centre of the European continent.
It occupies a large part of the British Isles, which are divided into three main parts: the North, the South and the West.
The British Isles are separated from the continent of Europe by the English Channel and the Irish Sea.
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The animals» - DOG.
The ANIMALS of our planet.
The people and the government.
Great Britain is the largest country in the world.
It is situated on the British Isles.
Its territory is divided into four parts: England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.
England is the most populous part of Great Britain, it is also the largest in area.
In England there are many cities, towns and villages.
There are a lot of rivers, lakes and canals.
On the other hand, there are mountains and hills in England.
Scotland is a small country.
The Great Britain is a large island situated in the Atlantic Ocean.
It is made up of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.
The island is divided into many parts, which are called counties.
England consists of six counties: Berkshire, Buckinghamshire, Cambridgeshire, Cheshire, Derbyshire and Gloucestershire.
Scotland contains five counties: Argyll and Bute, Arran, Aberdeenshire, Dumfries and Galloway and Dumfriesshire.
The capital of England - London.
London is the capital of Great Britain, England and the United Kingdom.
It is a large city, surrounded by the Thames and the city of London, the largest city in the UK.
There are many sights to see in London - the Tower of London and Big Ben, Westminster Abbey, St Paul’s Cathedral and many other.
In addition, London is famous for its people, its shops, restaurants and cinemas.
The Great Britain is a country in Europe.
It is divided into three parts: the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the Republic of Ireland and the Isle of Man.
Great Britain has an area of about 524,000 square kilometres (205,000 sq. mi).
It consists of four main islands: Great Britain (UK), Northern Ireland (NI), Scotland (SCOT) and Wales (WALES).
Its capital is London.
The population is about 50 million.
English is the official language of the country.
The history of the British people.
History of Britain.
Britain is a small country in the west of Europe.
It is situated in the north-east of the continent.
There are three main islands in Britain: Great Britain, Ireland, and Scotland.
Great Britain is the largest island of all the islands.
Its area is about 1.64 million square kilometres.
In the centre of England is the River Thames.
Many rivers flow through the country.
The British Isles (Великобритания.
Английские острова) | Реферат.
British Isles - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Английский язык: English.
United Kingdom.
Great Britain is a large island in the north of the British Isles.
It is connected to the continent by the Strait of Dover.
Реферат "The British Isles" | реферат, курсовая.
Британские острова, расположенные на северо-западе Европы, представляют собой.
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