Реферат по теме The cybernetics movements

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Cybernetics и кибернетика.
Кибернетика (от греч. cybernetes — машина, механизм).
The cybernetics movement.
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The cybernetics movement in the 20th century.
This is a new movement which has its roots in the work of Hermann von Helmholtz and William James and goes back to the ideas of John von Neumann.
In the 1920s and '30s the cybernetic movement developed in Germany and the United States.
It was the result of the scientific thinking which was based on scientific method.
The main points of this movement are:
1. There is a constant conflict between the computer and man;

in the twentieth century
The cybernetic movement in twentieth century The cybernetic theory was created by a Russian scientist – Viktor Ivanovich Maslov.
He was born in 1900 in Moscow.
His father was a professor of the Moscow State University.
Viktor Ivanovich studied at the University of Moscow.
Then he went to the Polytechnic Institute.
And then he graduated from the same institute.
In 1925 he began to work in the Institute of Electrical Engineering.
in the world.
The cybernetics movement in the XX century.
From the beginning of the 20th century the cybernetic movement was in a difficult situation.
It was a time of many changes.
Before the first world war there were a lot of great scientists in Russia.
Among them there was Vladimir Bekhterev who was a pioneer in the field of science.
He gave a new direction to the whole movement.
Vladimir Bekhterevs theory is called “cybernetic theory”.
in the twentieth century
This article deals with the influence of cybernetics on the development of the theory of information and control systems.
The author describes the most important steps in the history of this theory.
He also analyzes the main concepts and terms of cybernetic theory and compares them with those of modern science.
Кибернетика, как наука об управлении и связи в живых организмах, появилась в двадцатых годах нашего столетия.
in the development of the theory of control.
The cybernetics movement in the evolution of the control theory is an important and timely research in the field of control theory.
It is based on the study of the problem of the interaction between the cybernetic systems (control systems) and the human nervous system.
This book has been edited by the author of this article.
In it, the basic ideas of cybernetics are presented and discussed.
of the human body.
The first cybernetic movement of the body was the movement of a human hand.
There are two ways of moving the hand: through the nervous system and by the muscles.
Nervous system is the system which makes the hands move.
It consists of nerves, blood vessels and muscles.
In the nervous system are the nerves which send impulses to the muscles and the blood vessels.
Each nerve has one or more fibres.
in the field of management
The Cybernetic Movement in Management The Cybernetics Movement began in the 1960s, when a number of scientists and engineers from different disciplines came together to look for a unified theory of human behavior in situations where the laws of physics would not work.
of the
The cybernetics movement of the 1970s was a major development in the field of computer science.
It sought to apply the principles of cybernetics to computer technology.
The primary author of this movement was Norbert Wiener.
He was also a professor of mathematics at MIT.
Wiener stated that computer systems should be able to learn how to produce their own instructions.
They should also be able to interpret instructions and translate them into actions.
of the cybernetician
The cybernetics movement of the Cybernetician.
Cybernetics, also called artificial intelligence, is the study of the design and operation of machines that perform tasks not traditionally associated with human beings.
In other words, it is an approach to the problem of artificial intelligence.
It was first used in a biological context by Charles Babbage in the early 1900s.
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