Реферат по теме Russian painting

Реферат по теме Russian painting


by: Admin
На тему: «Russian Painting » (найти нужный ответ)
1. Russian Painting.
2. Russian painters.
3. Russian artists.
4. Russian art.
5. The history of Russian Art.
6. The history of the Russian Culture.
7. The Russian Revolution.
8. The Russian Civil War.
9. The Russian Avant-Garde.
10. The Soviet Art of the 20th Century.
11. The Soviet Artists.
12. The Art of Soviet Russia.
13. The Nationalism in Russian Art and Painting.
14. Russian Symbolism.
15. Russian Realism.

of the late 19th and early 20th century.
The Russian art of that period was influenced by the new social changes which occurred in the country after the October Revolution of 1917, and by the art of Western Europe.
Russian artists of this period were inspired by the works of Impressionism and Post-Impressionism, which had already been introduced into Russia by European artists.
These artists combined the ideals of modern art with the traditional traditions of Russian art.
by the works of Ivan Nikitin
Russian Painting by the Works of Ivan Nikit
Ivan Nikitin, a famous Russian painter, was born in 1735 in the town of Voronezh.
His father was a captain in the Russian army, but was very poor.
So Ivan grew up in a poor family.
He wanted to learn painting, and so he went to Moscow to study there.
When he was 21 years old, he got a teaching job in a school of painting.
The works of Russian painters.
Искусство всегда было неотъемлемой частью жизни человека.
С древних времён человек стремился выразить свои чувства и эмоции в искусстве.
И сегодня искусство не утратило своей роли в обществе и по-прежнему является одним из самых важных аспектов жизни.
Однако в современном мире искусство развивается быстрее, чем когда-либо.
Это связано с тем, что человек становится более свободным в своих действиях и самовыражении.
Portrait painting - портрет в русском искусстве.
Портретная живопись в России возникла в восемнадцатом веке.
В начале девятнадцатого века портреты рисовали только масляными красками.
Сначала они создавались в академических манерах, то есть, по правилам академического рисунка, с соблюдением всех канонов академизма.
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Реклама в России.
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Роли рекламы в современном.
В современном мире реклама играет огромную роль, причем как со стороны производителей.
Russian art
Russian painting, Russian Art
The first and the most important period of Russian painting was the Art of the 17th century.
It was a time of transition from the medieval to the modern art.
In the first half of the 18th century, the works of the masters of this period were very valuable for the education of society.
They were the precursors of the 19th century Russian painting.
of the 19th century
The 19th Century in Russian Painting.
С середины XIX века в русской живописи происходит ряд важных событий, определяющих ее дальнейшее развитие.
В живописи появляются новые жанры и новые средства выражения.
На смену академической живописи приходит импрессионизм, который в разных формах будет существовать в искусстве еще долгое время.
The history of Russian art is long and interesting.
It has a special place among the world’s art.
Russian art has its own style, which has never been copied by any other country.
Since the early 19th century Russian artists have been creating their own traditions.
One of them is the tradition of the Russian portrait.
Portrait painting in Russia began to develop in the 19th and 20th centuries.
Many famous painters were born in this century.
Реферат по теме russian painting
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