Реферат по теме The culture of public speaking

Реферат по теме The culture of public speaking


The culture of Public Speaking The modern man is accustomed to a noisy environment in which he is surrounded by a multitude of people.
Some of them are his friends, some are acquaintances, but most of them he does not know or does not care for.
Public speaking is the art of making a speech.
It is a skill that can help us to win respect and admiration of our fellow men.
But public speaking is not easy.
Many people think that there are no such things as public speakers.
in Russia and China.
The culture of talking in Russia is not very different from the culture of speaking in China. ...
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Читать ещёРеферат по теме The Culture of Public speaking in Russia and Китай.
Культура публичного выступления в России и Китае.
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Китай - это страна, где на протяжении веков царила культура публичного выступления.
in the russian and english language
The culture of public speech in the Russian and English language The Russian language is considered to be a very rich language, because of the fact that it has many words for various objects and things.
But there are some words in Russian that are not used in English.
For example, the word "nope" means "no".
In English this word is used for the answer to the question "do you want to?".
The Culture of Public Speaking
The culture of public speech is a part of the culture of speech in general.
People who speak in public are called speakers.
They are the main persons in the public sphere.
Speakers are people who give speeches in different forums.
In order to be able to speak well, a speaker has to have certain characteristics.
He has to know the topic he wants to talk about, and he has to understand what he is talking about.
The culture of public talking is a complex phenomenon.
It involves the history, traditions, beliefs and practices of a country or a region.
Some of these are quite traditional and can be traced back to ancient times.
But some of the practices have changed with the times.
For example, in the 19th century, public speeches were given to impress the audience.
Later on, it was decided that the speeches should be informative and enlightening.
The culture of Public Speaking.
I'll start off by saying that Public speaking is not just a skill it's a way of life.
It's something that is ingrained in you from the very beginning of your childhood.
You have to be able to speak publicly in order to stand in front of a group of people and give a speech and if you can't then you will never be able to make a good living as a professional speaker.
The modern world is full of information.
Its variety and complexity are overwhelming.
In order to cope with such a big variety of information, people have to use various methods.
One of the main methods is public speaking (speech).
It is considered to be a very important part of our life.
We speak at work, at school, as well as at home.
But what makes public speaking so special?
Where do we get information about it?
What is the most important element of it?
Как и любой другой навык, публичное выступление требует тренировки.
Многие люди думают, что им нужно только прочитать текст выступления, перед тем как выступать.
Однако, для того, чтобы достичь хорошего результата, вам необходимо научиться правильно говорить.
Если вы хотите научиться хорошо говорить, то вам следует начать с изучения этих двух основных навыков.
Это не так сложно, как может показаться на первый взгляд.
The Culture of Public Speaking
Поведение оратора перед публикой - это не просто умение говорить, а искусство, которое требует от человека определенных качеств, таких как: уверенность, самообладание, чувство юмора, умение слушать и многое другое.
Public speaking - искусство общения с большой аудиторией.
Оратор должен быть одновременно и опытным, и открытым, и обаятельным, и страстным.
Американец, американец.
О чем это?
Он будет говорить на английском языке, который он никогда не учил дома.
Конечно, он будет говорить по-английски, потому что это его родной язык.
Но, если вы спросите его, как он выучил английский, он не сможет вам ответить.
Это не так просто, и это еще больше усложняет дело.
Язык должен быть в голове, а не в словаре.
Вы должны знать язык, а потом уже учить.
Почему я говорю об этом?
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