Реферат по теме English Course Work on Newspaper Reading

Реферат по теме English Course Work on Newspaper Reading


Thesis: Reading the newspaper is a very important part of our life.
It is necessary for us to understand the news and to be informed of the events in the world and in our country.
We can learn a lot of new information.
Our newspapers are full of interesting articles about the world, about our country and about people who live there.
There are so many magazines and newspapers.
You can read them in your library.
People like to read magazines because they can find there the latest news.
English Course Work for Newspaper.
The New York Times - English.
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Читать реферат online по теме #39 The New York Times #39 и газеты.
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Read the article and translate it into Russian.
1. Английский язык.
Reading (Чтение)
Чтение — это процесс восприятия письменной или устной речи и понимания её содержания.
В процессе чтения происходит:
- восприятие и понимание информации, представленной в тексте;
- извлечение из текста нужной информации;
- синтез прочитанного в одно целое.
Чтение является основой любого вида деятельности человека, поэтому оно изучается не только в общеобразовательной школе, но и в средней специальной и высшей.
- Тема по английскому языку.
Работа по теме: Английские газеты и журналы.
Читать реферат online по теме «Чтение газет и журналов».
Раздел: Английский язык, Литература, Загружено: 12.01.2009.
Читать реферат Online по теме 'Чтение газет.
Изучение газетного языка'.
Тема: Newspapers and magazines.
Тип: Реферат.
В работе есть: таблицы 2 шт Язык: русский.
Размер: 172.4 Kb.
Смотрите также.
English-language newspapers in the world English-language periodicals in Russia.
The new edition of English course work on newspaper reading presents a selection of articles from the British and American newspapers.
They are accompanied by translations, exercises, and suggestions for further reading.
This book presents the following:
• A selection of items from the Times and Daily Telegraph, the Guardian, The Independent, the Daily Express, the Financial Times, the Sunday Telegraph, the Telegraph and the Observer. •
English Course Work On Newspaper Reading - Реферат
English course work on newspaper reading - English
В этом разделе Вы найдете готовые эссе и рефераты на английском языке.
Эссе и реферат на тему English course work on newspapers reading.
Реферат по теме English course Work on Newspapr
English course Work On Newspapa Printing
Английский язык в школе и дома, английские тексты, аудио и видео материалы на английском.
1. The English Language
2. Grammar and Punctuation
3. Speech Act Theory
4. Vocabulary
5. Vocabulary 2
6. Punctuation and Grammar
7. English as a Foreign Language
8. English Phrase Structure
9. English Pronunciation
10. Dialect
11. Vocabulary 3
12. Grammar and Phonics
13. English Grammar and Usage
14. Pronunciation and Spelling
15. Vocabulary 4
16. Vocabulary 5
17. Vocabulary 6
18. Vocabulary 7
19. Vocabulary 8
20. Vocabulary 9
21. Vocabulary 10
22. Vocabulary 11
23. Vocabulary 12

This is a text-book designed to help students improve their reading skills.
Each chapter consists of a set of exercises.
The exercises are grouped into three parts: 1) Reading the Text 2) Writing the Text 3) Discussion about the Text.
In addition, the text includes a lot of topical items which can be used in class discussions.
There are also two types of questions: short answer and multiple choice questions.
This is a study of English course work on newspaper reading.
It is the first of two parts of a three-part research study.
In the second part of the study I will be looking at different types of reading tasks in the English course materials, and how they are used to teach the main reading skills.
The first part of this study will cover the various ways that teachers use newspaper reading as a means of teaching reading and writing.

(English for Special Purposes)
Reading and listening for newspaper text is a very important task.
It is one of the most difficult tasks for any foreign language learner.
The main reason is that there is no one-to-one correspondence between English words and their meaning in a newspaper.
For instance, the word “dish” can mean “a flat glass” or “a dish used to cook food.”
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