Реферат: Theology Reflection Essay Research Paper Theology ReflectionChapter

Реферат: Theology Reflection Essay Research Paper Theology ReflectionChapter


Theology Reflection Essay, Research Paper
Imagine a situation in which you are arrested and
imprisoned for being a Christian. What are you thinking as
you sit in your prison cell? Write down your feelings and
behavior as if writing a journal entry.
As I sit in my prison cell for something that I have no
control over, being a Christian by birth, I wonder why they
would do this to me. They know there is nothing that I
could do about being born a Christian. Even though I was
born into Christianity I will remain strong in my beliefs of
my religion. I dont understand what could be going through
there minds, knowing I have done nothing wrong. There is
nothing that I can do to help myself besides sit here and
let God take things into his own hands.
I know that I will be fine because I am going to put
all of my trust into God and if there is anybody that I can
trust it is God. If there could just be one question that I
could ask God rite now it would be why? Why have I been
imprisoned for being a Christian? I have done nothing but
kept my faith and I can do nothing but sit here and pray.
I feel very upset because they have taken somebody so
innocent. But I know that if I keep all of my faith in God
and do not have a single doubt about God and what he will do
for me I will be okay. But if there is one single doubt in
God than I know that something is wrong. I should be able
to keep my faith in God even if it means that they will have
to kill me. I will not say to them that I do not believe in
God because I will keep my faith in God and everything
If I were to tell them I did not believe in
Christianity, not only would be turning my back on my family
and whole heritage I would be turning my back on the most
important thing in my life, God. If God knows that I am
willing to put my life on the line for him just as he did
for every single one of us he will know how strong my faith
in Christianity and him is. But if I were to deny my faith
I would never to be able to show my face around anybody
again. I say this because I would be turning away from
everyone and I would not be able to live with myself knowing
what I had done. Buy I am just going to keep my faith in
God and I believe that I will be in good shape!

Название: Theology Reflection Essay Research Paper Theology ReflectionChapter
Раздел: Топики по английскому языку
Тип: реферат
Добавлен 21:23:51 10 ноября 2010 Похожие работы
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