Реферат: Winning Isn

Реферат: Winning Isn


Vince Lombardi?s famous saying ?Winning isn?t the most important thing. It?s
the only thing? is unfortunately the motto of too many athletes today.
Although winning is important and sports are, and should be taken seriously, by
far, winning isn?t the only thing. Putting everything you have and giving one hundred
percent to the effort is also very important to competition. A team that puts everything
they have into a game and comes out the losers, has a lot more to be proud of than a team
who comes in first but only gave some effort. Over the years many teams have lost
important games due to a few inches, one pitch or a strike of ?bad luck? although these
teams lost, they take it into the next game and gave one hundred and ten percent.
Last month at the Erie Mayors Cup 10K and 5K race, competitors from around
the tri-state area were in competition. Trophies and plaques were to be awarded to the
first, second and third place runners. A 10K is a 6.2 mile long race across the
streets of downtown Erie in 85 degree heat and humidity. Runners who are running in
the 10K have to show tremendous determination, stamina, speed and physical agility not
to mention surviving in grueling temperatures and humidity. Great Olympic and Boston
Marathon runners have dropped out of a 10K due to it?s intense strain. I was on hand to
witness the race and saw many great athletes finish the race with great times. These are
runners who put every day into running and run every race. Soon after these runners had
crossed the finish line and been handed their trophies, the last runner in the race came
through the finish line with his hands in the air and to thunderous applause. He was 87
years old, and had taken up the sport after his doctors told him he had a cholesterol
The runner in this story was not out to win the Mayor?s Cup 10K, he wasn?t out to
set a record time or come in first. He came in dead last, but finished the race. If he
would have listened to Vince Lombardi and say ?Oh, I can?t win, their are professional
runners from colleges and high schools competing against me!? he wouldn?t have
completed his life long goal of running in a 10K. Better late than never.
The most important thing is for all who participate is to have fun and do it with
pride and determination, to set a goal and reach it. Two good sayings that contradict
Vince Lomabardi state…?It doesn?t matter if you win or lose, it?s how you play the game?
and ?If at first you don?t succeed, try, try again? Words to live by.

Название: Winning Isn
Раздел: Топики по английскому языку
Тип: реферат
Добавлен 13:53:44 28 октября 2010 Похожие работы
Просмотров: 2
Комментариев: 13
Оценило: 2 человек
Средний балл: 5
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