Реферат: What Motivates You To Seek A College

Реферат: What Motivates You To Seek A College


Education Why Is Berea College A Good Choice For You Essay, Research Paper
What motivates me to seek a college education? In addition, why Berea College is a good choice for me.
The last couple of years have been a long bumpy ride for me, as they have for everyone my age. No matter what, everyone has experienced many of the same ?teenage? circumstances as I have and has dealt with them in their own way. As a personal participant in this ?game?, we call life, I would say I worked hard for and earned first place. That is just my creative view on things. Too bad, not everyone sees it in the same light as I do.
As a student, I am an active participant in my academic and extracurricular activities. My first priority has always been to make good grades and learn in school. Although this is important to me, I also know that by participating in clubs, sports, and after school activities, I will become a well-rounded student. During the past years of my high school career I have participated and received awards in the following: Cheerleading (eight years), twice as captain, ?97 -?98 Varsity Letter in Cheerleading, ?98 AIM scholar, Who?s Who Among American Cheerleaders, and ?98 Academic Excellence Award while participating in Virginia High School League Interscholastic Activities. I also belonged to the following clubs: S.A.D.D. club (two years), second year as secretary, Pep Club, Varsity Club, Choir Club, and Computer Club. In the year ?99 -?00 I received awards in the following classes: Computer Applications, Spanish I, World Geography, and Advanced Algebra/Trigonometry. I also received an award for Most Encouraging Student. I currently belong to the Hiking and Outdoor Club, Ski Club, Pep Club, and Environmental Awareness Club. In addition, this year I participate in a program called Read With A Friend. In this program I, along with a group of other students, go to the near by elementary school to read to a class of students from kindergarten to fifth grade.
In order to gain an understanding of independence and responsibility, I have held summer jobs in the preceding three years. I also worked to help myself financially in boarding school, insurance, a car, everyday necessities, and soon in college. My first summer job was at the Moonlite Drive In Theater. My second was at McDonalds, and my past summer job was at Dairy Queen. I also work currently at Dairy Queen during my long breaks from boarding school. I am thankful for these job experiences. They have prepared me mentally and financially. This is important in that I am now more mature and responsible; which helps me not to be weary of the future but to look forward to it.
I am glad to have acquired a taste of what the real world has to offer. I have learned many lessons from my public high school, boarding school, and work experiences. I am now ready to learn many more lessons through my college experience. Although, it has been tough, I have made it this far. I am prepared to excel and make it much further in the years to come with my college education. This evolving positive outlook has reassured me and has given me the motivation I need to become successful. I never give up. When I am determined to achieve, ?I shoot for the moon and land amongst the stars?(unknown). I hope that by reading this you will also see that I am prepared to embark on my journey to a new world, the world of Berea College.

Название: What Motivates You To Seek A College
Раздел: Топики по английскому языку
Тип: реферат
Добавлен 02:51:02 12 ноября 2010 Похожие работы
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