Реферат: You Belong To Me By Mary Higgins
You Belong to Me is Mary Higgins Clark’s fifteenth novel. It is about a young clinical psychologist named Dr. Susan Chandler who hosts a radio talk show. One day the topic of the show is lonely women who disappear and who are later discovered dead. She brings up one specific case of a lady named Regina Clausen. Another lady calls in the show and says she might have some information that might be useful to the case, but she wants to remain anonymous. Dr. Chandler tries to arrage a meeting with her, and she says she will probably not be able to come. That woman is shoved into a bus the next day and is seriously injured. The only witness that saw her get pushed is killed the next day. Dr. Chandler starts following the case, but every time she goes to talk to someone that might be able to give her some information, they are already dead. In the end, Susan is hot on the murderer’s trail, but does not realize that she is going to be the next victim. The murderer turns out to be a guy Susan has been dating. He tries to suffocate her and leaves her to die. Another doctor friend of Susan’s has also been paying attention to the case though, and he is worried about something happening to Susan. He finds her in her office before she suffocates, and they are able to have the police arrest the bad guy before he does any more damage.
“You Belong to Me is a superb thriller from one of the genre’s all-time greats, Mary Higgins Clark.” (Book Browser 1) Almost all critics had only good to say about Clark’s work. “No doube many readers have one or more Mary Higgins Clark novels set aside…and not just because she is one of the most popular large-print book authors or because her heroines always come out all right at the end. More likely it’s because her novels fall into the classic Gothic Genre.” (Hoopes 1) Another author commented, “These inspiring novels will touch each and every heart.” (Baker 2) This was definitely true of You Belong to Me. “Ms. Clark still has the finesse to provide her myriad of fans with a top rate reading experience.” (Book Browser 1) One critic commented on Clark’s mystery writing magazine-”To me it seems more geared toward supermarket checkout lines. But I thing it shows how popular mysteries are getting.” (Detroit News 7) “Story ideas, however, are one thing Mary Higgins Clark has plenty of.” (Hoopes 2)
Mary Higgins Clark has lived an extraordinary life. She made herself into something worthwhile from basically nothing, only because she worked hard for what she wanted. She proved that you can do whatever you want, if you want it bad enough. Clark definitely is a symbol of character, esteem, and perseverance, and her bestsellers are proof of it, if not her status as a favorite American author.
Название: You Belong To Me By Mary Higgins
Раздел: Топики по английскому языку
Тип: реферат
Добавлен 00:53:44 28 октября 2010 Похожие работы
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