Реферат по теме Analyses and origin of Trait theory of leadership, its strengths and weaknesses and the pre-conditions for its effective use

Реферат по теме Analyses and origin of Trait theory of leadership, its strengths and weaknesses and the pre-conditions for its effective use


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Summary of the author’s conclusions.
Bibliography of sources.
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in Russian organizations.
Thesis is written on the idea that the effectiveness of leaders depends on many factors and, in particular, on the role of traits.
In the given thesis I analyze the influence of all the traits of the leader on his effectiveness and I also prove their influence on the organization.
В работе рассматриваются такие вопросы, как: анализ и происхождение теории лидерства, его сильные и слабые стороны и предпосылки для его эффективного использования в российских организациях.
Рефераты по менеджменту Рефераты на тему «менеджмент» по менеджменту.
Читать реферат online по теме Теории лидерства.
Раздел: Менеджмент, 41, Загружено: 16.03.2010.
Реферат на тему: «Теории лидерства» по предмету «Менеджмент».
Содержит 12792 знака, 0 таблиц и 0 изображений.
Название: Теории лидерских качеств Раздел: Рефераты по социологии Тип: реферат Добавлен 16:45:13 11 июня 2003 Похожие работы Просмотров: ...
Реферат: Теории Лидерства Теория «Власть-Лидерство» (Ф. Тейлор, Ф. Герцберг).
Содержание Введение 1. Теоретические основы проблемы исследования лидерства 1.1 Понятие и сущность лидерства как управленческой категории 1.2 Современные концепции лидерства 1.3 Теории лидерства и их влияние на теорию и практику управления 2. Анализ современных концепций лидерства 2.1 Теории и концепции лидерских качеств 2.2 Модель эффективного лидера 2.3 Личность и стиль управления руководителя 2.4 Методы оценки
The author analyzes and explains the main characteristics of a leader, his traits, and their role in the development of his personality.
He also explains how traits are acquired and used by leaders and how to adapt to them.
Keywords: leadership, traits of a leader.
Анализ и определение свойств и особенностей лидера, его роли в формировании его личности и в развитии его способностей.
Analyses and Origin of Trait Theory of Leadership, Its Strengths and Weaknesses and the Pre-conditions For Its Effective Use
Key Words: Leadership, Theories of Leadership, Leadership theories, Trait Leadership theory, Problem of Leadership in modern management, Effective Leadership

Analyses and origin:
The theory of trait-leadership was developed by the American psychologist, David R. Johnson in the mid-1950s.
Johnson's theory is based on the idea that the characteristics of a leader can be identified through the analysis of traits.
These traits can be divided into two categories: general traits and specific traits.
The general traits are those which are common to all leaders and are often described as the “leaders’ persona”.
Analyses and origins of trait theory of leadership.
Theories of leadership have been in existence for a long time.
They are a kind of a human phenomenon, which is not limited only to a single position at work.
It is important to understand that, in particular, the development of the theory of Leadership, has been a matter of constant evolution.
This evolution is a result of the need to deal with the problems of the modern situation.
Роль и значение анализа в исследовании.
Разработка и внедрение рациональной системы управления предприятием.
Реферат: The Role of Leadership in the Work of Management of Company
The Role of Leader in the work of the Management of company.
На сегодняшний день в мире нет единого мнения о роли и значении анализа в исследовании проблем организации.
В ряде работ указывается на необходимость и важность анализа как инструмента исследования.
in practice.
Thesis: To what extent is the theory of trait leadership a valid approach to the problem of organizational leadership?
What are the main advantages and disadvantages of trait theory?
To what extent does trait theory explain the factors that influence the development of organizational leaders?
Did the theory help the authors to better understand the characteristics of traits?
Could the theory provide a way to improve the effectiveness of the leadership in the organization?
Иерархическая теория потребностей А. Маслоу
Курсовая Работа На Тему Основные Фонды Предприятия
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