Реферат: The River Runs Through It Essay Research

Реферат: The River Runs Through It Essay Research


The River Runs Through It Essay, Research Paper
The Water is Wide takes place on the coast of South Carolina and Yamacraw Island during the nineteen sixties. A man by the name of Pat Conroy offers to teach over on the island, many people on the island have no education and are illiterate. When Conroy gets over to the island he finds himself very disgraceful. The teachers at the school believe that the children cannot be taught. His method of teaching is very different from others. One of Conroy s goals was to teach the children about America. So he showed them movies and let them listen to American musicians. After doing this about every day, it made an influence in the children s lives.
Big C and Lincoln were the class clowns. They hated the principle because every time they did something bad she would beat them. During most of his time on the island, Conroy stayed with the Skimberry s. The Skimberry s were a nice couple named Zeke and Ida.
When Halloween came around Conroy decided he wanted to take the children over to Bluffton, South Carolina, or Halloween so they could trick or treat. None of the kids even knew what trick or treating was. After making field trip forms and sending them home with all the children. The children came back with one of them signed. So Conroy went door to door asking begging each of the parents to let their children go.
Throughout the story Pat Conroy took the children many places. Unfortunately Mrs. Brown and Ted Stone accused him of doing many wrong things. He was not able to return the next year.
Even if Conroy did not teach the children anything, he still felt they would be able to survive in the outside world.
I like this book. It made me very thankful that I have a good education. I also like the way Pat Conroy writes. In the future, I hope to read some of his other books. My favorite part of the book was when they would listen to the music of different artists, I also liked when they would play outside and he would tell about how they played so roughly. This was the best book I have read in a long time. The one part I did not really like was how it did not really tell when the story took place. I also did not like all the description. I think people of all ages should read this book.

Название: The River Runs Through It Essay Research
Раздел: Топики по английскому языку
Тип: реферат
Добавлен 20:06:56 29 октября 2010 Похожие работы
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