Реферат: What A Beautiful Birthday Essay Research Paper

Реферат: What A Beautiful Birthday Essay Research Paper


What A Beautiful Birthday Essay, Research Paper
When I was very young, I’m not sure what age, maybe five or six years old, my Mother gave me a wonderdul gift; She took me to the circus for my birthday. That day has been in my memory for many years. Like any child in that age, I enjoyed my visit to the circus and I felt that I was thehappiest kid in the world.
I remember Saturday September 27 as
if it were just yesterday. My pretty mother got up early as usual and began to decorate the house. She blew up balloons, and hung them in the living room, baked a big cake,and hung up a pinata.
My mother invited many kids from the block and my brothers and sisters were there too. Many children gave me presents, some brought toy cars, clothes, and games. My mother gave me a tricycle. Everybody played games and ate delicious food. At one point we all got together and the pinata was beaten down, all danced rock and roll and disco music.
When the party was over, my mother came to me asked if I had had a good time? I told her, of course and thanked her for everything. I didn’t know that she had something else to surprise me with.
After a few seconds, She brought me to my room and changed my clothes, and told me. “we were going to where the clowns, magicians, and animals are waiting for us, the circus.”
In our way to the circus we took a bus for about 30 minutes, and as soon as we got off, I was shocked, my mother pointed on the tent of the circus. Everything looked like a big festival, thousand of people were already there, some were in line to get in, others were buying tickets, but everybody seemed happy enjoying the junk food.
After we formed a long lines, we came in. Inside everything was delightful, colorful and brilliant. The clowns were funniest and they played with the kids doing alot of jokes. The magician were fantastic, the trapeze artist extraordinary.
Three hours after, we were back on the bus going home. My mother asked me again about my feeling, and I told how happy I was, and I gave her a big kiss and a hug, she said, “happy birthday my son.”

Название: What A Beautiful Birthday Essay Research Paper
Раздел: Топики по английскому языку
Тип: реферат
Добавлен 11:07:51 08 ноября 2010 Похожие работы
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