Реферат: The Nothing Cause And Effect Essay Research

Реферат: The Nothing Cause And Effect Essay Research


The Nothing/ Cause And Effect Essay, Research Paper
Introduction: The Trial and Death of Socrates, Romeo and Juliet and Huckleberry Finn are all
classic literary works that involve a theme that reflects miscommunication. Defined,
miscommunication is the * ?failure to communicate clearly?. What causes such a thing; and
Thesis statement: Miscommunication is usually caused by a lack of trust and/or
open-mindedness, which can have negative effects on people such as, lying to each other,
fighting with each other, and, more often than not, ending in broken relationships.
I. What causes miscommunication is not as easy to define as the word itself.
A. Some may say it is caused by ?the generation gap?, others may say it is caused
by ?the gender gap?, and there are always those who will just stare blankly when
B. There is a vast amount of situations that ignite the effects of miscommunication,
but they all can be narrowed down to one basic theory of the cause.
C. This theory of cause can be worded as a basic fear of truthful and ?wide-open?
II. Often times, people are not comfortable with being open and honest with each
A. They don?t want to take responsibility for whatever the mishap and will lie or
change their stories if they think it will support their cause.
B. This in turn will begin a cycle, that if not broken, can escalate into a ?snow ball ?
C. No matter the situation, neither party, truthful or not, wants to take any of the
blame. This becomes an emotional logic where negative times positive sums up
III. Lack of rational communication through lying and arguing builds up over time and
leads down to the next step; fighting.
A. It can be opinionated that usually it is the person who is at fault that will initiate a
fight due to their own personal frustrations.
B. Fighting peaks because of anger and evolves into resentment.
C. These effects, although still effects of miscommunication, are what causes the
IV. The breakdown of relationships is the most serious and saddest effect
A. This result usually ends in emotional serration?s that for most will last a lifetime
because of something as foolish as pride.
B. These types of relationships are all; such as in marriages, between parent and
child, siblings, friends, and co-workers.
C. All in all, ends that are much more valuable than their means
Conclusion: Miscommunication goes back, and even farther back than the time periods of
Plato, Shakespeare, and as recent as Mark Twain. What can be done to resolve this timeless
battle between man is as simple as making the effort to communicate clearly with understanding.
However, stated, it is easy to see such a black and white resolution in black and white, because
in reality, the lying, the fighting, and the severed relationships adds many shades of gray to the
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Название: The Nothing Cause And Effect Essay Research
Раздел: Топики по английскому языку
Тип: реферат
Добавлен 15:50:23 30 октября 2010 Похожие работы
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