Реферат по теме The Maple Leaf as the National Icon of Canada

Реферат по теме The Maple Leaf as the National Icon of Canada


The maple leaf is the national icon of Canada.
It is a symbol of the unity of all Canadians.
There are more than 200 million maple leaves in Canada, and the maple leaf represents the spirit of the Canadian people and their common heritage.
The first maple leaves were made of paper and cut from the bark of the maple tree.
In the 17th century, the first maple trees in America were planted in Nova Scotia.
Then they spread to other colonies.
The Maple Leaf is the national symbol of Canada.
It was first used in 1837 by the Canadian government as a symbol of unity.
Since then, the Maple Leaf has been used for many purposes.
Some people use it to represent Canada, and some people use the symbol to represent maple syrup.
There are also many people in Canada who use the Maple Leaf to represent Maple syrup.
The maple leaf is a leaf with four veins that are red and green.
The Maple Leaf is the symbol of Canada.
It is not a common symbol in other countries, but it is a national symbol in Canada, and it is very important.
In Canada, the Maple Leaf represents the country, its people, traditions and culture.
People from all over the world come to Canada to celebrate Canada Day.
Canada Day is celebrated on July 1st and is called “Canada Day”.
Canada is the largest country in the world, it covers more than six million square kilometers.
( Maple Leaf, как национальный символ Канады.)
The Maple Leaf is the official crest of Canada since 1923.
The symbol was chosen in honor of the maple leaf and its association with the Canadian maple syrup industry.
It is a green, leafy stem with a crown above it and a maple leaf on the bottom, which is usually shown with an arrow through it.
The maple leaf is also used as an emblem of Canadian arts and culture.
Some consider it also as a symbol of peace.
The Maple leaf, sometimes called the maple seed, is one of the most recognizable symbols of Canada.
It is a symbol of maple syrup, maple sugar, maple syrup production, and maple trees.
Maple leaves are the result of a process called sapwood development.
Sapwood is formed in the heartwood, or living tissue, of the tree.
In most maple species, the sapwood becomes a different colour than the woody heartwood.
The Maple leaf is one of the most famous symbols of Canada, it is an emblem of the Confederation, it has been the emblem of Canadian football teams for more than a century, and it is the symbol of the maple syrup industry.
It is also called the Maple Leaf, the Flag of Canada or the American Maple Leaf.
In the modern world, Canada is known as one of the largest exporters of maple syrup and the leading producer of maple products.
Canada is home to many different cultures and traditions.
The Maple Leaf is the national symbol of Canada.
It is not a common national emblem in other countries.
The maple leaf is derived from the maple tree, which grows throughout Canada.
This tree is one of the most beautiful and famous trees in the world.
Canadian maple trees are considered to be the finest in the world and they are very popular in Canada.
They are used for making furniture, building houses, and many other things.
In Canada, maple leaves are the national emblem.
The Maple Leaf is the national flag of Canada, and the most recognizable symbol of this country, as well as its coat of arms.
There are two meanings to the Maple Leaf.
One is the maple sap, which is used in maple syrup production, and is also the major ingredient in maple candy.
This meaning is more popular in the United States, where maple syrup is produced.
In the other meaning, the leaf represents the maple tree, which grows in both Canada and the United States.
The Maple Leaf is the national symbol of Canada.
It is a maple leaf, the most famous symbol in the world.
In the Canadian flag the maple leaf is located in the middle.
The maple leaf represents the trees, which are the main source of food for people in Canada, and also the quality of Canadian forests.
Maple trees are very hardy and can withstand harsh climatic conditions.
They grow in different countries of the world, but Canada has the biggest forests.
The Maple Leaf is the national emblem of Canada and has been since Confederation in 1867.
It is the country's official flag and is used by many Canadian institutions.
According to tradition, the maple leaf was chosen because it was the first tree that Canadian pioneers encountered after their successful journey across the Atlantic.
When the pioneer Thomas D'Arcy McGee crossed the Rocky Mountains on his way to the Pacific Ocean, he saw a maple tree growing in the foothills.
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