Реферат: Women In Combat Roles Essay Research Paper

Реферат: Women In Combat Roles Essay Research Paper


Women In Combat Roles Essay, Research Paper
With the advent of the feminist movement, the role of women in all parts of
society has come under increasing scrutiny. One area of recent controversy is the
role of women in combat roles. The idea of women in the military is not unusual
anymore and they should be able to hold combat positions because although
physical strength matters, the military still needs the intelligence that women can
bring. Also banning women from the combat hurts their military careers. Although
women account for only ten percent of the enlisted personnel, they are still a major
part in the armed forces. Their performance recently has generated support from
Congress and the public for enhancing the role of females in the military.
One of the oldest myths surrounding the question of women in the military
has been that females simply lack, in general, the physical stamina to perform many
of the most demanding military tasks, including combat. But Army researchers have
found that old stereotype to be completely wrong. With a new study that concludes
that, when a woman is correctly trained, she can be as tough as any man. And in
the Persian Gulf War this study was put to the test.
During the War, women were sent to the Middle East to fly helicopters,
service combat jets, refuel tankers, and load laser-guided bombs. Their
performance has led the world to realize that women are extremely useful in
combat. Defense secretary Dick Chaney said “Women have made a major
contribution to this [war] effort. We could not have won without them.” Leaders in
the field agreed. The Gulf War had the largest deployment of women in the armed
forces in history. These women encountered the same risks as the men they served
with. During the war twenty-one females lost their lives. From their experience in
the Persian Gulf, military women have earned the right to be treated as equals with
men and not as protected individuals.
In spite of their record as able combat personnel, there are laws and policies
that restrict women in the United States Military from serving in positions that
require them to engage in direct combat. Women in the Air Force and Navy are
barred from aircraft and vessels that have a chance to be exposed to combat. The
official policies of the Army and Marine Corps exclude women from even going
into combat. These policies prohibit women, on the basis of gender only, from over
twelve percent of the skill positions and thirty-nine percent of the total positions
offered by the Department of Defense. Such policies excluding women from
combat need to be repealed by Congress. The Fourteenth Amendment’s “Equal
Protection Clause” insures every citizen “the equal protection of the laws.”
Therefore the set laws and policies that exclude women from combat not only
violate the Fourteen Amendment, but also deny women their fundamental right to
engage and excel in their chosen occupation. The Supreme Court realizes that the
combat exclusion hinders the abilities of women to gain the experience needed for
promotion within the military. The combat exclusion puts women wishing to obtain
qualification for high-level positions at a disadvantage, because leadership training
is usually acquired in combat-type positions.
Although many females are not eager to go into combat, there are women
who can and want to do the job. In a time where technology takes over battle lines
and brains might be more important than brawn, a reason to exclude women from
combat roles is non-existent. Military preparedness should be the top priority.

Название: Women In Combat Roles Essay Research Paper
Раздел: Топики по английскому языку
Тип: реферат
Добавлен 07:48:16 04 ноября 2010 Похожие работы
Просмотров: 2
Комментариев: 13
Оценило: 2 человек
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