Реферат: The Power Of Knowledge Essay Research Paper

Реферат: The Power Of Knowledge Essay Research Paper


The Power Of Knowledge Essay, Research Paper
A person?s feeling can be depicted by the
way he or she draws their pictures.
Superiority and inferiority can be shown by
the way the artist makes a person or ship
larger or smaller than another person or
ship. This is shown in the Spanish picture
where the French ships are on the coast of
America. The French ships are small and the
Native Americans appear to be larger. In
another picture it shows a tribe of Native
Americans gathered around each other in a
The first picture shows the Spaniards belief
that the French are inferior to the Native
Americans and themselves. They depict this
by drawing the Native Americans much
larger than the French people and even their
ships. The power of the Spaniards is proven
when they combine forces with the Native
Americans to annihilate the French in
The Europeans believed power was about
conquering people. They conquered people
in the name of God and Christianity. If they
could not convert them they would destroy
them. Their only knowledge was of God and
The Native Americans believed power was
in the tribe. The picture of the Native
together. They thought a close ?knit society
was the best way of life. They created
villages where people lived close to each
other. They had a number of different
occupational groups in their society. The
Native Americans knew how to use the land
far better than the Europeans. The Native?s
farmland was located around the village.
That also showed the how tight their bonds
were. Because they all worked together on
the farm and all took home some of the
On the other hand, the Europeans tended to
keep a distance from each other. They had
no sense of community. They did this
because they wanted more land to farm. The
more land they farmed the more money they
could make. The Europeans had no real
idea of who their neighbors were they lived
in isolation. The main difference is the
Europeans were all about themselves,
where the Native Americans were all about
I believe this is more about power than it is factual. I think if the
Spaniards wanted to change history they could because they had
the power. One nobody really knew what was going on in the New
World so they could lie about it. The second thing is who can stop
them. At that time Spain was a major world power, so they could

Название: The Power Of Knowledge Essay Research Paper
Раздел: Топики по английскому языку
Тип: реферат
Добавлен 05:39:28 16 ноября 2010 Похожие работы
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