Реферат по теме The grammar of contemporary English

Реферат по теме The grammar of contemporary English


The verb to be is a very important part of English grammar.
It is the most frequent verb in the language.
There are three different forms of this verb.
They are: 1) the present participle, 2) the infinitive and 3) the past participle.
When we use the verb to be, we are talking about a particular person or some thing at a certain time.
Every verb has a special form of the verb to.
This form is called the present perfect.
For example, the present perfect of the verbs “to be” and “am” is to be.
The modern English language, Modern English grammar.
Тема: The modern.
Modern English Grammar.
English Grammar in Use by Raymond Murphy (4th edition) English Grammar in use.
The Modern English Grammar by Raymond Murphy, 4th Edition.
This book is the most important reference work on the English.
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In the light of the above discussion, it is clear that the current situation in the English language is an inevitable consequence of the changing socio-cultural environment. The English language used to be the language of scholars and scientists, but now it has become a language for everyone. Consequently, the English grammar has changed, too. But it may be said that there are some peculiarities of English grammar and lexicon which have remained unchanged and are still valid.
The grammar of Contemporary English.
1. В этой главе будет рассмотрено строение и функционирование наиболее часто употребляемых грамматических форм современного английского языка.
В главе будут представлены основные грамматические структуры английского языка, которые используются в литературе, а также в повседневной речи.
2. Многие грамматические явления языка не зависят от эпохи и культуры, они имеют универсальную природу.
The Grammar of the Present.
English is a living language.
It is constantly developing, changing, adapting itself to new circumstances.
This process is called "Grammar".
A grammar is the set of rules that govern the structure of a language, its sounds and their relationships.
In this lesson we are going to look at the grammar of the present tense.
What is the present tense?
The present tense is used for describing present actions and states.
The grammar of modern English is in a state of flux.
Many of the traditional aspects of grammar are being overturned, and new ways of looking at language are being developed.
A number of new terms have been introduced, and old ones are being re-interpreted.
In this essay I will look at some of these developments, but I am not going to discuss every aspect of grammar in the light of change.
The word order of sentences.
(Грамматика современного английского языка.
Лексические и грамматические особенности английских неологизмов (на материале...
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Контрольная работа по английскому языку для студентов 2-го курса заочного отделения.
I вариант.
1. Переведите на английский язык, употребляя модальные глаголы must, have to, can, could. ...
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Контрольная работа.

The grammar of Contemporary English
1. Введение ................................................
the structure of the sentence.
The essay is devoted to the study of the grammatical structure of sentences in English and Russian.
It also deals with the topic ‘The structure of a sentence in the modern english language’.
The main part of the essay presents a detailed description of the grammar of English sentences.
Keywords: sentence, grammar, structure, the main clause, subordinate clause.
В настоящее время в науке о языке все большее внимание уделяется изучению грамматического строя языка.
The grammar of the contemporary English.
English grammar consists of three parts: 1. grammar of nouns, adjectives and verbs; 2. grammar of prepositions and conjunctions; 3. grammar of adverbs, phrases and clauses.
In this chapter we will discuss the last part of English grammar.
The purpose of this section is to give you an overview of the topics in this part of the grammar and to introduce you to the main elements of their study.
Here you will find many useful terms and expressions.
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