Реферат по теме Kierkegaard

Реферат по теме Kierkegaard


and Sartre
Kierkegaard’s Philosophy
Sartre’s Reflections
On Kierkegaards “The Unhappy
The study deals with the philosophy of J. S. Kierkegen and its reflection on art.
In his essays, Sartre gives a critical assessment of the works of Kierkeagen, who was his teacher and mentor.
He focuses on the work in which the artist tries to reconcile two conflicting attitudes towards the world – the one that is directed towards reality and the other one that leads him to escape from it.
Kierkegaard is a Danish philosopher, theologian, and literary critic.
He is best known for his works that explore the nature of faith, human identity, and the relationship between human and divine.
In particular, he pioneered the study of fear and its relationship to faith.
His work inspired many other thinkers in the 20th century, such as Friedrich Nietzsche, Jean-Paul Sartre, and Martin Heidegger.
Kierckegaard was born in Copenhagen, Denmark, in 1805.
s "The Sickness Unto Death"
Содержание Введение 3 1. Сущность и значение термина «экзистенциальный кризис» 4 2. Концепция Кьеркегора и её особенности 5 3. Содержание и формы экзистенциалистского кризиса 7 4. Кризис как возможность «выхода» из кризиса.
9 Заключение 11 Список литературы 12 ВВЕДЕНИЕ Экзистенция - это то, что человек переживает в жизни.
Это не то, чем он обладает, но то, в чем он нуждается, чтобы быть.
Автор: Пользователь скрыл имя, 16 Октября 2011 в 17:13, реферат
Краткое описание
Цель работы: рассмотреть основные идеи Кьеркегора, его философские и религиозные взгляды.
Объект исследования: Кьеркегор, его учение, философский и религиозный идеал.
Предмет исследования: философия Кьеркегоpa, основные направления его теории.
Kierkegaard is a Danish philosopher and theologian.
His writings focus on the tension between religion, morality and science.
He also developed his own philosophical system, known as existentialism.
In Kierkegaards theology, he emphasized the importance of honesty and personal responsibility.
Philosophy and theology are the main branches of his work.
This work consists of two books, Fear and Trembling and The Concept of Anxiety.
Kierkegaard: A Biography by Henry Louis Gates, Jr.
The first volume of a biography of the Danish-born philosopher and theologian Søren Kierkegaards, this work explores the life and
Kierkergaard Søren
Søren Kiekergaard (1813-1855), Danish philosopher, theologian, and writer, is considered to be the founder of existentialism.
His philosophical works include The Concept of Dread, The Concept of Anxiety, and The Concept of Sorrow.
s Theological-Political Philosophy.
The Origin of the Work of Art.
Criticism of Christian Religion.
Socialism and Politics.
Contemporary Socialism.
World Peace.
History and Philosophy of Science.
Philosophy of History.
Rationalism and Romanticism in Literature.
Nietzsche and Kierkegaards views on World History.
Kierkegards view on the World as a Drama
Kiekegaard-philosopher, writer, theologian.
He was born in Copenhagen in 1844.
His father was a lawyer, and his mother was of German origin.
Kierkegaard S. F. (1813-1855), датский философ, проповедник и писатель, один из лидеров европейского экзистенциализма.
Родился в Копенгагене.
В 1831 г. поступил в Датскую протестантскую академию, которую окончил в 1836 г. В 1839 г. он был рукоположен в священники.
Его пастырская деятельность была связана с Копенгагеном, где он стал профессором теологии и автором многих богословских трудов.
С 1842 г. Кьеркегор, как и многие его коллеги, стал заниматься изучением философии.
Kierkegaard: The Riddle of Existence"
by V.A. Zolotarev
The author argues that Kierkegard’s writings are a response to the contemporary crisis of existence.
He considers Kierkegaard’s metaphysics of the individual as a unique synthesis of Christianity and Kantianism.
Kierkegen’s ethical thought is connected with the idea of a new Christian morality.
The aim of Kiergegaard’s philosophy is to make a clear distinction between the world of appearances and the reality.
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