Реферат: Where I Lived

Реферат: Where I Lived


&What I Lived For–Thoreau Essay, Research Paper
In ?Where I Lived & What I Lived For,? Thoreau?s response towards nature is of admiration and value. His respect for nature is almost religious. This is depicted in the way he describes his love and adoration for nature.
Thoreau is surrounded by nature and feels relaxed and relieved when he comes across it. He seems to encounter a very peaceful and quiet world in Nature. ???becomes a lower heaven itself so much the more important?(Thoreau 63). He expresses nature in a heaven-like way, which shows his love and respect for it. He situates his house in the forest so he could be the one caged and have birds around him, instead of having a bird caged in his house. This makes him feel closer to nature, which he enjoys because he feels more relaxed when he encounters it.
Thoreau depicts his thoughts on Nature in a religious sense. His values and respect for nature is portrayed in an unusual way that reflects his personality. ?An adobe without birds is like a meal without seasoning?(63). He portrays Nature as a ?seasoning, ? because he feels that nature makes life more exciting and without it, life would be boring, just like an unseasoned meal is boring. The reason he values Nature and the experience he has in the woods is because he feels more in control and happier when he is there. He feels that Nature is wonderful and that without it life would not be worth living. ??.near green hills?..and higher ones in the horizon?(64-5). Thoreau emphasizes the idea of the continuing mountains that go back until he is unable to see anymore. Damodara describes it as a ?vast horizon? that is very enjoyable. Thoreau uses his imagination to see the rest of the wide mountain ranges that he is unable to see. ?There was pasture enough for my imagination?(64-5). He is not only referring to his imagination, but how he can wander off in his own field of nature. He enjoys and values that.
Thoreau demonstrates his respect for nature throughout these passages. By referring to lakes, mountains, birds, and the forest, he shows his desire for being in a world of Nature. Religiously, he compares Nature to heaven, which shows how much he respects it.

Название: Where I Lived
Раздел: Топики по английскому языку
Тип: реферат
Добавлен 11:24:11 09 ноября 2010 Похожие работы
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