Реферат по теме The constitutional law in the modern world: basic directions and forms of development

Реферат по теме The constitutional law in the modern world: basic directions and forms of development


Название: The constitutional law в современном мире: основные направления и формы развития Раздел: Рефераты по государству и праву Тип: реферат Добавлен 13:22:03 15 июля 2005 Похожие работы Просмотров: 1411 Комментариев: 10 Оценило: 2 человек Средний балл: 5 Оценка: неизвестно Скачать
Министерство образования Российской Федерации
Московский государственный университет им. М.В. Ломоносова
Юридический факультет
Кафедра теории государства и права
по теме: «The constitutional law in
The constitutional law is one of the main branches of law.
It is a branch of law that deals with the foundations of state and civil society.
In its essence, it is the law of the basic institutions of society, which are the basis of the state.
As a result of the struggle of classes, the laws of nature, as the laws based on natural right, have been transformed into the laws that regulate the relations between the subjects of society and the state (the laws of the bourgeois state).
План 1. The history of the Constitution 2. The Constitution in the USA 3. The Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan 4. The Russian Constitution 5. The European Constitution 6. The German Constitution 7. The Israeli Constitution 8. The English Constitution 9. The Polish Constitution 10.
The Spanish Constitution 11.
The French Constitution 12.
The Italian Constitution 13.
The Chinese Constitution 14.
The Japanese Constitution 15.
The Brazilian Constitution 16.
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Реферат: Конституционное право зарубежных стран: основные институты конституционного права.
Конституционное право Российской Федерации.
Тип: курсовая работа.
Язык: русский.
Размер: 62.7 Kb.
Файл: Конституция РФ (курсовая работа).
Другие рефераты по конституционному праву.
Курсовая работа. по дисциплине.
«Конституционное Право».
На тему: «Конституция РФ 1993 г. и ее основные черты» (курс 1.
The constitutional law is a part of the legal system of a state.
It is the set of laws which define and regulate the basic functions of state and defines the procedure of their implementation.
The essence of constitutional law consists in the fact that it is a set of legal norms which are binding on all the subjects of the state.
These norms contain the general principles, the main rules, regulations and the other legal regulations which constitute the basis of the constitutional system.
Конституция Российской Федерации
Реферат по конституционному праву России на тему «Конституция: основные черты, сущность, порядок принятия и изменения»
Выполнил студент 1 курса гр.Юмр-111
Кузнецов Владимир Алексеевич
г. Хабаровск
ID: 153522 Дата закачки: 20 Ноября 2015 Продавец: studypro (Напишите, если есть вопросы)
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Тип работы: Рефераты Форматы файлов: Microsoft Word Сдано в учебном заведении: ******* Не известно
Описание: Введение................................................
The constitutional law is one of the branches of law.
It is a branch of legal science that deals with the rules and principles governing the constitution of a state.
Constitutional law is the law that is made by the people.
Every country has its own constitution.
The Constitution is a legal document that defines the rights and obligations of citizens of the country and the system of government.
There are two types of constitutional laws: primary and secondary.
The constitutional law is concerned with the structure, functioning, and development of the state as a whole.
It is the basis of the system of government and the system of law.
The Constitution is the supreme law of the country.
There are no laws which are superior to the Constitution.
Therefore, the primary function of the constitutional law is to define the state system as a whole and the role of each component part of state.
The constitutional law is one of the most important branches of law and a subject of study in schools.
It is a legal system of government based on the principles of democracy, equality and freedom of citizens.
Constitutional law consists of two parts: a) fundamental law; b) administrative law.
The first part is the constitution of a state and the second part deals with the organization of state administration.
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